Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Close...Weston wrote:Is'nt that the same style hat he wore in "The Frisco Kid", with Gene Wilder? It looks good!
I thought they did a great job at covering it up for KotCS. I always wondered why he didn't just wear one in Six Days. If any character was suitable for one, it was Quinn, but he didn't, yet the hole is glaring.Hollowpond wrote:Hard to miss that earring divot...
Actually, I think it was before Random Hearts. I remember seeing the divot there, and thinking that with the character he'd be playing in Six Days, we'd see an earring on film.Michaelson wrote:I don't think he had one at that time, Mike.
Mitch LaRue wrote:Well, yeah... of course he has...
And although it's probably worth mentioning that he's likely made-up to look even a bit more sun-bleached and weather-beaten in that movie than usual (it IS a cowboy movie after all) there's no denying that he IS an older man...
Heck, old enough to be my DAD, for cryin' out loud... many of us here can say that, some can even say he's old enough to be their GRANDPA!
But all that said, whenever I see that man's mug, all I can think is "Geez, if I hope I'm lucky enough to look even HALF that rugged & good-lookin' when I'm in my fifties, let alone when I'm almost 70!"
Arch Stanton wrote:Indiana Jones and James Bond are buddies. Sweeeeeeeeeeet.