USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Kentucky Blues »

Are you talking about previous antique cowhides, or the recent antique cowhides of the hero jackets?

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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by sharkboy »

the AQ Cow-Hero jacket specifically. I love it!

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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Kentucky Blues »

sharkboy wrote:the AQ Cow-Hero jacket specifically. I love it!

okay, well, just to clarify, that is actually Naked Cow... with an antique finish. But if what you say is correct, than you have answered a question I haven't actually asked, which is whether I could darken the antique naked cowhide enough to make it appear more even with pecards! So, Sharkboy, I thank you :D

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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Weston »

tmueph asked for pockwt measurements, and whipcracker asked about the leather. The pockets measure 8 1/8 tall x 6 7/8 wide.

The leather is amazing. It is rich in color, abundant in charcter, light in weight, and strong on scent! It will absolutely stand up to hard use, and look even better for it. I'm sure those that get jackets in lamb or calf will have the SA vibe, but anyone who chooses the naked cowhide will be glad they did the second they take their jacket out of the box. That has been my experience twice now.

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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Mark Brody »

Weston wrote:
Kentucky Blues wrote:
Mark Brody wrote:I'm confused. Some people are saying they are only offering cow and lamb with no plan to offer calf or horse. Some people are saying they are going to offer it, but only to COW members, and they will be made overseas with some modifications from the pattern on the website. Does anyone know who's right here?

I'm going to have to re-iterate Holt and _'s suggestions here, ask US Wings directly. This thread is not intended to be the next source of answers about this project, but rather to show off Weston's Kick-butt example of what US Wings is offering on their site :) And this post goes out to EVERYONE :)

-KB :D
Kentucky, thanks for that. This is purely about show and tell.

And thanks to all for the compliments. :TOH:

Thanks for the tips, everyone. I did email Wings and they cleared up a few things, but mostly, I've just changed my mind, and have new questions - hopefully one's you can help me with. When I got my Wested cowhide, I wasn't a big fan of the leather, but it sounds like this US Wings cowhide is worlds better, and I may go with that (the jacket does look fantastic, BTW). Has anyone who submitted the form to Myke gotten a response at all? It looks like these are now available to the general public, so is there any reason as a COW member to wait any longer, even if we are on the list?
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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I think the question on waiting depends on what you want. It would seem the jacket Weston has is currently available to the public, but has the right hand zipper and leather facing. If you want the left hand zipper and no facing, those jackets are still in production and not yet available. This is based on what I've read above.


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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Mark Brody »

Cool, thanks!
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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

There's also this thread that has some more information, though still confusing to me.



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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by m.s »

News from Sarge about the Legend Cow:
Sgt. wrote:Roz Schott sent over today the new Raiders Legend Cow from the same Tannery we have been getting the Collectors Jacket from.. The same Leather as the Crystral Skull Jacket.. We had the leather darked a little so it would look more like the Raiders Movie.. a lot of Time But I think Roz Nailed it!!This Jacket is 100 % Neil Cooper Spec.. We went ahead and had leather made for 100 Jackets and they should all be ready before Mid Dec. These are very exciting Times for the Fans.. I will be sending Travis a Sample Monday After I have pictures of Myself taken.
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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Michaelson »

Just received:
Looks like we are going to have some very happy customers!!Our size Large will be in next Wed. These are the Imports made from the Old cowhide leather I found and sent some small samples out two weeks ago!! WOW This is very exciting and great news…As you can see there are not a lot coming in because each one is handmade meaning only one person makes each jacket.. They are not made on the open line.
Yes you can pass the word!! This has been a long time coming!! You know we will give them $ 100.00 off But they must be a COW members.. Sorry no outsiders.

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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by whipcracker »

Which leather is this? There are so many I get them mixed up.
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Re: USW Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Michaelson »

It's an antique cowhide he found a few weeks ago, made in the Legend pattern, as he says in his message.

That's why it's been posted in this cowhide Legend thread. ;)

Your point is well taken. I added the word 'cowhide' to the subject title to help separate some of these discussions out. :TOH:

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Bemo »

Any info on how this leather is different from the antique/naked cow on the Hero series? Not that I need another jacket....
well of course after the bison legend, but yeah, that's it, really. :anxious:
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Weston »

Bemo wrote:Any info on how this leather is different from the antique/naked cow on the Hero series? Not that I need another jacket....
well of course after the bison legend, but yeah, that's it, really. :anxious:
You can see both of them side by side in this thread.

