Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

I'll maintain; I reckon the large was the size for you.....As Holt said; You've gotta factor in shrinkage as the leather forms creases in the arms and body......IMO the large looked the dogs bollocks on you... :TOH:

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Indyzane »

I'm thinking I like the large better.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by ThatManFromRio »

IndianaChris711 ,
could you show the same comparison pics between large and medium but in full-length ? IMO this is the only way to know which jacket fits you really well as far as your overall
figure is concerned .This may not be a concern for COW tall guys , but you said you're 5'6'' , and a jacket being too large or too long tends to visually shorten one's height , even more if you wear your jacket with Indy style loose fitting pants .

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by IndianaChris711 »

ThatManFromRio wrote:IndianaChris711 ,
could you show the same comparison pics between large and medium but in full-length ? IMO this is the only way to know which jacket fits you really well as far as your overall
figure is concerned .This may not be a concern for COW tall guys , but you said you're 5'6'' , and a jacket being too large or too long tends to visually shorten one's height , even more if you wear your jacket with Indy style loose fitting pants .

TMFR, what do you mean by showing comparison pictures in full length?? Like shot of the back the front, sides, etc?? If you could clarify that for me, that would be great, and I will do my best to get photos of them. Again I tried on both jackets here this morning and I still like the large, the medium fits well, just I am liking the large more.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by ThatManFromRio »

I'm sorry not being precise enough .I meant pics taken from a distance to show you from head to feet !
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by IndianaChris711 »

ThatManFromRio wrote:I'm sorry not being precise enough .I meant pics taken from a distance to show you from head to feet !
Oh ok, got it, the weather here is not the greatest, been extremely cold, I might try to get some pictures outside maybe, if not I will try to get some pictures inside hopefully that will help. I think though I am sticking with the large.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Finally got mine out of customs :clap:

It's my first lambskin jacket, so I was really suprised about how light and soft the leather is compared to my other cow skin jackets.....anyhoo...Have a look and let me know what you think about the fit...I'm undecided....It seems a little tight in the shoulders and back...and I'm always paranoid that the lenght at the front is too short on my Indy jackets...






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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Scott63 »


Years ago I made the mistake of keeping an A-2 jacket that was a little too tight in the shoulders. Every time I stretched out my arms out (like when driving my car) it would bind. The leather never stretched enough, and I never got use to the tightness.

I’d hang on to the large. It looks good on you.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

wow dude. you rock that jacket! hang on to it. perfect fit
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Hollowpond »

I agree Holt. Very nice! Just wait till it breaks in...

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by RaidersBash »

Man, I really like ALL these jackets. They really look tough as nails...

But I can't get over the pocket size...they just look so BIG

More like for holding a Grail Diary or something. I thought there were measurements somewhere but I can't find them.

IANf: if you have a sec. can you measure yours?

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Cheers dudes!!! I guess it's a keeper then......I guess because I spent so much on this I wanted to make sure it was right...The last thing I want is for it to shrink up and not fit any more... :cry:

The pocket size.....Mines a XXL (dunno if that makes a difference to the pocket size) and the pockets are 6 1/4" wide x 9 1/4" long...

Whilst the leather is soft, it's a little stiff in the seams etc, so at the moment it's not very drapey...especially at the front, but I guess that's just a time thing.....Love the jacket though.... :)

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by G-MANN »

Glad to see you finally got yours! Looks Fine to me Ian. It will soften up and relax very quickly.

Length looks just right.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by RaidersBash »

Ian wrote:Cheers dudes!!! I guess it's a keeper then......I guess because I spent so much on this I wanted to make sure it was right...The last thing I want is for it to shrink up and not fit any more... :cry:

The pocket size.....Mines a XXL (dunno if that makes a difference to the pocket size) and the pockets are 6 1/4" wide x 9 1/4" long...


Yeah, my Todd's Standard pockets measure 6 1/4"W X 7" I guess that extra 2 inches is what's making my eyes boggle.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Ian wrote:Whilst the leather is soft, it's a little stiff in the seams etc, so at the moment it's not very drapey...especially at the front, but I guess that's just a time thing.....Love the jacket though.... :) Ian
Hey Ian,
Just want to add to what the guys here are saying:
The fit looks spot on to me as well! :) :tup:
(Although, I've got to add that you've gotta train that collar a bit! ;) I've seen a few shots of Legends now that show a collar that has a bit of a wonky curl to it... but no worries: every now & again -but especially after you've been caught in a rainshower- get your hands up onto it in a bit of an "Honest Abe Lincoln lapel hold" pose with your thumbs holding the collar into shape and it should take on it's new shape in no time!)

