The other great thing about IndyGear is...

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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The other great thing about IndyGear is...

Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

... and I'm sure this point has probably been made before, but the other great thing is that we can actually wear our gear (or at least most of it) in public on a daily basis and not look like we're in "costume" - or worse, look like complete lunatics! The reason I bring up this point is because I was chatting with a friend the other day who's Star Wars fan, and we got on the subject of collecting gear. As I said I was working on acquiring the entire Indy outfit, he mentioned he was saving up for an outfit as well - a Darth Vader costume, complete with lightsaber...
Nothing personal to all you Star Wars fans, but honestly, how many times would you actually be able to wear that in public? At best, once a year at a Halloween costume party? The basic Indy outfit can be worn everyday and until you don the Fedora, you won't hear anybody humming the "Raiders March..."
Personally, I wear pleated khaki/chinos and shirts in various earthtone Indy-esque colors, the web belt, and work boots on a daily basis; and, of course, once my Wested Lambskin arrives, it'll probably be July before I take it off!
So, just out of curiosity, how many others of you wear at least part of the outfit once a week or more, and if so which parts?
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Post by Michaelson »

Fedora, jacket, Aldens, everyday. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Akubra Fed everyday to work. It looks great with my suits.
Pants - almost everyday, after work
Shirt - at least once a week, but as you described, almost all of my shirts are Indiana Jones inspired
My Wested - I wear when it is above 35 degrees, or so, and it has not been in a very long time here in Boston. I know there are others who wear theirs everyday and I tip my hat to them.
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Post by Kit Walker »

Wested goat, Keppler fedora, boots, everyday sometimes with jeans sometimes with "indy pants" and shirts range from Cabela's "indy" shirt to fannel shirts sweatshirt whatever.
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Post by Indiana Grendel »

Wested - every day, temperature permitting (this is Texas, so that call is made on an hourly basis)

Cheap, Discovery Store fedora knockoff - when it is especially cold outside or rainy. (It's not an Indy fed and was purchased as a joke some years ago, but has served me incredibly well over the past few years.)

Boots - whenever I'll be outside, not at work (I wear greasy workboots at work) and won't be taking my boots off for a while (my version of Indy shoes is a pair of brown Corcoran 10" WWII style jump boots that take a while to remove / lace up.)

That's about the extent of my Indy Gear that I wear, and two of the three items certainly aren't screen authentic, but they've served me well regardless.


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Post by Mola Ram »

I use...

My WellsLamont 1130 golves to keep my hands warm while i walk to school.

I use my AE Indy boots everyday for normal wear,and in the snow on my way to school and back they work great.

I sometimes wear my vintage stetson as a winter hat.

And i am sure when my wested arrives i will wear it all the time.

thats it,
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Post by IndianaJames »

I wear at least one thing every day, whether its the jacket, Aldens, khakis, or MK VII, but I totally agree with the 1st post in this thread, I think its one of the major reasons this hobby is so appealing!

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Post by Fedora »

I wear my hat each and every day. That's about it. I do own the whole NH outfit, Aldens(thanks Michaelson), a lambskin Wested, a Cowhide Wested(thanks Michaelson), and of course 20 or so hats. My usual attire consists a hat, Levis, flannel shirt, Aldens, and my A-2. I am a simple man. Fedora
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Post by Michaelson »

Can't allow my 'hatman' to run around shoeless and cold, now can I? :wink: Regards. Michaelson
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Re: The other great thing about IndyGear is...

Post by Division 6 »

Panama Tom Jr. wrote:...
Nothing personal to all you Star Wars fans, but honestly, how many times would you actually be able to wear that in public? At best, once a year at a Halloween costume party?

Just to set this straight.
And this isn't a flame, just making a point.

For the most part the people that are into Star Wars costuming rarely dress up in it for Halloween.
Most wear their costumes at events and not just conventions.
The 501st and Rebel Legion as well as other groups spend a great deal of time doing local charity work for groups like Make a Wish, Toys for Tots, Cops and Kids, Coats for Kids, Marines Toy Collections, just to name a few.

