I told John Penman that I wanted to give her a sahara colored fedora in pure Beaver. She liked the Last Crusade style best so we went for that. After discussing with John about the ribbon, he decided to put on some very nice vintage ribbon from his personal stash.
Then the day came when it arrived. Even though this is the 5th hat I have received from John, and quite a few ABs and ABDs, and fully knowing that this hat wasn't even FOR me, I was still excited to open it up! My first reactions when I held it in my hands was I couldn't believe how SOFT it was! Out of EVERY SINGLE HAT I have ever owned, this is BY FAR the softest! I couldn't believe how floppy the brim was! And the ribbon! John was right- this ribbon is PERFECT for this hat! I am so glad he decided to use it.
When Amanda finally got a hold of this hat (after prying it away from me), the first thing she said was about how soft it was (it's REALLY soft!). She loves the thing to death, and she wanted to make sure that I thanked John for his terrific work! So THANKS JOHN!!!!
Enough talk. Here's some pics of my lovely lady sportin' her fine Penman!