I want you to know that I DO get where you're coming from when you say that you're a little bit uneasy where it's fitting you snug here & there... I felt the same about my U.S. Wings when I first got it (same with my Nowak, too!) but I'm completely in agreement with these words from G-MANN:
G-MANN wrote:Glad to see you finally got yours! Looks Fine to me Ian. It will soften up and relax very quickly. Length looks just right.
Hear, hear.

Also, regarding "drapiness" keep in mind what Travis wrote earlier:
Hollowpond wrote:I contacted our local leather care expert about putting Pecards on this sucker, his suggestion was Lexol...not Pecards! Seems lambs tiny pores prefer it. Never being one to turn down his sage advice, I purchased some today and applied it to my jacket. MAN! It really relaxed the leather and made some of the grain pop right out. Any of my panels that had a little bit of stiffness to them are limp as as wet noodle right now. Talk about Raiders drape!!!! I highly recommend it!
Hope you get a LOT of enjoyment out of that Legend, Ian... Leave it ON for a good, long while!
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mark Brody »

Those jackets look great, especially after a couple weeks. I wonder, though, if it looks that old after only a couple weeks, how long will it be before it wears out completely? I know these are thick jackets, but isn't lambskin really soft and weak? I'm thinking about getting the US made jackets (if they fix the pocket issue), and that opens up the opportunity for lambskin in addition to cow.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Thanks Mitch!! I shall heed your advice, along with everyone elses....

Thanks for your words of comfort about the tightness :TOH: ...

The jacket is only a day old and so it's pretty much just box shaped ;) ...I had thought of training that collar with a little water.....Just a question...Will this leather shrink when it gets wet? I can imagine a downpour hurting the leather because it seems like it'd soak water up like a sponge....Sorry about this, but I'm only used to cow hide..

Incidently.....I'm quite enjoying the book about Sarge that was sent with the jacket... :)

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

lambskin skin can be really tough and almost bullet proof. I have seen a lambskin jacket that was 22 years old and looked like it has been worn to battle. at frst I tought it was a cowhide..I was prooven wrong and I was really suprised by it. it all depends about how it is split and tanned. and for the record. these jackets are not lamb but sheep. sheep is a grown up lamb and has a fatter skin. I think these Striated lambskins has the same strength as cowhide. the same striated skin was used on the avirex flight jackets.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Mark Brody wrote:Those jackets look great, especially after a couple weeks. I wonder, though, if it looks that old after only a couple weeks, how long will it be before it wears out completely? I know these are thick jackets, but isn't lambskin really soft and weak? I'm thinking about getting the US made jackets (if they fix the pocket issue), and that opens up the opportunity for lambskin in addition to cow.
I'm thinking that although lamb isn't as tough as cow or goat it isn't going to fall to pieces after a year or so....I think the shininess goes after a while, so it looks like it's distressed a lot when in fact it isn't.....Maybe someone else would know better about this.....

I reckon if _ and Weston can throw theirs into a washing machine, then a tumble dryer and survive, then it can't be that delicate.. :TOH:

Edit: Just read Holts post above......The lamb does feel like a weaker hide though (even though it may not be) and it is really light compared with my cow jackets...Might give the illusion that it's weaker... :-k

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Tennessee Smith »

I have to agree with you Holt. The SL is one tough jacket and thick as can be. I'm amazed at how light it is compared to a few of my other jackets but it still has some heft to it. This is my go to jacket anymore. All I have to say to anyone that owns one is lift your arms... no forearm showing.

And Ian, this is one tough jacket. The "normal" lamb that's been used on this style of jacket have usually been 1/2 to 1/3 the thickness. This is like having armor on. I've never seen a lamb jacket this thick. That alone should mean something to the tensile strength but I'm not an expert there. :-k
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Indyzane »

Ian your jacket looks amazing! :clap: Wow, it's a XXL? Enjoy your new jacket! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Ian wrote:Just a question...Will this leather shrink when it gets wet? I can imagine a downpour hurting the leather because it seems like it'd soak water up like a sponge....Sorry about this, but I'm only used to cow hide..
Ian, I'll defer to the knowledge & expertise of our other leather experts here on the subject of shrinkage... I can only tell you of my own limited experiences which have been these:

