PETER wrote:What is your problem?
I can make you a jacket
why are you so anti?
Because you and my hubbie don't get along! You two need to bury the hatchet! We're going to be in London in April. We need to take you and your lovely wife out to dinner and you and Todd need to get good and drunk. Deal? I'm a red-headed Irish girl, Mr. Botwright. I am impossible to resist!
In the interests of keeping the peace (if made) over there, you'd better have a full set of measurements done by your tailor before you go...
Well, you could post a pic of the two of you together
Years ago I was studying in Germany and a fellow at the institute told the story of a couple who got married. Some of their friends couldn't make the event, so they thought they'd send a nice portrait of themselves from the wonderful day. They wrote to one of their long-time friends saying "We'll send you a picture. Let us know if you'd like a mounted one."
He wrote back, "Thanks very much! Mounted not necessary, holding hands will do."
Im really sorry that I couldn't make it this year. Next year ( or should I say this year ) I'm not sure. I don't fly anymore and the drive is to much for my back by myself. Maybe someone we drive down with me this year.
If you give me a measurement I can send a paper crown to double check it with my conformer.
_ wrote:Actually, we're going to be in you're neck of the woods this summer as well. We're going to hit the Oregon coast and stay with friends in canon beach. And Kelly's got a weakness for factory tours so I need to take her to the Tilamook creamery.
First, it's Cannon Beach, not canon beach... thats a camera.
Second, its Tillamook, not Tilamook... (2) L's.....
Third... you might need a bigger conformer...
nicktheguy wrote:Isn't that the area where they said One Eyed Willy hung out (Goonies reference)?
Sure is!!! And it's quite gorgeous too I might add.
If you ever get the chance it's also a great place to camp on the beach. I did it back in my Air Force days and it was an amazing time. All I remember about it was that by midnight the tide had left and we walked, what seemed like forever, into the ocean and the water only got up to our knees. When we stopped we were at least 200 yards from the shore and still could have walked more.
_ wrote:
Kelly and I are working our way up the coast next summer. Starting in Santa Barbara for a wedding, up through Cambria and then a week in San Francisco/Berkley/Walnut Creek. Then back on the PCH, Eureka, Cannon Beach (Haystack Rock) up across the Columbia River, Ocean Shores, Hoquim (Kurt Cobain's nemesis hometown), Puyallup (_'s nemesis hometown). We'll do Mt. Rainier, Doc Maynards, Pike Place, Alaskan Way, Northlake Tavern, Leavenworth, Port Townsend, Whidbey Island, Deception Pass, Chuckanut Drive, Bellingham/Fairhaven, Vancouver, then the ferry at Tsawwassen and a weekend at the Empress in Victoria. Then a high-speed ferry to Seattle and a flight home...
So that means you'll be having dinner with us in Vancouver/Tsawwassen? There is a fantastic sushi place in Ladner - really good sushi. And in Victoria I would even take the ferry over there and have dinner with you at Pagliacci's. It's amazing Italian food. The guy - Howie Siegel from NY owns it and the food is amazing!
tmurph wrote:NICE! But there is something going on in the first four pics. Flash I think making big circles.
LOL. At first, I really thought those circles were part of the jacket and I was thinking that I did not remember that being on the movie jacket. Seriously though this is a beautiful jacket. The closeup shots are fabulous. The workmanship is evident and the grain on the jacket is excellent. Will you use acetone on this jacket? What is the leather?
Really nice look jacket _. It's good to have you back.
What do you do with zipper pulls on the sleeves to keep them out of the way? Do you unzip the sleeves a couple inches to get them up and away from your palms?
_ wrote:...And while the name escapes me and I can no longer eat them - the best donuts in the world are to be found at a freakish little joint in Portland.
You're either thinnking of Annie's out in the NE, Fremont and Sandy (about 5 blocks from where I lived)
the intersection from heck across from Safeway. Any day of the week, placed was a mob packed...
Or it could be VooDoo donuts right in downtown off of Burnside. (Never gone there, although I passed it all the time when I worked at KOIN.)
I can't keep up with you guys. A whole thread about Oregon!
I used to live there for 6 years, so it is near and dear to my heart. I think the Oregon Food Handler's association cracked down on Voodoo Doughnuts for serving their NyQuil doughnuts.
I got married at the 24 Hour Church of Elvis there, once upon a time. The lady who ran it out of her apartment next to Mary's Strip Club got evicted, so it doesn't exist anymore as far as I know.
The hide is comp weight cowhide. Acetone won't do anything as it's drum dyed. I have some "before" pics I'll post so you can get an idea as to grain from shrinkage.
