Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by damieneo »


Awesome looking...that jacket is tailor-made for you! :tup:

I think with all the pictures coming up of how the jacket fits, I feel tempted to get the striated Import Legend Cow is a little roomier and I did hope for a jacket that fits like it did for Travis.
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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by Hollowpond »

Thanks guys! Yeah the fit is spot on. Anyone who gets this jacket will not be disappointed :TOH:

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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Travis, that jacket looks sweet :clap:

The sleeves are perfect length too.


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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hi everybody,
First of all Travis, that jacket looks AMAZING onya, my friend!
:D :tup:

I hope IndianaChris711 doesn't mind us making his Thread the UnOfficial/Official U.S. Wings Striated Lambskin Show-Off Page ;)
...but since it's begun here, I figured I'd throw in, too... I got mine towards the end of last week but this has been my first chance to post some pictures.

It's a really great jacket that I've quickly grown to love a lot... and you can tell that it'll really weather & distress quite nicely over time.
The collar needed a little bit of training to get it to lay down and curl a little (but it's already starting to behave)... the shoulders are a little more "squared off" than I prefer, but a little bit of time - and maybe getting caught in a rainshower or two - will probably help to round them down a little.
Definitely going to keep this jacket distress naturally, though... should give it a really great look.
I got lucky with the fit, it's VERY comfortable (both WITH an extra layer of warmth underneath AND without)

For those who care to know, I'm exactly 6 feet tall, 190 lbs and my jacket is a Size Large.

In these first 6 shots I'm wearing a hoodie as an extra layer:

UNzipped FRONT

UNzipped BACK (LINK) ... C02432.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Zipped FRONT

Zipped BACK

3/4 BACK (LINK) ... C02370.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

These next ones have me wearing the jacket with NO extra layer:

UNzipped FRONT

UNzipped BACK (LINK) ... C02504.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

3/4 UNzipped

Zipped FRONT (LINK) ... C02531.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Zipped BACK (LINK) ... C02550.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

3/4 Zipped BACK (LINK) ... C02565.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

A closer shot to show a better look at the leather

Thanks VERY much to Myke and Sarge!
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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by Hollowpond »

I hope IndianaChris711 doesn't mind us making his Thread the UnOfficial/Official U.S. Wings Striated Lambskin Show-Off Page ;)
...but since it's begun here, I figured I'd throw in, too... I got mine towards the end of last week but this has been my first chance to post some pictures.
Yeah Mitch, I was thinking the same thing...I just wasn't considerate enough to ask first :oops:

Yours looks great too Mitch. I like the natural distressing as well, this jacket really lends itself well to it! Speaking of which, I contacted our local leather care expert ( :M: ) about putting Pecards on this sucker, his suggestion was Lexol...not Pecards! :shock: Seems lambs tiny pores prefer it. Never being one to turn down his sage advice, I purchased some today and applied it to my jacket. MAN! It really relaxed the leather and made some of the grain pop right out. Any of my panels that had a little bit of stiffness to them are limp as as wet noodle right now. Talk about Raiders drape!!!! I highly recommend it!

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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by gladd96 »

Nice Jacket Mitch :tup:

Looks like you and I are roughly the same size- though I'm fighting to get back to my pre-holiday weight of 190 lbs. I hope you like the fit of your jacket as much as I like the fit of mine. I'm not sure if a fitted or baggy look is more SA but I think the fitted look is pretty cool. The fit of this jacket reminds me of how a motorcycle jacket should fit which makes sense given where it was manufactured.

So far this leather has really loosened up quite nicely. I think the "boxiness" is a product of the thickness and tightness of this particular hide especially where it's several layers thick like the shoulder seams. Judging by how much this leather has broken in I'm guessing in about a month the seams will quit holding their shape and we'll get a much more drapey effect.

I wore this jacket out with only a short sleeved shirt under it in temperatures below freezing and while far from being toasty I was surprised I didn't feel more than the cold than I did. With a hoody it was serviceable as a winter jacket. This is a very thick grade of lamb and it is noticeably warmer than any of my other lamb jackets.

What I was really excited about is some of the nice gold undertones that are starting to show a stress points. Pictures just don't seem to be able to capture this well. This jacket is going to have a nice patina once it fully breaks in. The grain is slowly working it's way to the surface. I was expecting much more grain out of the box but it seems that it takes a bit for the grain to appear though I think this must vary from jacket to jacket as I've seen several with much more apparent grain.
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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Whoa- Mitch, that looks awesome!!