- I once had a Wested Jacket in "Authentic Lamb"... it got really wet only a couple of times and I laid it out to dry... over time I noticed that it had seemed to shrink just a tiny bit (but also worth mentioning was that it also stretched out a little in places, too)

- My experience with this Striated Lamb (EDIT: Sheep - Thanks Holt) is new, but yesterday was the first time it got wet:
I got caught in a sudden rainshower during the 10 minute hike from work to my car (not a heavy downpour, mind you... but a bit MORE than a light rainshower, too) ...
The Legend got WET (but NOT soaked through) and I drove home wearing it in a warm car.
When I got home it felt dry but I continued to wear in indoors for about another hour or so until it felt good and dry (and I felt reassured that it had done all that it was going to do)... Then I hung it up on the hanger that Sarge & Myke threw in the box with the jacket and let it hang there overnight
(hey, I just realized: I don't think I've seen too much mention of these hangers... did anyone else get one of these? I really like it: it goes practically all the way out to the shoulder seams and has a nice "rounding" to the shoulder support)
...anyway, as I said I left it there overnight and then this morning took it down and just slung it over the railing of our bannister (where I usually keep it)... The jacket look and feels GREAT (if not better than before) and certainly has NOT suffered from the rain.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Thanks again uncle Mitch! ;)

Oh, I got a hanger with the jacket....It's wide enough to fit right into the shoulders so it shouldn't distort the jacket....Awesome!!

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Indyzane wrote:Ian your jacket looks amazing! :clap: Wow, it's a XXL? Enjoy your new jacket! Thanks for sharing.

Zane :TOH:
Yes, I just read my size off the chart on the website....I was worried that it might drown me, but seems to be a good fit according to my amigos...

Thanks dude!! :D

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Weston »

Looks like a great fit Ian. It's only going to look better and better as it breaks in. You can train that collar with cold water, or just mold it in your hands until it settles in right.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by G-MANN »

I would like to add a few things about the leather [at least on mine] the top color brown is painted on over a dyed surface [IMHO]. Which is more common than you may think.
Second is that although this leather is thick, the durability against scratches and tearing varies greatly from panel to panel. The painted surface wears off fairly quickly on the seams and also suedes up nicely. To me these all just add the the great aged look you get very quickly.

About 4 weeks old:




PS: Thanks for quoting me Mitch.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Indiana Croft »

Well January 25th, a jacket shall be on my door step, thankfully I'm on vacation next week and won't have to worry about missing. I'm just not sure if it's a SL import or a US made SL, I did ask for a bump, but maybe the imports came in.

And finally getting a chance to see a medium was awsome as thats what I went with. After talking with Sarge and going over my size/measurments, he agrees, a medium should do the trick.

Has anyone thought to throw it in the dry on no heat to loosen it up, not going to be brave enough to through it the washer after the conversatio I had with Sarge.

Common Tuuuuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. \:D/

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Here are some pictures Holt and TMFR requested of my medium and large jackets.

Medium backpanel.

Image ... ea03_b.jpg

Large backpanel

Image ... 509c_b.jpg

Full photos





Let me know what you guys think, I still think the large is better than the medium.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Tibor »

My gut says once it's broken in you'd like the medium better. I wonder if the large will get sloppy on you as it loosens up. I know there should be some room in the jacket but it looks like you have that with the medium.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Indyzane »

First off those jackets are amazing! :notworthy:

Ok I like the medium in the back, then I like the large in the front. ](*,)
Seriously! :shock:

I don't know what to tell you! I would go with your gut feeling on this. Witch do you like better? The medium might stretch a little? Or the large might shrink if it gets wet? How about layering with the medium can you? If not, I guess you should keep the large? Keep both! If you ever get a belly you'll have a large! :lol:

Sorry I'm not much help!

Zane :TOH:
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by TheExit148 »

Stick with the medium, it looks way better. The large looks too "large" on you.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

large ALL the way. love the backpanel. looks Raiders to a T.

