Redesign Indy (1920s)

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Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

Me and a fellow board member are in pre-production for a Indy fan film taking place in 1920-1921...
If you will, I would love input on Indy's gear in the 1920s....
Being just after the war and the fact he's in chicago going to college might have affected his wardrobe with additions and subtractions to his adventure gear.


First off the main issue is the style of holster and gun, it comes to mind as a bit of a challenge.
So does the idea of him carrying his MkVII. It was a little out of place in the original series and it certainly would be a bit period bending to have him carry a bag exclusively produced for WWII.
On a side note, I'm thinking his college attire to be more influenced by the Young Indy Chronicles.

I'll turn it over to your preference and discussion now, I'm interested to see what you guys dream up.
I thank you for all help and advance you throw at us.

If you have any gear and/or period clothing you are willing to donate to the cause it'd be extremely appreciated, and you would be credited in the helping of making the finale product and you will receive a free copy of the film. (dvd format)
Assuming all production goes as planned.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by maboot38 »

Well, indy's bag AND his boots weren't made until after the first three movies were to have taken place, so since his costume wasn't period accurate in THOSE films, why does yours need to adhere to such standards?

I suppose you could, if you wanted to be a stickler for this, use a WWI SBR gas bag. However, it looks almost identical to the MKVII anyway.

I would say change the pants and shirt, keep the jacket and go for a YIJ hat, keep the boots and the MKVII, and go with the Webley again.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indy Magnoli »

I'd go with a cross over between Young Indy from Peacock's Eye (the most "Indy" looking Young Indy outfit in my opinion) and the standard gear.

I love this photo:


I wouldn't worry too much about anachronisms, as they are present in the 1930s Indy as well...

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Hollowpond »

Yes, I agree with Indy Mags. I would not worry about anachronisms. Also though, I would not worry about things appearing in your fan film that did not exist at that time period... :P ;) :lol:

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by afterthedog »

If you look at the covers of the Rob MacGregor novels, the first of which begins in 1922, you will see Indy depicted pretty much like we see him in the films. Of course the covers are basically just screen caps from the movies painted by Drew Struzan. However, one of the covers (The Dance of the Giants) shows Indy in a jacket with breast pockets. Also, the books make note of Indy getting his Webley, although he doesn't carry it or his whip very regularly, at least not in the first few that I have read.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Ken »

I would keep the hat and lose the jacket - maybe add a cowboyish style vest?
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

Thanks for all the posting guys.

I with agree and think it's a valid point that the period doesn't/shouldn't matter, all that much, as long as it kinda stay within that span of time.... Especially in contrast with all the other mistakes in wardrobe thru-out the rest of the previous films.
A vest might do him some good.
Same with a brown suit-coat blazer-esk thingy (terminology?) for a few scenes probably not at the same time though.
I also suppose the Wembley holster had the most wide spread usage I guess it's Indy's preference.

Next big question; what gun should be used?
Last edited by Insomniac on Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

A western influence for the shirt and trousers (from growing up in Utah) could fit the bill. Maybe a wool coat to replace the leather. He's a college student in Chicago - wool would be much more practical in the winters and he wouldn't have the money for multiple jackets.


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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

A western influence looks like a appealing possibility on the horizon!

I'll have to see what the "producer" says about Indy not having his jacket, idk... It's hard for me to envision a jacket-less Indy for a whole movie.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Aesthetically speaking, a younger Indy should not look exactly like the late 1930s Indy. It shouldnt look force-copied. There shoul dbe reminders of who and what Indy is, but the character should be in the stages of life that led to the development of the original late-1930s character.

It takes some thought to do this, and just using the standard IJ wardrobe is the easy way out. No one wears the same stuff over a 30 year period. Styles change regularly, if not drastically.

Back then, people werent marketed to dress or be nostalgic. Everything was new, again if only slightly. People in the 1930didnt look back at the teens and think, 'Someone ought to bring back and market those clothes (or whatever).' Indy certainly wasnt a fashion hound. He wore what people wore, or what he needed to wear to do his jobs at the time(s).
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Indiana Bugs wrote:No one wears the same stuff over a 30 year period.
Really? Ask Michaelson? :Plymouth:

Seriously though, we know Indy wears almost the exact same outfit from 1935 to 1957, so when did he start wearing it and then decide (I love this and I'm never changing)?

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

Monkey wrenches everywhere.
Right and wrong...