It is really exciting seeing Wings produce a jacket that fits so well.
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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by Indyzane »

Wow :shock: Mitch I love It! :clap: :clap: :clap: Killer pictures, thanks a million for posting them! I truly can't wait for mine! ](*,)

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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by Holt »

wow. I hope my XL will look that good on me.
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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by IndianaChris711 »

BaptisteTheFool wrote:The observation must be made...

In that third picture, with the contrasted lighting, the frilly drapes and the couch and your arms outstretched as they are, you appear as a zombie from some 1930s Lugosi type film, rising from a coffin in a funeral home.


That said, great looking jacket! :tup:

:lol: When I read that last week, I bust out laughing at work, I think my boss thought I was laughing at something else.

Hollowpond, and Mitch, those are awesome pictures and thanks for sharing your jackets with us. :tup: Both jackets look great and looks like they fit great on you guys. I also don't mind your pictures up here in my thread as I changed the title of the thread, so I guess it is official you can post your pictures of your jackets here. I just wanted to update you guys, that my medium is on its way, so it should be here by wednesday maybe thursday of this week. It will be interesting to compare it to the large, I will just have to wait and see. I will post some photos of the medium when I get it. Keep the pictures of these jackets coming, these are just awesome jackets, one of a kind, even if they are not completely SA. Sarge did a great job. :clap:

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Indydawg »

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

VERY nice, guys!!!!

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by RaidersBash »

Yep...those jackets look good.

I'm kinda stuck on the pockets...they look REALLY BIG!

Is that just me and my eyes playing tricks on me or.... :-k

Everything else looks CRAZY AWESOME though. ANd Mitch buddy...I gota get a hat like that!!!
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Indiana Croft »

Man o Man, Mitch that jacket looks awsome, I keep flip flopping between calling Wings and seeing if they'll let me up grade from Import to US.

Man these jackets look awsome.

Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Weston »

That looks great Mitch! Don't worry about the stiffness and squared off shoulders; they relax in no time.

We can always count on quality gear pics from you Mitch!

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Vindy »

The jackets look great guys - mine should be here on Wednesday!

As far as pocket size goes, to me they look about the same as the TN Raiders shown here. Maybe a TN owner can chime in if that's truly the case.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hey, thanks very much for your comments, fellas... I'm really glad you like the photos and appreciate you taking a moment to say so.
I greatly appreciate what each of you has written.

I'm also pleased to be one of the guys posting photos here in this Thread and having it result in a few of you who have jackets on the way getting worked up and excited about gettin' em!

I'm hoping to see plenty more photos from more of you in the days and weeks to come...
I really love seeing shots of this jacket, it's just got TONS of character as soon as you slap it on your back and start breakin it in.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

That jacket looks perfect on you Mitch!! :clap:

Also, proper catalogue poses there!! :lol:

I’d have photos myself, but mine is, alas, deep within the confines of customs :( …….Mine may turn up already distressed… :x

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Ian wrote:Also, proper catalogue poses there!! :lol:
Yeah, one of these days I want to go "Old School Sears Catalog" and strike a pose where I'm preparing to throw a football!

(Hoping you get your jacket SOON, my friend)
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by coronado3 »

Man, you want to get your pix on every vendor's website don't you??? ;)

Great shots and great looking jacket. The football throw would be fantastic!
Mitch LaRue wrote:
Ian wrote:Also, proper catalogue poses there!! :lol:
Yeah, one of these days I want to go "Old School Sears Catalog" and strike a pose where I'm preparing to throw a football!

(Hoping you get your jacket SOON, my friend)
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by G-MANN »

Great jackets guys ! You will love how they look after only a few weeks of wear. Mine already seems like it's a year old.




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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Rick Deckard »

These jackets look great and the leather is beautiful. The pockets on this jacket confound me; they look really good on the jacket when it's hanging there, but as soon as a person puts it on the pockets look a lot bigger. :-k Regardless, the bigger pockets would seem to me to be more useful. For example, on New Year's Eve I was out at an outdoors celebration (ice sculptures and things of that nature) and fitting one glove in each pocket of my HERO jacket was a tight squeeze and really made the pockets bulge. As seeing as I'm not a SA nutter (not that there's anything wrong with that), I could get used to the extra room in the pockets.

