What type of leather shrinks the most?

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What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

Some members have run their jackets through a cold wash and I really like the results! I have seen some shrinkage in the leather which looks really great! I was wondering though..
Does different leathers shrink at different rates depending on the type of hide and thickness? Do they all stretch back out or is it permanent? :-k
For obvious reasons, I would not want to wash a snug jacket for the look but not be able to wear it. :o
Thoughts anyone...?
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Hollowpond »

I would guess lamb due to its elasticity. But it is just a guess...

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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

Hollowpond wrote:I would guess lamb due to its elasticity. But it is just a guess...

Yes, that was my guess as well but how much does it bounch back after shrinkage?
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Hollowpond »

I think you are gonna get a bevy of "Your results may vary, proceed with caution" replies in this thread. There are no real guarantees when it comes to water and leather. For anyone other than us nut jobs :TOH: , leather is not meant to be in water (if it was then cows, sheep, goats, bison and horses would have webbed feet and not hooves! :lol: ).

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What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by djd »

If it's washed cold and dried gently it doesn't really shrink at all. My magnoli hasnt lost any size. I had a wested that did but that was dried with heat...
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

Hollowpond wrote:I think you are gonna get a bevy of "Your results may vary, proceed with caution" replies in this thread. There are no real guarantees when it comes to water and leather. For anyone other than us nut jobs :TOH: , leather is not meant to be in water (if it was then cows, sheep, goats, bison and horses would have webbed feet and not hooves! :lol: ).

LOL! It is so true! Who in their right minds would wash a brand new leather jacket? That's right! Nuts like us!!! :lol: The best part is, were not talking about some cheap item here. These jackets cost bucks! With that said, the drive to get that "look" =P~ is ever so dominating, and pushes us to do so!
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

djd wrote:If it's washed cold and dried gently it doesn't really shrink at all. My magnoli hasnt lost any size. I had a wested that did but that was dried with heat...
Ok that makes some sense.. what type of leathers?
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What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by djd »

They were both lamb
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

So the wested lamb shrunk up because you used heat and it never bounced back then? Did you put it in a dryer and how long ago was this? :-k
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What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by djd »

About three years back. Can't remember all the details but as I recall I just hung it over a line with a space heater in the room. It dried in a day as instead of around four days without heat... Obviously it's cold and wet where I am - somewhere with some sun would be quicker!
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

djd wrote:About three years back. Can't remember all the details but as I recall I just hung it over a line with a space heater in the room. It dried in a day as instead of around four days without heat... Obviously it's cold and wet where I am - somewhere with some sun would be quicker!
So when the wested lamb lost some size years ago it stayed that way? Or did it eventually return to original size it was before the cold wash/heat dry?
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What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by djd »

It stayed shrunken. Probably lost about an inch from the sleeves
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Texan Scott »

Depends upon the density of the leather and the amount of heat applied to it.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Hollowpond »

Texan Scott wrote:Depends upon the density of the leather and the amount of heat applied to it.
Like I said...too many variables. I don't think there is one cure all for this question. Even different jackets from the same vendor could have some quirky variation from hide batches, imperfections in a particular hide, etc., etc. I am right there with you though friend, seeing all these "newly washed" jackets makes me itchy! I would reiterate though, your results may vary. :TOH:

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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Texan Scott »

Righto. If you have a new, good fitting jacket to begin with, and want to take the shine off the jacket, it is better to use cold water and just hang it to dry, this way you minimize the shrink factor. Some would say, use rubbing alcohol, etc. If you have a jacket that is maybe one size too large, for instance, then maybe it's time to turn up the heat some? Depends on the situation.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

Texan Scott wrote:Righto. If you have a new, good fitting jacket to begin with, and want to take the shine off the jacket, it is better to use cold water and just hang it to dry, this way you minimize the shrink factor. Some would say, use rubbing alcohol, etc. If you have a jacket that is maybe one size too large, for instance, then maybe it's time to turn up the heat some? Depends on the situation.
You are thinking along the same line as I. I am really digging that US Wings Legend Striated Lamb but heard it runs a little long in the sleeves, so I figured I have a back up plan if I picked one up!
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Sgt. »

Digger4Glory wrote:
Texan Scott wrote:Righto. If you have a new, good fitting jacket to begin with, and want to take the shine off the jacket, it is better to use cold water and just hang it to dry, this way you minimize the shrink factor. Some would say, use rubbing alcohol, etc. If you have a jacket that is maybe one size too large, for instance, then maybe it's time to turn up the heat some? Depends on the situation.
You are thinking along the same line as I. I am really digging that US Wings Legend Striated Lamb but heard it runs a little long in the sleeves, so I figured I have a back up plan if I picked one up!
I'm with you.. I think the Roz Schott sleeves are a little long in the Legend Striated Lamb.. One heck of a leather but I like a little less in the sleeves in all The Legend Cow USA and Imports...Next week I will have my first run of Striated Lamb and I will see the measurements with those to our USA Roz is making.. BTW Keep in mind do not wash the Import Cow Leather! Major mistake.. This leather is over 30 plus years old and never seen before on any jacket and has the old country look and smell and I have no idea what would happen to it if the leather was washed.. I would ask _ what He thinks first!! As for Roz and I.. every time we read about a Jacket being washed we open another bottle... I like red wine helps the heart.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

