Finally using my bag...

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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by Weston »

Glad you found a use for it. I use mine when travelling, to keep my shaving stuff and other necessary items. Mine is also an original MKVII.

By the way, did anyone else spot Karl Urban wearing one in the Bourne Supremacy? See, it's also good for packing around your assasin stuff as well!

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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by fifthchamber »

Gym bag? Decent idea.... You mean during training? Or after? (I don't agree with people who carry iPods etc with them in gym, if you can carry one of those you're not training hard enough.. Although on a stat. Bike I guess it's fair enough..)
I dunno if I could fit the Protein shaker in there with my clothes (Although they do bundle up... Possible I guess).. I use mine for all the random stuff I carry when I don't want to throw it all in a backpack, mobile phone, keys, wallet etc...
Nice to see other Indy dudes who lift heavy though...I'd assumed since it makes fitting jackets such a pain in the ars@ that others wouldn't bother...
All the best...
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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Look at that - old dog and new tricks! I have an original and carry it daily to and from work with all my 'little bits of junk.'


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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by fifthchamber »

Not at all! Thanks for the welcome! And yeah, I hear you on the music... My gym is the school that I work at, so I have access to the music for myself too... LOL.. Makes it easier and since I'm pretty lame with wires it's probably safer all in all...Iron Maiden and The Prodigy all the way through depending on moods.. The Who are always class though..Great choice!
I was bodybuilding from 16 until 22 and then came to Japan to study martial arts, since getting here I've started lifting again, but since Japanese gyms aren't really equipped for heavyweight lifting I'm just doing it for laughs now... (That and the fact that if I get any bigger, nothing bought here fits me... And I'm not quite rich enough to order online everytime I need a new shirt... Stupid)..
I went through a low patch last year with work so managed to lose 10 kilos by not eating enough.. But I'm not saying that was a "high-point" in my dieting life...LOL..(If you want to try it, bread, six slices daily, and chicken breast to make up the protein... And coffee... But it stunk...LOL)
All the best Sir....
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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by kwad »

My bag was always just a costume piece/wall hanger. (I'm just not the "man-purse" type :P )
However, I too have just found a good use for it. It has now become my ammo/tool bag when I go shooting.
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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

I just noticed this bag ... rsack.html" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

today at Duluth Pack. Looks like a fine "modern" piece for anyone trying to come up with gear for a 21st century Indy.

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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by DanielJones »

Interesting use for the bag. Great idea for the minimalist gym rat like me. :D


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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by jlhampton »

my bag, well i have two. i have magnoli's bag and a todd's. i carry mine every day to work. i'm the kind of person that doesn't like carrying stuff in my pockets, especially a wallet, so that's where the bag comes in. i let the wife use the magnoli bag and i use the other. it's a great tool for light travel( wallet, keys, checkbook,...etc) however, i've never taken it to the gym.

_, sorry to hear about the heart attack. you've always seemed to be a pretty health conscious guy to me, but i guess it's hard to beat genetics. keep exercising and eat lots of cooked tomatoes(good for heart health) take care.

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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by BenBrim »

I've been thinking of getting one primarily to use for college, but I'm wondering if it might be too shallow. any thoughts? SHould I go for it or find another military style satchel?
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Re: Finally using my bag...

Post by jlhampton »

if you are needing something for books and college stuff, i'd say no. it's great for general everyday items. i believe the size of the bag is listed on each vender's site so you can have a general idea on what you can put in it. plus there are plenty of pics around here from other people's reviews. my todd's bag is just a little bit bigger than my magnoli, which i prefer. hope this helps.

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