Scripturally we are taking the Young Indy character and turning him into a rough and tumble Pre-Temple Indy, a confused young treasure hunter (not quite a mercenary) of fortune and glory if you will, he earns the hat while trying to find his leadership/archeological skills and a place in the post war dogma. Europes changing drastically and revolutions and compromises are everywhere. Trust me there's bit of historic aspect being tempered with, which to some might be bit of an eyesore but, I'm sure it'll be a heck of a fun ride.

Hopefully this thread won't fizzle out at this point, c'mon we need some help, for Indy's sake!
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by afterthedog »

Indiana Jeff wrote: He's a college student in Chicago
Again, to point out the novels, and maybe nobody cares about them but me, and that's fine, but Indy was already teaching in London at the beginning of the first novel (1922). He was fresh out of college, but no longer a student. This could put a big change into where you want the story to take place. Of course there's no reason he couldn't travel. After all, that's what he was known for.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by IndyOriginal »

Not that this is preclusive of any other ideas, but doesn't the beginning of LC show us the origin of Indy's style?

I would say a leather jacket is a must, although it might be slightly different. Perhaps a bit longer cut than his iconic jacket.

Hat, of course, is a must.

Shirt could stay the same/be fairly similar.

I don't think he'd necessarily be wearing his officer's pinks at this point, perhaps something more "old-school." I'm thinking maybe safari-style khakis with taller leather boots (or is that too Brenden Fraser from the Mummy?).

In terms of belts, the gun belt would be contemporary, but I don't believe that web belts were popular until a later period. Why not just let him keep a western-style belt like the one featured in one of the Young Indy pics above?

For satchel, I agree that the MK wouldn't do at this point. I say go with something either entirely from leather, perhaps looking like a Saddleback leather bag - ... ffee-Brown, or perhaps something like this -

As for the gun, I'd go with the iconic Webley Mark IV or a S & W 1917 US army revolver. Both look cool and were around at that time.

As for the whip...why not? This is Indiana Jones after all.

There's my 2 cents.

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by binkmeisterRick »

IndyOriginal wrote: I don't think he'd necessarily be wearing his officer's pinks at this point...
Correct, as they didn't have "pinks" in the '20s. I'd give him wool trousers, though, as wool was a standard fabric year round, unless you went into summer wear.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indy Magnoli »

IndyOriginal wrote:As for the whip...why not? This is Indiana Jones after all.
If I remember correctly, it was the events in Peril at Delphi (c1922) that made him decide afterward to always bring the whip with him on adventures.

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Texan Scott »

I would suggest that maybe Indy would have taken inspiration from the older adventurers, like a Howard Carter, TE Lawrence or a Hiram Bingham. They would have all belonged to the generation of explorers and adventurers just previous to his, so he would have in essence, looked up to them as a source of inspiration, seen all the news clips at the talkies and radio prgrams discussing their new found discoveries. He would have also borrowed his new look from his WWI foot-soldier attire, suggesting that this is where the bag came from, etc. He would have borrowed from these sources of inspiration, but "the look" would have very much been in a process of evolution...? From personal experience, sometimes you have to wear the stuff because it is part of a uniform, etc. But all the pieces of a uniform isn't always practical or comfortable, like wearing wool in the tropics, etc. He would have no doubt, by trial and error, found out what worked best for him, most comfortable, etc., for extended periods (up to two weeks or longer) of being out in the field. Durabiliy, functionality, practicality, etc. This is where he would have traded the pith helmet for the fedora, and the like, as he would have "updated" and upgraded the articles of what was more a part of HIS generation.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Indy Magnoli wrote:
Indiana Bugs wrote:No one wears the same stuff over a 30 year period.
Really? Ask Michaelson? :Plymouth:

Seriously though, we know Indy wears almost the exact same outfit from 1935 to 1957, so when did he start wearing it and then decide (I love this and I'm never changing)?

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Actually, I was referring to most real people. We may like the same types of stuff, but most people dont have their clothes tailored to look like stuff from, for example, 30 years ago. We buy updated versions of what we like. Of course, people especially interested in nostalgia-type sites such as this, and FL, for example, are exceptions.

As always, YMMV.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

Sounds like you have a chance to "source" the original leather jacket and/or bag. I can see him at that age wearing something else, as in Insomniac's pic, and finding the original Indy jacket in your piece and flashing on Fedora...

He picks it up, buys it in a pawnshop or pulls it off a nail somewhere because he needs a disguise or a dry coat or something and just keeps on wearing it. Similarly, maybe he needs some way to carry something or grabs a bag from one of the bad guys and it becomes so useful he keeps it.

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

I guess this is a unexplored crossroad of his life, hard to tell exactly what he'd be waring on his early adventures.

