My new LC Young Indy whip.

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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My new LC Young Indy whip.

Post by kwad »

Hi guys and gals,

I purchased one of Todd's new 6' whips recently with the intention of turning it into a Young Indy.
The new whips are the same quality as the old batch, however, the fall that came with it is unfortunately next to useless. Luckily, I had a Latigo fall purchased from Paul Nolan (If you need a new fall, go to Paul. They are, in my opinion, the best you can get!)

Here's the whip shortly after i received it....

I redyed the thong with using black Fiebings Pro Oil dye, and the handle section received a dose of red Fiebings. The indian tanned latigo fall has also been dyed black to match.

I did not care for the knots, so I retied them. The original butt knot was kinda squishy (the knot foundation was nothing more than a strip of suede, wrapped around a few time). I made the new knot foundation using lead sheeting, covered with leather. This resulted in a much better balanced whip. The new balance point is now about 1 inch from the transition knot.

Here's the finished product.....


And just to be artistic, one more shot with a few pieces of my gear....


I couldn't be happier with this whip. It still needs some more conditioning, and could use another rolling, but, I took it out to crack to day and was pleasantly surprised. For the first time ever, I was able to succesfully perform a volley \:D/
The balance is excelent now, and the whip handles unbelievably well.
It cracks with little effort and is sooo easy to control. Multi crack combos (which I could never accomplish with my other whips, even my other 6 footers) were a breeze.
Like my 8 foot Todds, the 6 foot has an excelent transition. The binding appears to extend about 14" past the transition, and gives the whip the feeling of one with a longer handle. I believe this has a lot to do with how well the whip handles.

I hope you folks like it as much as I do. :whip:
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Re: My new LC Young Indy whip.

Post by tomek9210 »

I think it turned out very well. Looks much better than before dyeing. For such amount of money you won't find better whip.
Once again great job! Maybe some video ;) ?
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Re: My new LC Young Indy whip.

Post by kwad »

Thanks Tomek!

As far as video, I've been planning on making some of me cracking my whips (mainly so I can study my form). When I finally get around to it, I'll make sure to throw this whip in the mix.
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Re: My new LC Young Indy whip.

Post by Noah »

Great job on dyeing the whip kwad! It turned out great! I'd also like to see a video of your whips. :)
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Re: My new LC Young Indy whip.

Post by IndianaBravo »

Wow, wow and wow! Superb job kwad! The new knots and lead weighting have transformed that whip! If I send you my Todd´s could you do the same? :D Just kidding.
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Re: My new LC Young Indy whip.

Post by imtheflash »

Very Nice whip! this is one of the whips someone who will remain nameless was supposed to be making for me LOL
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Re: My new LC Young Indy whip.

Post by kwad »

Thanks guys!


If you are willing to pay the shipping and handling...... ;)


This was one of the whips on my "whish list" from "He who shall not be named" (I had several whips that I was going to order over time, but, you know the rest....)
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