There are also Community Events and Fund Raisers, Parades, Movie Premeres, Special LFL Events.
I personally have been to a number of LFL events that are not made public, as well as TV shows and special photo shots with actors.

The more active members of Garrisons wear their outfits about once a month or more depending on what's going on.
Summer and than Holiday seasons are the most active, but visits to Children's Hospitals are done on a regular basis.

Keep it in mind the next time you laugh at the silly people in plastic armor or robes.
They are doing far more for the community than anyone on this board, save for those in the Military.

A great deal of these people are in the Military, Police, Doctors and other Civil and Government agencies.

While there are quite a few of the nut cases out there as well, for the most part the rest try to stay professional about it.

Something to think about.

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Post by Michaelson »

Excellent points, D6, but before you paint everyone here with the same brush you think that group has been painted with, there as just as many folks at THIS site who do the same thing, including visiting hospitals for terminally ill children (just to name a single individual) that does as much good as the group 'who wears silly plastic outfits' in your post. So everyone, no more rock tossing. There's room for all these hobbies, silly or otherwise. :? Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I’m wearing my gear while raising a boy with another one on the way. Not as heroic as digging up the Ark… but who cares what non-fans think.

Best thing about Gear for me is that real men used to dress like this. One of our fellow members posted pics from this era… illustrating how far we’ve fallen. Men today look likes slobs. For me, this look represents a time when being a gentleman meant something.
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Post by Modern Jones »

Renderking Fisk wrote:I’m wearing my gear while raising a boy with another one on the way. Not as heroic as digging up the Ark… but who cares what non-fans think.

Best thing about Gear for me is that real men used to dress like this. One of our fellow members posted pics from this era… illustrating how far we’ve fallen. Men today look likes slobs. For me, this look represents a time when being a gentleman meant something.
You said it RK! People today dress pretty horribly (mostly). There's no pride in most of what people wear or longevity. The great thing about most of the gear we get and period clothes, is the durability and good looks of it all!!!

I do have to ask myself sometimes whether Indy could actually handle some of the stanky diapers and grossness I've had to deal with in the past 2 years!!! :shock: :wink:

(love for my son aside!).


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Post by IndyBlues »

IndySkip wrote:
I do have to ask myself sometimes whether Indy could actually handle some of the stanky diapers and grossness I've had to deal with in the past 2 years!!! :shock: :wink:

(love for my son aside!).


I hear ya, I've been doing diaper duty the last 3 years, and it seems that there is a light, er.. toilet, at the end of the horizon, :wink: .

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Post by Indiana Neri »

Excellent point, Fisk. Ever notice that nobody wears a tuxedo when they go to a casino anymore? It's pretty sad when a 20yr old (like me) looks back and wonders what went wrong? If you remember the ending of Casino, that's exactly what DeNiro's character was talking about. I really "miss" fedoras. They were so cool. Now we live in a world of baseball caps and doo-rags (is that what they call them?). Maybe they should make Offically Licensed fedoras?! :shock: I can see it now: From the back, it looks like an ordinary navy blue-ish fed. They turn around and all you see is a big New York Yankee (or whatever team you want)logo on the front! "It...could...WORK!!!"

Now to relate this to the thred, I wear my Disney fed around the house, I usually wear khaki pants, and when I do I wear my AE boots. I also wear Indy-esque shirts from time to time, along with my WL gloves. And I cannot forget the most crucial piece of Wested lamb. I wear this thing religously. I have worn my jacket 345 days of the year, on account of I have to wear a black leather jacket when I wear black pants, lol (I usually try to coordinate). I was bashed for wearing my jacket at the beach in July and August. I'm a freak, what can I say?

Indy N. :wink:
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Post by Modern Jones »

IndyBlues wrote:
"Number 2, why did it have to be number 2"
"Hawww hawww ..... snort!!!"

I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything on that one! :lol:

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Post by Renderking Fisk »


Jones: Poop... why did it have to be poop?
Sallah: Turds, Very dangerous.... You go first!

