Fading an AB shirt....

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Fading an AB shirt....

Post by generalFROSTY »

So I am a proud owner of the Adventurebilt Indy shirt and have always been pleased with it (though I always would have preferred the fabric to be a little softer - it makes that crinkly noise if you know what I mean) but every time I watch Raiders, it makes my shirt look too khaki in color while on-screen it looks more of a stone color.
The shirt has been washed many times but the color won't budge so I was toying with the idea of washing it with a little bleach but I don't want to ruin the shirt since it was expensive.
Any thoughts?
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Re: Fading an AB shirt....

Post by Photoss »

Hmm, I always thought the AB shirt looked spot on. But then again, I don't own one. This might help you a bit:
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Re: Fading an AB shirt....

Post by Holt »

just be CAREFULL!! you dont wat to ruin an awesome shirt like the AB. I perosnally think AB is nothing else then perfect after the NH shirt.

and btw, the new WPG shirt looks to be spot on to what the raiders color is all about. you might want to keep the AB like it s since it is so perfect and get the lighter and slightly greyer WPG glory shirt.

have you seen Tundrariders WPG shirt? it is awesome!!
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Re: Fading an AB shirt....

Post by Tennessee Smith »

TR's shirt is sweet. I've put it in my que for my next Indy purchase :lol:
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Re: Fading an AB shirt....

Post by Adventure Dog »

I agree Frosty, the shirt is a little "crinkly", but I love the color. Like everyone else, it might be good to just buy another shirt to get the right color. I've had my eyes set on WPG after Tundra threw up his review.

My AB shirt hasn't changed color either, but has become softer than when I got it first (Fabric Softener), and I need to get it tailored (Again!), but I love it!
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Fading an AB shirt....

Post by djd »

I'd tend to agree about the colour. Shots of me wearing my AB in the summer in Tunisia show a slightly more khaki tinge than it appears in raiders. That said, my NH shirt looks to be the same colour although a slightly shinier fabric
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Re: Fading an AB shirt....

Post by Indiana MarkVII »

Whatever you do, do NOT put bleach into the wash with your AB. Not only will it totally ruin the color, but it will weaken the fabric and thread. Bleach is OK for disinfecting countertops, but not for trying to alter the color of a cotton shirt. If you are not happy with it and it's a size Large (L), I'll offer to buy it from you. I can't get anyone over there to respond to my requests to buy 2 more.
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Re: Fading an AB shirt....

Post by The Man with the Hat »

Don't do anything to your shirt.

I have an Azuma, Wested, Noel Howard, and Adventurebilt. I watched Raiders very carefully and in my opinion, the Adventurebilt is closest in color to what you see on film. The NH is too yellow and has some pink in it. The Wested is too light (not enough stone color), and the Azuma is too tan (dark) for Raiders. Having examined the film, I wouldn't recommend doing anything to your Adventurebilt. Maybe your color settings on your monitor or tv are too cool (or maybe mine are too warm, who knows). But from what I've seen from the film, screen captures on line, and from the photos in books I have, the Adventurebilt looks the best out of all four shirts in the widest range of lighting conditions. If you really have to change it I would say try the sock trick and go buy some black cotton socks and wash your shirt in with the socks. The shirt will pick up a little color from the socks but not enough to change it radically.
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Re: Fading an AB shirt....

Post by generalFROSTY »

Thanks for the advice.
I will be looking into the WPG shirt and see if it suits my fancy - but make no mistake, I DO love my AB shirt and am very proud to own one.
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