Thanks for that huge tip Sarge! :TOH: I will keep that in mind if I pick up an import. Also if I ever wash a leather jacket, I will make sure to tip the glass at this end as well! Sounds like a nice tradition!
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by tomek9210 »

Longer sleeves are better, they ride up with wear and longer sleeves fit taller people like me ;)
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by CM »

I've washed many leather jackets over the years (none were lamb) but I include steer, cow, and goat. I used warm water and soap. none of them ever shrunk. None. Maybe lamb does shrink, I would never buy that hide so I guess I never know for sure.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by soulman »

I had a Wested years ago that was in lamb and it fit poorly as it was a 48r and I'm a 46r. I first tried soaking it in a tub of room temp water and letting it air dry with little results. Once I placed the jacket in warm water (not hot) and tossed it in the dryer on low it shrunk almost one size. I seem to recall that the biggest difference was in the sleeves. That said, the goat G&B that I owned never shrunk at all even after similar treatment. If I had to choose a hide that would display the most change in terms of size when exposed to water and then heat I would have to say lamb.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by ron521 »

The hot tip for getting boots to fit perfectly used to be to soak them overnight in cold water, such as the washing machine or bathtub. Then put them on and wear them till they dry. The leather would shrink slightly due to your body heat, and conform perfectly to the shape of your foot, although this could take hours or days depending on the ambient temperature.

I've seen jackets which have been shrunken improperly, one roomy size 42 Schott went down to a snug 38, and sleeves were no longer the same length (an inch difference, maybe one sleeve was nearer the heat source while drying?).

If I DID ever wash a jacket, it would only be in cold water, and I'd be VERY careful about how I dried it.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Sgt. »

ron521 wrote:The hot tip for getting boots to fit perfectly used to be to soak them overnight in cold water, such as the washing machine or bathtub. Then put them on and wear them till they dry. The leather would shrink slightly due to your body heat, and conform perfectly to the shape of your foot, although this could take hours or days depending on the ambient temperature.

I've seen jackets which have been shrunken improperly, one roomy size 42 Schott went down to a snug 38, and sleeves were no longer the same length (an inch difference, maybe one sleeve was nearer the heat source while drying?).

If I DID ever wash a jacket, it would only be in cold water, and I'd be VERY careful about how I dried it.
As for myself... I do like what _ did with His Raiders Legend Jacket and may let Him do that to one of My Jackets.. I nor Roz Schott has ever washed a Leather jacket and would not want to take a chance... I do love the look.
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What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by djd »

I love the look too although the results vary considerably from one piece of leather to the next... My wested lamb didn't have much grain either before or after being washed. My magnoli has lots of interesting grain in the back panel after washing but not so much anywhere else. The striated lamb will probably show the greatest difference after washing I'd guess
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

Wow, one to two sizes it can shrink! I would imagine the liner not shrinking to match the jacket especially if it was satin. I guess you guys would have some excess in the liner material... :-k did you?
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by soulman »

My Wested liner shrunk a bit but it was cotton.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by stevemahaffey »

So is there any re-stretching a shrunken jacket?

My AC Hero was not INTENTIONALLY washed, but it did meet with enough water to saturate it. Warm water at that. I did not properly explain to my wife that the fuller's earth would come off with wear. To make things worse, she then tossed it in the dryer with a load of other clothes. Medium-High heat. I found the jacket when checking the other clothes and took it out before it got Completely dry and, thinking this accident might actually turn out to be a good thing, I put the jacket on and wore it until it was dry.
Overall, I do like MOST of what happened. (sorry, no pics before really, so I can't do a comparison). BUT, the sleeves shortened maybe a quarter-inch more than they needed to, and I have lost the loose, blousy feel that the shoulders had, and so lost some freedom of movement. Also, I think the back panel may have narrowed or something because the pleats in the back are no longer pleated. They are puckered open. Are there any suggestions of how to, in a controlled manner, stretch back out those areas? The leather is EXTREMELY dry feeling now, could a healthy dose of Pecard's make the leather more pliable for working with?
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Hollowpond »

stevemahaffey wrote:So is there any re-stretching a shrunken jacket?