Mine was tried delievered at the door yesterday.. of course I was not at home...
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Hollowpond »

I'm with you TheExit...My only other choice would to be to wash and dry the large, but GREAT CAUTION must be taken on this route!!!! Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny...and not only that, Sarge won't take it back then!!! :shock:

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

ya'll say the medium lambskin will stretch when actually ALL my lambskin jackets have shrunk. and all lambskin/sheepskin jackets owned by other people I have spoken to has done the same... lambskin shrinks rather then stretches. cowhide stretches.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Hollowpond »

I know it shrinks, but these new SL's from wings relax from new. When I first put mine on, I thought I was gonna throw up :-0 ...ITS TOO SMALL!!! :cry: Then I wore it around and it got better and better and better!!! Its now a PERFECT fit!!! And I don't throw that around too much. Another thing is, this thing fits me PERFECT and I am 6' even and 190 lbs. I can't remember what Chris said his size was, but it was considerably smaller than me. I just can't imagine that if the large fits me perfectly that it would also be perfect on him, but sizing is in the eye of the beerholder...(I mean beholder! ;) :H: ) So Chris, if you think the Large is the best, stick with it! If you like the medium, stick with that... :TOH:

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by bobcatmvp1 »

In the end it's your call, but IF i were you I'd stick with the medium.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by generalFROSTY »

I really like the US Wings jacket...if I didn't just buy a Wested, I would certainly have looked into one of these.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by orb »

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Tennessee Smith wrote:I have to agree with you Holt. The SL is one tough jacket and thick as can be. I'm amazed at how light it is compared to a few of my other jackets but it still has some heft to it. This is my go to jacket anymore. All I have to say to anyone that owns one is lift your arms... no forearm showing.

And Ian, this is one tough jacket. The "normal" lamb that's been used on this style of jacket have usually been 1/2 to 1/3 the thickness. This is like having armor on. I've never seen a lamb jacket this thick. That alone should mean something to the tensile strength but I'm not an expert there. :-k
I know what you mean, but it feels softer, more spongy to the touch...It might have the same, or a similar tensile strength, but it doesn't feel like it's toughness or resistance to scratching / tearing will be like cow.....To me the leather does feel quite delicate, but then I'm just used to cow hide....This is my first lamb skin ever........That said, it's nothing new that lamb skin is not as durable as cow hide. :TOH:

P.S. Is it S.A. to keep the leather zipper pull? :-k ;)

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

you know. now that I have this jacket it is different from all sheepskins/lambskins I have seen and felt. it feels like a different thickness and tensile strenght. I actually now have a feeling about that it will stretch out just alittle more then it would shrink...

we wil see..
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Post by Hollowpond »

That's one of the things I kept thinking about with Chris. It does relax and stretch some. After my jackets lexol bath (per Michaelson) it even relaxed moreso!!! It is still a substantial hide (strong tensile strength, but nowhere near puncture resistant) but it is as drapy as a cloth jacket! Even the sleeve creases have relaxed after the lexol. The fold lines are still there, and when you put it on the creases come back, but only because my hand keeps the sleeve from fully extending and smoothing them out.

This is a very strange and wonderful hide indeed!!!!

Ps holt, I'm glad you got yours!!!
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by ThatManFromRio »

Hi IndianaChris711 , the new set of pictures shows really well the fit of both sizes .
I would say keep the medium , it looks perfect on you , but my ultimate advice is ... wait for Holt ultimate advice !
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Ian wrote:P.S. Is it S.A. to keep the leather zipper pull? :-k ;)


Dude... Like... of course.... duh. :roll:

I mean, how many threads do we have here dedicated to the leather zipper pull? I mean Todd's costume, Magnoli, that guy from Asia somewhere make's them, Wested offers 4 versions....

The only problem is that Indy moves so fast you barely see on screen. Kinda like the "Gap", Hand Warmer size, and the tails on his jacket...


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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Tennessee Smith wrote:
Ian wrote:P.S. Is it S.A. to keep the leather zipper pull? :-k ;)


Dude... Like... of course.... duh. :roll:

I mean, how many threads do we have here dedicated to the leather zipper pull? I mean Todd's costume, Magnoli, that guy from Asia somewhere make's them, Wested offers 4 versions....

The only problem is that Indy moves so fast you barely see on screen. Kinda like the "Gap", Hand Warmer size, and the tails on his jacket...


Class!! :rolling:

Although, who has the original zipper pull pattern that made it into the movie? :lol:

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Michaelson »

It's in a lock box stored at the SkyWalker Ranch warehouse. Didn't you know that? :-s
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Michaelson wrote:It's in a lock box stored at the SkyWalker Ranch warehouse. Didn't you know that? :-s
....and I've just spent 2 hours putting Pecards on my supposedly S.A. zipper pull.... :x


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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Michaelson »

Hopefully the RIGHT Pecard's dressing. [-( ;)
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Hollowpond »

Here it is. All three depending on what movie...
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Seriously Hollowpond? :roll:

You know the original ring color was bronze... ](*,)

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