The Hero antique cowhide and the imported Legend cowhide are the same leather as near I can tell. The antique cowhide for the US made Legend is a different leather; smoother, fine grained, a bit darker not as much red in it.

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by scot2525 »

Weston wrote: You can see both of them side by side in this thread.

The Hero antique cowhide and the imported Legend cowhide are the same leather as near I can tell. The antique cowhide for the US made Legend is a different leather; smoother, fine grained, a bit darker not as much red in it.


As much as I like the leather on my Hero, the description of the leather being used on the US made Legend is music to my ears. I really am anxious to get this jacket. All of the details Weston mentions are a plus to me especially the "darker."

I recieved an email today, as a few others did, telling of "another new leather" that will becoming out of Wings. Be sure to check the site tomorrow for pictures.
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Texan Scott »

Question: What is the difference between the US made Legend and the Import Legend? Is there a tag inside the jacket that reads as such? :-k
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by damieneo »

Texan Scott wrote:Question: What is the difference between the US made Legend and the Import Legend? Is there a tag inside the jacket that reads as such? :-k
Weston had both and he did mentioned the differences between the two among the threads.

The US made is trimmer. The sleeves are slimmer at the upper arm on the US made
Taller collar stand on the Import
Bigger collar on the Import
Smaller, nickle silver sliders on the Import
Different leather - 30 year old Leather on the Import. Softer, lighter leather from the same tannery that made the leather for the Crystal Skull leather jacket.
US MAde by Schott.
The USA has a trimmer cut.. The reason is That Roz Schott used The Neil
Cooper Pattern 100 % and the import is by numbers.. Same pattern but numbers
only.. Roz had the Pattern in front of her!! Is the USA made jacket a better
jacket.. Good question.. If you want a 100 % SA jacket then the answer is
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Texan Scott »

Gacias! ;) :tup:
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by damieneo »

Doesn't seem like everyone got their Legend jacket yet. I've made my order online for the imported old cow this morning and straight away the COW member discount was refunded.

Hoping it will ship soon and will post some pics in here later :D .
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Texan Scott »

I received my Import Legend just yesterday, and I have to say that for $195, it is a nice jacket. The hide texture, etc., reminds me alot of washed goat without the gray-ish undertone. Just a comparison.
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by damieneo »

Texan Scott wrote:I received my Import Legend just yesterday, and I have to say that for $195, it is a nice jacket. The hide texture, etc., reminds me alot of washed goat without the gray-ish undertone. Just a comparison.
Wow! That's fast. I ordered yesterday, but yet to receive a shipping confirmation, and that will take a week and a half to reach where I am.

Seems like only a few days ago you were asking about the differences. How's the fit compared to other USW offerings?
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Scott, I'm sure we don't have to tell you... we'd love to see some photos!

Any chance of that happening?

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Sgt. »

damieneo wrote:Doesn't seem like everyone got their Legend jacket yet. I've made my order online for the imported old cow this morning and straight away the COW member discount was refunded.

Hoping it will ship soon and will post some pics in here later :D .
I would love to see some pics.... BTW All USA Legend Striated Lambskin Jackets will go out 12-21-10 along with all USA Cow and Bison... The Import Striated Lambskin should go out about the same date! Please place your orders now if you have not already done so.. If you don't know your size give us your height and weight.. The Legend is the Neil Cooper Pattern 100 % Due to US Wings having a firm ship date all orders in our office will be charged and ready for shipiment the 21st of Dec. If COW members have not already done so Please order your Kids Little Legend because we are running out and will not have these Jackets much longer! Make sure to let us know you are a COW member for the discount.
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Texan Scott »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Scott, I'm sure we don't have to tell you... we'd love to see some photos!

Any chance of that happening?

Maybe so! Stay tuned.... ;)
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Holt »

what size did you get? I now you are kinda the same size as me and Large would be alltle to small for me and I think maby you as well...
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Dr. Evil »

I was one of the people that ordered the import cowhide Legend, so I got it about a week or two ago, right after they started shipping them out. I got a medium. It’s roomy in the chest and a little slim in the waist area, thanks to the narrow pleat and tapered back. I’d say if I wasn’t so chubby these days that it would hang just fine in the front. My arms are 26 inches and my shoulders are ten inches from middle to end. I’ve got a pretty thick chest and the jacket fits fine. You body builder types are probably bigger in the chest thant me, but that M really isn't so tight. This jacket actually is more roomy than my size 40 Wested ROTLA HH I used to wear. I’m just trying to give an idea of how it’s not really so small. The jacket is just about an inch too short in the sleeves, but I like that, because I can’t stand it when the barrel cuff rubs against my palm. The jacket is 26 inches long in the back.

