I ordered a Collectors Edition Signature Series Indy-style Vintage Adventurer Jacket back in July of 2010. After the transaction processed fine, I didn't hear from them at all for a few weeks so I sent them an e-mail asking if they had any word on the jacket. I got an e-mail back saying (paraphrased) "Oh, it's out of stock. We sent an e-mail telling you, they should ship by September." Well, I checked my spam folder, inbox, etc. They had never sent an e-mail but oh well, I replied that I could live with that since I wouldn't wear the jacket until it was chilly anyway. Well September came and went with no word from US Wings. I sent another e-mail in early October and got a reply back that they apologized for the delay and had no idea when the jackets would ship. I never received any kind of tracking number and then suddenly the jacket showed up in late October. It was too big (my fault) and I came on here and got some opinions on the fit from you guys. Thanks for the replies btw, and the consensus was that the jacket was too big.
I e-mailed Myke at US Wings that I would like to exchange my large jacket for a medium. He replied back with a return authorization number and I sent the jacket back via UPS. Thanks to the tracking number I saw that it arrived safely back at US Wings in early November. November turned into December and I hadn't heard a word back from U.S. Wings. A few more e-mails to Myke were never answered. So around mid December I called them up. The lady I talked to said "We don't have anything about an exchange, just that you wanted to do a straight return." I said "No, I never asked for a return, I have all of the old emails I sent showing I asked to exchange a large for a medium." She said "Ok, we can do that, but the Collectors Edition is out of stock and we have no idea when we'll get it." I then asked if I could do an exchange for a similar jacket instead of waiting for months yet again. We settled on exchanging my original Vintage jacket for a VIP Adventurer's Jacket. She said "That one's in stock, let me go pull it before someone else gets it. It won't ship today, it's too late, but I'll get it out tomorrow." So I thanked her and thought that would finally be the end of it. Well December turned into January, no jacket, no shipping number, no e-mails from US Wings. I called yet again and was told that the first lady I talked to no longer worked for US Wings, my jacket had not shipped and in fact they were still showing it in their system as a straight return, not exchange. So I told them my story yet again, I did not want a return, I wanted an exchange. She said that wouldn't be a problem and she'd get the jacket out to me soon.
The jacket arrived today and the fit is great. One big problem though, the cuffs of the sleeves look as if they were sewed by a blind person. Both cuffs are completely uneven, sewed badly, and you can feel a lot of excess leather bunched up inside the sleeve. I'm not returning it this time, with the way things are going it'd be months before I'd expect to see another jacket. I haven't contacted US Wings, at this point I think I'd just rather go to a local tailor and try to have the sleeves repaired rather than deal with US Wings again. I know they have a good reputation but my experience with US Wings has been mostly a headache. Thanks for listening to my gripe.
Has anyone else had such a frustrating experience with US Wings? And any advice on the sleeves?
EDIT: I just want to make clear, this isn't meant to be a rant against US Wings. I realize from visiting these boards that my experience is probably in the minority. It's just very frustrating to go this long and still not have things taken care of. And the jacket is beautiful, if it wasn't for the jacked up looking sleeves I'd be completely pleased with it.
EDIT #2: I changed the post subject line because I thought the original sounded a bit on the dramatic/too angry side.