My AC Hero was not INTENTIONALLY washed, but it did meet with enough water to saturate it. Warm water at that. I did not properly explain to my wife that the fuller's earth would come off with wear. To make things worse, she then tossed it in the dryer with a load of other clothes. Medium-High heat.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by stevemahaffey »

Hmm. That doesn't sound promising. (I would insert some screaming smilie here, but I don't know how)
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Bemo »

Well the Pecards certainly wouldn't hurt. :-k The leather may relax enough with the Pecards to allow you stretch out the pleats again. Really, at this point what do you have to loose? Pics may be instructive to all of us.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by ob1al »

Well, all leather is animal skin so it will stretch, shrink or dry up depending upon what you subject it to. Putting any leather, regardless of type, through a wash and dry cycle will do funny and unpredictable things to it. It might also ruin it. Washing and drying temps. vary depending upon your machine and the settings you choose, that's an important consideration too.
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

stevemahaffey wrote:So is there any re-stretching a shrunken jacket?

My AC Hero was not INTENTIONALLY washed, but it did meet with enough water to saturate it. Warm water at that. I did not properly explain to my wife that the fuller's earth would come off with wear. To make things worse, she then tossed it in the dryer with a load of other clothes. Medium-High heat. I found the jacket when checking the other clothes and took it out before it got Completely dry and, thinking this accident might actually turn out to be a good thing, I put the jacket on and wore it until it was dry.
Overall, I do like MOST of what happened. (sorry, no pics before really, so I can't do a comparison). BUT, the sleeves shortened maybe a quarter-inch more than they needed to, and I have lost the loose, blousy feel that the shoulders had, and so lost some freedom of movement. Also, I think the back panel may have narrowed or something because the pleats in the back are no longer pleated. They are puckered open. Are there any suggestions of how to, in a controlled manner, stretch back out those areas? The leather is EXTREMELY dry feeling now, could a healthy dose of Pecard's make the leather more pliable for working with?
I would go with the pecards and work it into the leather really good. I would even warm the pecards up a little before I worked it in. I have a pair of leather gloves I hand washed in warm water then dried them in the drier. They shrunk up pretty good but were very dry, so I worked warm beeswax into them to soften/seal them and it worked. As a result though the leather drank it up and the gloves went almost back the original size. I don't think all hope is lossed for your jacket.
It may even end up being exactly want you wanted after the pecards which I think may work better than the beeswax..

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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

stevemahaffey wrote: (I would insert some screaming smilie here, but I don't know how)
Allow me to help you scream:

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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Holt »

it took me a few secs but I get it now. :lol:

(I can just hear that painfull scream in my head)
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by stevemahaffey »

Thanks for the advice, folks! I'll try to get some pics up this evening so you can better see what has happened. I rubbed some pecards in pretty generously and the jacket did regain ateast some of it's shape but the pleats still seem wrong to me. Is there a safe way to iron leather? It occurs to me that perhaps the problem is that when I put the jacket on to finish drying, I sat down for a while and so maybe the pleats just dried in that position. I know the collar still has the shape it dried in even after the pecards. Anyway, thanks again!
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Holt »

no, no. do not iron the leather, if it shrank in the dryer you can bet your hand that it will shrink with the hot iron.

I think it just need to relax again. its been shock treated an it stiffend and shrank alittle. just put some pecards on it and wear it so it will relax again.

maby throw it in the dryer with NO heat. just put a couple shoes in the dryer along with the jacket and spin it for a couple hours. like money laundering. not that I have any experience with it.... :[
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Digger4Glory »

Indiana Holt wrote:no, no. do not iron the leather, if it shrank in the dryer you can bet your hand that it will shrink with the hot iron.

I think it just need to relax again. its been shock treated an it stiffend and shrank alittle. just put some pecards on it and wear it so it will relax again.

maby throw it in the dryer with NO heat. just put a couple shoes in the dryer along with the jacket and spin it for a couple hours. like money laundering. not that I have any experience with it.... :[
I agree stay away from the iron, it might even make it peel. Stick with what you did and wear it. If that does not do the trick in a couple of weeks, then maybe hang it and steam it a bit. Then work it out to where you want it pulling on it with your hands. :TOH:
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Re: What type of leather shrinks the most?

Post by Weston »

Steve, you're killing me! :Dietrich:

No iron on the leather man! I almost fell out of my seat when I read that!

I actually faced a similar situation years ago with a pre-distressed Wested jacket, not entirely unlike the jacket you're having trouble with. It was so contaminated that it had to go in the wash; I knew of nothing else to do, and in my ignorance, I put it in the drier, WITH HEAT! It shrunk, and looked unsalvageable. I soaked it in cold water, and when I'd wrung enough water out of it, I put it on and tugged at the sleeves and body until they were back to where I wanted them. I kept it up until it was dry, then gave it a couple good coats of Pecards. It drank the first coat like dry sponge takes water. Then I wore it again, let it relax, and it came back to life, in many ways better than when it was new!

Let's see the pics, preferably with you wearing it. Leather is a very forgiving material provided that you understand that the look and texture will be irreversably changed. The fit can come back. I don't think it's too late for your jacket, but it may take some work.


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