The leather is awesome. It’s dark, with rusty undertones. The leather underneath the finish has this real cool golden brown hue to it. It feels just as thick as my Wested washed goat and is just as heavy. The grain is so much better, though. I almost didn’t want to take it out of the back when I opened the box. The grain is large and varies in size. It has a nice heft to it. For 195, you really can't beat it. It does everything my OTR ROLA couldn't do, as far as having the slimmer waist and collar is concerned. I could really do without those facings, though. I'd like it if the collar could flare out more, but, that's okay. It's got a unique look, especially with the bigger openings for the arms in the upper area.
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Sgt. »

Dr. Evil wrote:I was one of the people that ordered the import cowhide Legend, so I got it about a week or two ago, right after they started shipping them out. I got a medium. It’s roomy in the chest and a little slim in the waist area, thanks to the narrow pleat and tapered back. I’d say if I wasn’t so chubby these days that it would hang just fine in the front. My arms are 26 inches and my shoulders are ten inches from middle to end. I’ve got a pretty thick chest and the jacket fits fine. You body builder types are probably bigger in the chest thant me, but that M really isn't so tight. This jacket actually is more roomy than my size 40 Wested ROTLA HH I used to wear. I’m just trying to give an idea of how it’s not really so small. The jacket is just about an inch too short in the sleeves, but I like that, because I can’t stand it when the barrel cuff rubs against my palm. The jacket is 26 inches long in the back.

The leather is awesome. It’s dark, with rusty undertones. The leather underneath the finish has this real cool golden brown hue to it. It feels just as thick as my Wested washed goat and is just as heavy. The grain is so much better, though. I almost didn’t want to take it out of the back when I opened the box. The grain is large and varies in size. It has a nice heft to it. For 195, you really can't beat it. It does everything my OTR ROLA couldn't do, as far as having the slimmer waist and collar is concerned. I could really do without those facings, though. I'd like it if the collar could flare out more, but, that's okay. It's got a unique look, especially with the bigger openings for the arms in the upper area.
I think your report is very honest and well said.. When I make a jacket I look at just how the jacket is received and worn by most of our customers.. I do not make a custom made jacket because most of my customers do not wish to spend over one thousand dollars for a leather jacket.. Most just want a well made leather jacket with looks and style that does not look like some jacket that should not be seen in the day light.. Not dropping names but most of my customers can afford anything in the world but there is an old saying more is not better! My Business partner Roz Schott is known the world over as being the best of the Best... BTW the price of leather is going up.
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Dr. Evil »

Well, Sgt., thanks for making a great jacket. I really like the way this import fits. The back panel hangs nice and flush to my backside and the front doesn’t fly out at all, unless I poke my gut out. The back panel is a bit of elasticity to it, as well, which I think helps with maneuverability. This cowhide is exactly what I have been wanting. It actually has this real rugged, sort of a Western look to it because of the grain. Certain areas on my jacket are almost comparable to the buffalo hide grain. I saw the pictures and thought to myself, man, as far as looks go, there’s not a whole lot of difference as far as the texture goes. I’m sure weight and durability are a different matter. The buckles aren’t shiny, either. Mine have a little bit of a rustic look to them, like they could have been hand-tooled or something. Really cool.

And the finish has started to distress a little on its own. Not much, just a little. The color of the leather underneath is really, really nice. I’m happy I bought this jacket and I’m sure I’ll be even happier when that US Made SL Legend gets dropped of at my door.
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by kwad »

Question for Texan Scott or Dr. Evil,

How long did it take for delivery from the time you ordered your jacket?
I placed my order on the 7th of this month, yet have not received an order confirmation email or shipping info yet. The charge has already posted to my CC, just, no notification yet.

Did you guys receive a confirmation email when the order was placed?

(I emailed, but, haven't received a response yet.)
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by damieneo »

kwad wrote:Question for Texan Scott or Dr. Evil,

How long did it take for delivery from the time you ordered your jacket?
I placed my order on the 7th of this month, yet have not received an order confirmation email or shipping info yet. The charge has already posted to my CC, just, no notification yet.

Did you guys receive a confirmation email when the order was placed?

