Thanks for the insight Ravenswood...
Lights definetly make a difference. When I see pictures of myself with my Wested, it always has different tones.
The same works for hats. In filmaking the use of lights is even "worse" since the director of photography has full control of lightining.
Outdoors the jacket tends to look in lighter brown. If it's sunny, then the brown will look much lighter and shine. Cloudy days, the jacket will have a dark tone, much less shining.
Indoors, the jacket gets darker, in some lighting conditions it can get almost grey dark colour.
In photography, colours never look the same as in real life. Photographers still use Chrome (positive films) to best capture the true colours, but it works mostly for "hot" colours like yellow, red and green, and not black or brown.
Photographers would prefer to shoot in cloudy conditions rather than sunny days. Why? Because too much light alters the real colours (the exception is for landscapes when in certain hours of the day is better to shoot using sunny days to increase and saturate colours, which can also be achieved using photoshop).
So, pictures can be deceiving. The closest to the true colour of a jacket or a hat is always the outdoors in partially cloudy days.
Back in Raiders, all the scenes were done either in sunny and shining days or indoors using controlled lightining (the dark and shadows in the peruvian temple, the very reddish lights in raven bar, again dark and shadows in the well of souls). So, there was no outdoor scene in a natural cloudly light.
Just wanted to help in this issue...
Cheers guys