I was holding out for a LC jacket...but...I'm finding it hard not to pull the trigger on one of these. I really didn't want lamb either, but a lot of people are saying that the leather is rather . The jackets look too nice, and being made by's tough to pass this up at the price Sarge is offering.

BTW, there is a picture out there of Indy in the Imam's house, leaning over a desk. It's an image of Indy's left side, and you get a great view of the jacket, pockets and all. THAT picture, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, shows a rather large pocket as well, and it's not from a strange angle. If I can find that pic. (doubt it), I'll post it.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Vindy »

G-MANN wrote:

Holy cow (or should I say lamb? :D ), G-MANN, those sleeves look awesome!
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Re: Here is my U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin US made

Post by kwad »

IndianaChris711 wrote:
Indiana Croft wrote: By the way, not to critize, but are those pockets correct in size, look a bit tall.
Or it could just be me.
My Todds measure 7-1/4" tall and my Wested measure 7-3/4" tall. What do your pockets measure in height, if you don't mind me asking.
Croft :mrgreen:

Actually regarding the pockets, that is one thing I noticed, they are huge, especially for a Raiders jacket, I believe I have 9 inches tall, 7 inches wide that includes the seam on the outside. They are huge, and I was wondering in my head if they are suppost to be like that? :-k I don't know myself, maybe some others who have gotten their straited lambskin jackets made in the U.S. can comment on that, but that is what I got as far as measurements. I did think they were a bit on the large side, but again, maybe that is cause I ordered a large. ;)

One thing that made me get an import jacket over the US made was the pockets/pocket flaps.

My cowhide import jacket has pockets that measure a about 8 3/8" (from bottom to top of flap) and measure 6 3/4" wide at the pocket (7" even at the flap). I just re-measured them and they seem to have shrunk a little from when the jacket was new.
It may not seem like much of a difference, but, it is noticeable. Also, I preferred the pocket flaps on the Imports. The scalloping and ronded tip just look perfect to me.

Too bad I couldn't get one in SL (like I had originally planned), but, the vintage cowhide has its own version of awesome-ness. :tup:
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Gorak »

WOW, these jackets look great.

Mitch- as always, you set the standard for showing gear. Thanks for the different options, postions and poses. you rock!

G-Mann- Your jacket is gorgeous but I really would like to see that hat from the front. It looks VERY 'adventured' from behind. Any front shots somewhere I can see? And what kind is it?

Hollowpond- I love the sideview of your jacket and the grain is making touch the computer screen. And I absolutely love your fedora and that slight side slant is so rakish!

And I say all this with a staunch record of heterosexualty! Really great pics guys..keep em coming....
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Hollowpond »

Thanks Gorak, I have just started rocking that lid with the side sorta flipped up. It goes great with the jacket and oddly enough gets more Indy comments than my actual Indy lid!!! :-s

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by G-MANN »

Gorak wrote: G-Mann- Your jacket is gorgeous but I really would like to see that hat from the front. It looks VERY 'adventured' from behind. Any front shots somewhere I can see? And what kind is it?

Old AB Deluxe. PM sent as not to detour a jacket thread.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

coronado3 wrote:Man, you want to get your pix on every vendor's website don't you??? ;)

Well, in the "Satisfied Customers" Section... Yup.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Now that I have a few minutes to do so more properly, I just wanted to address a few things:
Hollowpond wrote:I contacted our local leather care expert ( :M: ) about putting Pecards on this sucker, his suggestion was Lexol...not Pecards! :shock: Seems lambs tiny pores prefer it. Never being one to turn down his sage advice, I purchased some today and applied it to my jacket. MAN! It really relaxed the leather and made some of the grain pop right out. Any of my panels that had a little bit of stiffness to them are limp as as wet noodle right now. Talk about Raiders drape!!!! I highly recommend it!
Well, it's no secret that you couldn't have gotten advice from a more informed source, so I'm not surprised to hear (read) that the results were great... Travis, any chance you could post maybe just one little Link to a shot of that "post-Lexol" leather?

gladd96 wrote:So far this leather has really loosened up quite nicely... I'm guessing in about a month the seams will... With a hoody it was serviceable as a... I was really excited about is some of the nice gold undertones that are... This jacket is going to have a nice patina once it... I was expecting much more grain out of the box but... I think this must vary from jacket to jacket as I've seen...
Just gotta say, gladd96: I'm totally in agreement with everything you wrote...
WELL said, too!