Post by whipwarrior »

I wear my Wested on a daily basis (even while working in the metal shop at school), and my Aldens and webbed belt occasionally (mostly on weekends). I wear full gear when I travel, though.
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Post by Rixter »

On a more serious note, I’m glad to hear that there are Indy members here who volunteer some time visiting children who were never given a real chance at a normal life.

As far as what people wear, I figure they wear what feels most fit’s their personality As far as IJ, I’ve always liked all the gear and that period in general, and certainly wear it a lot, as well as enjoying the films; however, the character portrayed on film does not resemble my own - possibly because I don’t always consider myself being that heroic. I gradually figured out that’s why when I’m not wearing Indy Gear, I’m grabbing my Toko Ri G-1 (especially in this cold weather.) I’ve always wondered why I was drawn to that particular jacket until someone else pointed out what I already had come to suspect myself, and that is, the William Holden character in that film, as in most films he did, is more typical of ‘me’ and one that I most closely identify with. It’s funny how some characters/actors remind us of ourselves - at least subconsciously, while others, like IJ, is someone we wish we were more like.
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Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

Division 6 wrote:
Keep it in mind the next time you laugh at the silly people in plastic armor or robes.
They are doing far more for the community than anyone on this board, save for those in the Military...
While there are quite a few of the nut cases out there as well, for the most part the rest try to stay professional about it.
"I chose (my words)... poorly."
Sorry for any offense there bro :oops: - it is really good to hear that there are folks out there doing that kind of stuff. I probably made the comment because the person I was refering to in my original post was a nutcase - with no plans of using his Vader gear for anything quite as noble or interesting.
The only point I was trying to make is that Indy gear, in my opinion, is more suited to daily wear than most Star Wars gear. Don't get me wrong - I love those movies and I admit I was wrong to paint all with the same brush. Hope you'll accept my apology and keep up the good work that you mentioned...
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Post by IndianaJames »

Men today look likes slobs.
I second this like a big dog.

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Post by Jack Flanders »

Dear Tom Jr.,
Couldn’t agree with you more. And here’s why:
I’ll bet two-thousand now (and fifteen when we get to Alderaan) that ‘Indy gear’ will get fewer looks when worn to work than would, say, ‘Darth Vader gear’. (Minus the gun holster and whip of course.)
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Post by Michaelson »

Oh, I don't know Jack...maybe not around Nashville, but in Franklin, that may be another story :-k :wink: ......Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Ken »

Jack Flanders wrote:Dear Tom Jr.,
Couldn’t agree with you more. And here’s why:
I’ll bet two-thousand now (and fifteen when we get to Alderaan) that ‘Indy gear’ will get fewer looks when worn to work than would, say, ‘Darth Vader gear’. (Minus the gun holster and whip of course.)
I didnt know Darth Vader had a gun and a whip! :lol:

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Post by Jack Flanders »

Of course!

Even Vader has a...dark side. But Lucas wanted to keep a PG rating so the rest is history.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

There’s a character that walks around the streets of Down-Town in the “Village” where I grew up. He wore these costumes from either novels or movies constantly and some of the behavior he exhibited on Main Street was NOT appropriate.

Once a Funny guy, huge SF fan and well rounded to an extent until pasted from puberty to adolescents, he became “strange”. He became No friend of mine when he went from Strange to “potentially violent”.

Showed up to an interview for a job where my mom works in the HR department. She told me that he showed up with vampire teeth and a long black cape. She said the resume` was a total work of fiction. Long list of make-believe nonsense. Worst/Best was that he lied about being an Intern at ILM during the PostProduction of “T-2”.

I make a point to be sure that the way I dress passed this “Nut-Factor” test. Would people think that the way I dress as being inappropriate for the event that we go to? If you show up to your sisters wedding dressed as Luke Skywalker… don’t be surprised if you never receive another invitation to another family function.

Before you put on all your IndyGear and head out… ask yourself if what you’re wearing is appropriate. Last night I went to a local “American Express Financial Advisors Customer Appreciation” dinner, Gear was the last thing on my mind. Taupe Pants, tweed jacket, black shirt and tie, brown lace-up shoes and AFD fedora (Akubra Federation Deluxe) made me the best dressed man in the joint.