(I emailed, but, haven't received a response yet.)
Try email Sarge or Lisa A. Maruschak <>. The same thing happened to me when I ordered beginning of this month. Told them I am a member of cow and Sarge checked on it because they have stock of the Import COW. Within minutes I received a shipping confirmation from Lisa. My jacket was already shipped earlier on the 7th. They probably are swamped with orders to fulfil.

Delivery time is about one week from the US to Malaysia here so I am expecting my package to arrive this 2 days.

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Indydawg »

Legend jackets are still not ALL due to ship until the 21st...I know some are making their way out, but...they should be arriving JUST in time for Christmas...that is, if all goes right.

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Mark Brody »

kwad wrote:Question for Texan Scott or Dr. Evil,

How long did it take for delivery from the time you ordered your jacket?
I placed my order on the 7th of this month, yet have not received an order confirmation email or shipping info yet. The charge has already posted to my CC, just, no notification yet.

Did you guys receive a confirmation email when the order was placed?

(I emailed, but, haven't received a response yet.)
While the Imported cowhide is in stock, they still don't have long sizes yet (at least as of the last time I called). I've called/emailed them several times, and each time they say the long sizes will be in stock "next week". I originally asked about a month ago, and again a couple weeks after that and got the same answer - next week. I don't know what's going on that they have a rolling estimated ship date for longs, but that may be the reason you don't have yours yet, depending what size you ordered.
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by kwad »

Indydawg wrote:Legend jackets are still not ALL due to ship until the 21st...I know some are making their way out, but...they should be arriving JUST in time for Christmas...that is, if all goes right.

I know that the SL Imports and all US models are due to ship on the 21st, but, the Cowhide Imports are supposed to be in stock and ready to ship.

I've never ordered from USW before and was wondering if it is normal for a customer to NOT receive any type of notification after an order is placed through their website?
The website states they will send a notification and tracking info once it goes out if you provided an email address (which I did).


Thanks for the tip. I'll try giving them an email at "". :TOH:
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Indydawg »

I've never ordered from USW before and was wondering if it is normal for a customer to NOT receive any type of notification after an order is placed through their website?
The website states they will send a notification and tracking info once it goes out if you provided an email address (which I did).
No, K....every order I've ever placed through their website, I get a convirmation email farily soon following the order placement....then another email from UPS with the tracking # when it ships...

You might better give 'em a call..I don't think Sarge is going to be around much until after the first of the year...
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by kwad »

Thanks Dawg,

I just tried the Shipping@ address provided by Damieneo.
If I don't receive a response from that one, I think you may be right and a call will be in order. :-k
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Tibor »

I didn't get a confirmation either, so I called and talked with Rita. She pulled up my order and confirmed all was well. Don't know what's up with the website because that's where I ordered, but seems to work (minus the confirmation).
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by kwad »

Just received a response from Lisa in the shipping department.
My jacket has been shipped and should be here the day after tomorrow! \:D/

(Of course, pictures will follow!)
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Indydawg »

Excellent news! Many eager eyes and ears await!!!

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by kwad »

It's here, it's here!!!
\:D/ \:D/ \:D/

The leather is beautiful, the fit is perfect, the stitching is tight and straight.
I can't find a thing wrong with it.

Sgt. David Hack, you sir ARE THE MAN!! :notworthy:

Pics will soon follow!!
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Indydawg »

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Mark Brody »

I know you said "pics will follow", but I haven't had the opportunity to use this yet...

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by damieneo »

Great to hear that, Kwad! My jacket has arrived a few days ago, but unfortunately got stucked at Customs. Waiting for clearance after duties paid :( The Hero jacket passed through no problemo last time. Oh well... Looks like I'm getting it delivered on 21st December after all!!
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by whipcracker »

Mark Brody wrote:I know you said "pics will follow", but I haven't had the opportunity to use this yet...


Yeah, what he said... :D
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by kwad »

When I get home from work, I swear! :lol:
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Noah »


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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by bobcatmvp1 »

Sorry for the ignorant question, but do the US made vintage cow Legends come with buttons on the storm flap, and/or pocket flaps?
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Hollowpond »

No. There are no snaps on the legend's storm flap.

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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by bobcatmvp1 »

And the pocket flaps?
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Re: USW Cowhide Raider #1. Take a look!

Post by Holt »

yes of course. this is standard and has been since the first jacket ever made. I have never heared/seen any Indy jackets without snaps on the pocket flaps.
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