Forrest For the Trees, Indyzane, Holt, IndianaChris711, Indydawg, Croft, Weston, Ian & Gorak:
Thank you, guys!

Tundrarider wrote:Outstanding pics, as usual! Please compliment your famous photographer for me!
I DID pass along the compliment, Michael... My wife glided away smiling proudly and actin' all "blushy"

RaidersBash wrote:...ANd Mitch buddy...I gota get a hat like that!!!
:D RB, I have NO doubt, BendingOak would be more than happy to help you out with that yearning!

G-MANN, as I've said before:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
to the way your jacket looks and the way you wear it with such timeless style & attitude.

Rick Deckard wrote:BTW, there is a picture out there of Indy in the Imam's house, leaning over a desk. It's an image of Indy's left side, and you get a great view of the jacket, pockets and all. THAT picture, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, shows a rather large pocket as well, and it's not from a strange angle. If I can find that pic. (doubt it), I'll post it.
Rick YOU might not have that photo... and I might not have that photo... but surely someone here does...
I'D sure be curious to see it, if someone here can manage it.

Thanks for reading this, fellas...
I felt bad I was so short on time in my previous posts... just wanted to add to what I'd said before.
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Hollowpond »

As to the post Lexol photos, Mitch, "I'm workin' on it, I'm workin' on it!" ;)

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by G-MANN »

Thanks Mitch. I've always been impressed by your gear and the way you wear it. I guarantee you are going to love that Wings jacket more and more as it breaks in.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

G-MANN wrote: Image

wow. loving how the backpanel breaks in. Raiders has a loose backpanel and your jacket starts to show it. flat board looking backpanels ain't raiders IMO.

this was a large right? hopefully my XL will fit me good. I'm 6.2' and 200p

anyways, nice jacket man :tup:
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by G-MANN »

Yes sir Holt, this is a size Large. The XL should work very well for you.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Indyzane »


I absolutely dig your sleeves on your new jacket! How did you go about achieving such a killer wrinkling affect? I know the way I've done it get the sleeves wet with a squirt bottle or go walk around for a minute in a rain storm. Then push them up to your elbows and let them dry while wearing your jacket. So what is your secret? Sorry to call you out but your jacket is truly the best looking I've seen next to your old Cooper jacket you own! I'm expecting my SL to arrive soon and I want to have mine look like yours if you don't mind me saying that. Thanks in advance!

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by G-MANN »


Many Thanks.

No water was used. I just push them up my forearms from time to time and they seem to hold the shape pretty well. I've been wearing it about 4 hours a day, nothing artificial just natural wear.

I may be looking for a new home for that old Cooper/Wings. It's a bit small on me. It deserves a good home where it will be worn.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hollowpond wrote:As to the post Lexol photos, Mitch, "I'm workin' on it, I'm workin' on it!" ;)
That's cool.
In all seriousness, though... NO pressure.
You know how it is, my friend... just looking forward to seeing the photos.
All the Best,
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Post by Hollowpond »

Mitch! You missed the perfect setup...
Raiders, Well of Souls.
Marion: How the heck are we gonna get outta here?!?

Indy: I'm workin on it, I'm workin on it!!

Marion: Well whatever you're doin, do it faster!!!

Come ON! :lol:

Last edited by Hollowpond on Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hollowpond wrote:Mitch! You missed the perfect setup...
Raiders, Well of Souls.
Marion: How the heck are we gonna get outta here?!?

Indy: I'm workin on it, I'm workin on it!!
no, no... I got the reference...
I just wanted you to know that I wasn't trying to put any additional pressure on you to get the job done immediately...
besides, everyone here knows you're good to your word... if you say you're workin on it, then it'll get done.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by RaidersBash »

G-MANN wrote:Zane,

Many Thanks.

No water was used. I just push them up my forearms from time to time and they seem to hold the shape pretty well. I've been wearing it about 4 hours a day, nothing artificial just natural wear.

I may be looking for a new home for that old Cooper/Wings. It's a bit small on me. It deserves a good home where it will be worn.