I'm enjoying the jacket and will post more pics as they come!
Yes, I would like to see the before pics.
Do you wash every jacket? Do you wash Cold or hot? Soap or no soap? Never in the dryer? Takes guts to throw a $1000 jacket into the wash....
With the suede detailing of different colors, I would advise against the washer treatment for this one. The suede would definatley shrink at a different rate than the leather and the dye used may not be color fast. It would really stink to end up with puckered, discolored suede detailing.
Hey Champ. The jacket ROCKS. The more I see you in these jackets the more I want one. I'm jealous. I have always wanted an X but just can't seem to afford one. ah, well.. one day it'l come. one day... enjoy them my friend. you really wear them well. dang!
Thanks for the pics _. One question - what is going on with your camera? Closeups are great - wide shots are, well blurry. You didn't have the camera in the pocket of that jacket when you threw it in the wash did you? Macro turned on? Oh well. Regardless I respect your skill with these kinds of jackets. To be able to shrink it so perfectly. Nice work. I am sure washing it makes it completely unreturnable too so its a one shot deal here. Do all leathers shrink and if they do will they ever stretch back over time? I am sure I read that for the last part of the drying you wear the jacket while its still wet. True?
Again, fuzzy or not, those pictures tell the story.
I'm guessing that _ sets the camera on auto with timer and the focus is off for the wide shots, but since he's able to focus it himself for the close ups those come out perfect....No worries P. we can all see what the Jacket looks like (You did great work on that shortening mate, I'd be interested as to how you managed it so perfectly!)..
Good stuff..
Good to see you back. And in another excellent jacket, too. I'm trying to figure out if I can make it to FL to see some of this stuff (and the lovely and talented Ms. Rabbit - and you too, I guess) in person.
Hey Todd, LOVE THAT X-2! I never really examined it all that much from my dvd(I have the X-O Wested) but seeing the up close photos now I am tantalized! Congrats for you Mate. I am also happy to hear you and Kelly will DINE with Peter and his better half. After 13 years I am very pleased. I will be always on your side, but it takes a real man(and woman) to do this. I am sure you will all have a glorious time and at the end say"Why have we fought again?" Cheers to you and you perfect jacket.
P.S. Good to have ya back!!!!
P.S.S. Now that I am an addict, I need "The Mans Vanson X-O jacket! When does the maddness end?
Last edited by Gringo on Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
awesome jacket! it's nice to see some gets old seeing the same jacket over and over again. i wouldn't mind getting one of those for myself some day!
Jacket thread???? I want the route mapped out. It sounds like a trip I've been planning with my sweetie, except we'll start in San Diego or LA? Not sure of the time frame, though.
I love seeing _ in his jackets...even in this last few pics where it was new and didnt fit him just yet..he always looks so natural like he has been wearing it for years, which is exactly the kinda vibe one has to have to pull off wearing some the stuff we get!
Gorak wrote:I love seeing _ in his jackets...even in this last few pics where it was new and didnt fit him just yet..he always looks so natural like he has been wearing it for years, which is exactly the kinda vibe one has to have to pull off wearing some the stuff we get!
Thanks bud - I appreciate the sentiment. Glad people enjoy my collections. That's half the fun.
Speaking of _'s collection. Did you get your Burma bridge buster A-2?? I know you ordered it around the same time i put in a order at Aero.
Great choice in patches. WASPs were essential to our war effort. I just got my 8 year old daughter that exact patch. I'm trying to find a decent child's size A2 to put it on.
That leather looks awesome. Is that the russet unmathced horsehide?
It's always disturbing to hear that this kind of stuff goes on, but I guess that's a part of all our e-lives for the foreseeable future. May we presume that these communications have been forwarded to mods at the appropriate forums for action? Frankly, I don't want to share space here or elsewhere with anyone so nekulturniy.
_, I appreciate that not everyone on this messageboard gets along, but I really don't want to get drawn into it. I have friends all over the net and it grieves me to see people I consider to be friends are at each other throats.
I am not going to say any more, as I don't want this thread to get shut down.
*sigh* Todd, here's the thing. I cannot be on COW 24/7 and also cannot be expected to know about everything that has gone on before.
This is similar to a situation that Chewie told me about when two of his friends got into a disagreement, and one of the friends gave him an ultimatum, "it's either him or me." Now, I am not saying that this is the case here, but it's very difficult situation for me, as I feel that I am being pulled in different directions. Yes, you may not like Agent5 or G-MANN, but the fact remains that these two are good friends of mine.
This is so very frustrating for me and I beginning to get sick and tired of this online politics, I really am. Time for me to take a break, I think.