At the moment for most of the film I guess we'll be using his ushual foreign legion military-ek shirt. (noel howard)
And, the hat and whip are both musts. And the Jacket will most likely make it through half the film, off and on.

Between all that there's bit of wiggle room!
@ Long John we intend to introduce a bag (mk or otherwise) in a very similar fashion.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by effnin »

Just my two cents, but from what I gathered from the novels and little scenes from the movies, is that Indy frequently "borrowed" whatever he needed or was "opportunistic" if you will. In one of the novels he takes someone's jacket, in another pants. As I see it, I figure he gathered most of his iconic gear that way. A British gas mask bag with a rifle strap attached to carry a relic he found. A pocket knife he took off a dead Nazi (I'm guessing this as the only place to find a similar one now is from Linder in Germany).
I think the gun he would use would be acquired in the same manner - taken off a bad guy. So what you really need to ask yourself is what gun would the bad guys carry. And that would all depend on where in the world he is. Or he could be still using his army issue items to begin with and then adding as he went along. That makes sense to me.
But the one thing he would always have with him is the fedora. Changing that would be sacrilegious.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Indy Magnoli wrote:
IndyOriginal wrote:As for the whip...why not? This is Indiana Jones after all.
If I remember correctly, it was the events in Peril at Delphi (c1922) that made him decide afterward to always bring the whip with him on adventures.

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Yep, you are correct there!!!

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by IndyOriginal »

If I remember correctly, it was the events in Peril at Delphi (c1922) that made him decide afterward to always bring the whip with him on adventures.
Considering I haven't read Peril at Delphi in about a decade, I'll bow to your powers of memory Magnoli. I do kind of recall the incident though, now that you mention it. I seem to remember he was hanging into a chasm when he realized that there was some degree of utility in the whip?

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indy Magnoli »

IndyOriginal wrote:I do kind of recall the incident though, now that you mention it. I seem to remember he was hanging into a chasm when he realized that there was some degree of utility in the whip?
Yes, that's exactly what I remember as well. He swore he'd always carry it after that. It might actually make a funny scene if he had his whip sitting their when he's packing and saying something like "I've got to pack light, and how useful could this thing be anyway...". :whip: ;)

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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

afterthedog wrote:
Indiana Jeff wrote: He's a college student in Chicago
Again, to point out the novels, and maybe nobody cares about them but me, and that's fine, but Indy was already teaching in London at the beginning of the first novel (1922). He was fresh out of college, but no longer a student. This could put a big change into where you want the story to take place. Of course there's no reason he couldn't travel. After all, that's what he was known for.
Sorry that I overlooked your post, I have yet to actually read any of the 90s novels, but I checked your dates on the Indy wiki page.
And this is what I found:

"Indy graduated from Chicago in June 1922, and he was rather disappointed to find out that his father wouldn't attend the ceremony. In July he moved onto a graduate program in linguistics at the Sorbonne in Paris where another young, aspiring archaeologist, René Belloq, was studying."

So he was at the University of Chicago in 1921 and 1922?
I'm confused....
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Yeah, that is the most tricky part of the IJ timeline. It's the cross-over from the YIJC to the novels as well as time eluded to in Raiders... so it has more inconsistencies than any other period of his life. Good luck! :TOH:
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Come on, like you guys have never heard of a college student that's taken some time off to 'find themselves'?


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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Capt_Zak »

As far as his gun, I would go with a surplus WW1 revolver . After the war firearms were plentiful. They were sold at harware stores, through the Sears & Roebuck Catalog. Seeing as Indy went to school in Chicago, Sears & Roebuck was a trolly ride away from the University of Chicago. And if he didn't feel like going to the store he could always mail order from the catalog.

Popular options would be:

1. Colt SAA .45
2. Colt Mod. 1896 (.38 cal)
3. Colt Model 1901 (.38 cal)
4. S&W M1910 (.38 cal)
5. M1917 .45 cal (Colt or S&W)
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indy Magnoli »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Come on, like you guys have never heard of a college student that's taken some time off to 'find themselves'?
It's not the time off that's hard to explain, it's the time on. There doesn't seem to be enough years during that period for him to finish his various degrees. He seems to be a pretty smart guy, so I guess he could have done it quickly, but perhaps all of his "field work" helped speed things up. ;)
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Yeah, I'm not familiar with the novels and only passingly so with the YIJC, but it seems there were too many cooks in the kitchen adding items to what could be considered the canon and some events and dates got 'fudged.'


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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

Any other thoughts?
I feel like I'm watching a cliff hanger.
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Re: Redesign Indy (1920s)

Post by Insomniac »

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