Always ask the question: is your outfit appropriate for the occasion. My wife likes to say: “Even Jones wore a tux or a suit when he had to.”
Last edited by Renderking Fisk on Fri Feb 13, 2004 8:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Indiana Grendel »

Good points, Fisk. A hobby should remain a hobby, not become a lifestyle. It sounds like vampire boy crossed over that line between fantasy and reality in a big way. I'm going to a Mardi Gras ball next weekend, black tie type event. I'll be leaving the Wested back at the hotel.

I guess a rule of thumb for how appropriate Indy gear would be for any occasion would be to ask yourself, "Is there any chance this wouldn't be appropriate?" If the answer is yes, then don't wear it.


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Post by Pyroxene »

I wear at least one gear item every day. One day Wested, One day the belt, one day the shirt (usually on Fridays), etc...

I then have items that are one step away from Indy Gear for occasions where it's not appropriate (Alden dress shoes, Different color LL Bean pants, etc.) It makes me feel "gear-connected" when I am not.
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Post by Glurrk »

I usually wear the hat on weekends, and during the week if I go out at night.

I usually wear earthy or muddy colors, so I have various pants & shirts that would fit into "gear" status.

I would use my bag all the time, but my parents bought me a high-tech shoulder bag because the old one was getting so worn out. (My original bag was a map-case I bought from an army surplus store.)

My jacket is not "Indy-issue", but it's dark brown & plain, and I use it when it's cold out. (It was a gift, and when it wears out I'll get one closer to the films.)

Oh, and I make contributions to Make-A-Wish and Disabled FireFighters whenever I can. (In case my standing in the community was questioned...) :wink:
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The other great thing about IndyGear is...

Post by Indiana Leggett »

I wear my Stetson Temple every day, fall and winter. An A-2 flight jacket, when it is cold enough. LL Bean dress chinos (khaki or taupe) every day. Decker boots every day. Oxford dress shirts (no tie) most days. This style is classic timeless!

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Post by TreasureHunter »

Men today look likes slobs.

I couldn't agree more, RenderKing. I work in a profession that generally allows/encourages a very casual dress code. I usually prefer to keep a "professional" image by dressing in at least oxford shirts, chinos and occasionally a sport coat (depending on the event). While I recognize this is a notch or two above the norm, I'm always surprized by people's reactions. "What are you dressed up for?" or similar comments are not uncommon.

I too look with fondness back to the times when people dressed more formally. I believe dressing nicely shows respect for yourself and others. In an era where little respect is given to anyone, this is a small way of me showing my self-respect and willingness to respect others if deserved. Of course there are other ways of showing this, but few provide the visual cues, especially when meeting people for the first time. I suppose use of language would be a close second.

How's that for a little lecture on Weds. afternoon :wink:

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Post by schwammy »

TreasureHunter wrote:While I recognize this is a notch or two above the norm, I'm always surprized by people's reactions. "What are you dressed up for?" or similar comments are not uncommon.
Yeah. The bar is so low, it's amazing what passes for 'dressed up' these days. I routinely get comments like that while wearing nothing fancier than a sport coat (from Salvation Army, I might add) and any type of trousers other than jeans. 'What am I so dressed up for?' This was considered casual attire until you &%*$ hippies wrecked our dress code, along with everything else!

I remember seeing a photo in Reminisce magazine of somebody's dad down in the basement shoveling coal into the furnace. He was wearing a white shirt and a tie.

Just think of this: today's business suit was farm attire 150 years ago. The suit jacket was originally designed for horseback riding. That's why there's a vent in the back.

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Post by Andiana »

I always wear my bag to keep my books and such in for middle school, and I wear my Hat everywhere I go, but people for somereason keep thinking it's my dad's........weird

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Post by schwammy »

indy148 wrote:I hate being young
Don't be sad, Dr. Jones. You will soon be joining us.
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Post by Michaelson »

Ain't that the truth. :? Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I would rather be old then dead, but I would rather be dead then dress like one of these sloppy lemmings.
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