Small...? How small? :-k
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

Tundrarider wrote:
Indiana Holt wrote:I'm 6.2' and 200p
You forgot to mention the broad shoulders... :P


Michael :TOH:

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Ian »

Well, mine has now been released from customs and should be here Friday......I feel violated.....£106 it cost to release, that's roughly $170!!! :x

...still....I'm looking to throwing it on..everyone's here look amazing :clap: :clap: ....Just hope I've picked the right size now.. [-o<

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Well everyone, after waiting about a week or so, my medium Straited Lambskin is here. It is a bit more stiffer than my large jacket, it is also more tighter in the shoulders and chest. My chest is 39" tight I usually wear a suit size of 40. I do weigh 162 lbs as a correction, I am on the higher scale when I mentioned 150-160. My weight varies sometimes. ;) I feel like I should have just stuck with the large, the medium right now I feel like is restricting my arm movement, it is not baggy, it is very fitting. I guess I will just let the pictures speak for themselves.

Medium Jacket ... 7196_z.jpg ... a929_z.jpg

Large Jacket ... 4bf0_z.jpg ... ba51_z.jpg

Let me know what you guys think, I am staying with the large right now, I feel like it has more of the Raiders look to it, The Raiders jacket it just looks so baggy looking, it does not look very fitting.

Last edited by IndianaChris711 on Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Hollowpond »

Zipped the medium looks kinda tight...Unzipped the medium looks good, and this jacket loosens up from new. Your call.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by TheExit148 »

Medium looks way better. It looks like your are swimming in the large, especially in the sleeves. Leather jackets are supposed to be somewhat tight, and they will stretch and break in with wear (especially the lamb).
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Hollowpond wrote:Zipped the medium looks kinda tight...Unzipped the medium looks good, and this jacket loosens up from new. Your call.

Well yes I agree when zipped up it does feel kind of tight, but the more I have tried this one on the more it loosens up. Unzipped it is ok, the end of my shoulder on the medium pretty much meets the seem. It feels strange in the arms on the medium the sleeve length is good just feels tight like on my wested jacket. Not extremely tight but tight enough. I think I am going to have to sleep on this one guys. Keep the comments coming, I still like the large, its got room and it feels comfortable, the medium feels ok, but it feels kinda tight. Just am wondering how much more this jacket is going to break in.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Noah »

Mitch, the jacket looks great on you! Awesome pictures. :TOH:

IndianaChris, I think the medium fits you the best. :tup:
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

it will break in yes and ''shrink'' as well. it will ''shrink'' or mold to your body shape. it's lamb I guess it will wind up feeling alittle tighter around the biceps, maby alittle in the shoulders and shorter in lenght. I feel the large was the size for you. looked more Indy with the whole extra baggyness an all... and with a size large it can shrink and form to your bodyshape all it wants.

It IS a nice jacket but IMO you should go Large. the medium looks alittle to tight in the shoulders and your only wearing a T-shirt under it.. imagine winter and a thick sweather under it...
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by gladd96 »

Wow that's a tough decision but it sounds to me like you prefer the looser fit. Personally I think the medium looks a tad bit better on you especially unzipped. I generally wear this style of jacket unzipped. This style jacket just isn't meant to feel like a moden jacket in terms of fit. What is the pit to pit measurement on your medium? As long as you have 4in of movement space between your actual chest measurement and this you should be fine. I know this leather does loosen up a lot. In the end I'd say go for whichever size you prefer and just realize neither will ever fit or look exactly like the one from Raiders. If you go with the large I'd say it is sized perfect for the wash treatment.

Good luck with deciding and I hope it works out for you in the end. :TOH:
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by Holt »

could show a picture of the back zipper/unzipped?
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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Indiana Holt wrote:It IS a nice jacket but IMO you should go Large. the medium looks alittle to tight in the shoulders and your only wearing a T-shirt under it.. imagine winter and a thick sweather under it...
That is one thing I notice about the medium, if I am wearing a sweatshirt it is going to be really tight. One thing I did notice with the large is it has the same baggyness to it as my Hero jacket I got from Wings back last summer. Its not tight, it is loose and it fits well. The only nit pick is the sleeves, but those could shrink up in time and so I am going to leave those alone if going with the large.

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Re: Show your U.S. Wings Straited Lambskin Jackets (US made)

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Indiana Holt wrote:could show a picture of the back zipper/unzipped?
I will try to get some shots of the back tomorrow on both. I feel like the large lays flat more, but I will take some pictures tomorrow.
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