... CN1806.jpg
This is the new color that we will eventually use for the Henry, because I thought the Henry was a bit dark for my own tastes, although felt does lighten up over time. I liked this new color of brown better, and Marc used that for my mink/beaver body.
Now what is so special about a mink/beaver blend? Not much, except it is the worlds rarest felt blend. Mink fur, felts too fast, and because of this there is a max that can be used in a felt hat. There are no pure mink felts, due to this. So, Marc's feltmaker experimented, and determined just "how" much could be used when mixed in with beaver. Through trial and error he arrived at the max amount. Remember that old Stetson "Touch of Mink" hat sold years ago? Well, it was indeed just a "touch" of mink, probably a pinch.

So, when Marc gets around to making this hat for me, I will post pics here, of it on the old ugly head. I have requested that he make this hat using our CS block, as I have enough Raider fedoras already. Plus, if I get tired of the CS look, I can simply recrease it per Raiders as this CS block does a good job in pulling off the Raiders look. And unlike my other hats, I will "baby" this one. It will be my Sunday go to meeting hat. Not often that I get excited about a hat these days, but this one here has me once again excited about a hat. So thank you Marc for doing this for me. I cannot find the time to make myself hats these days, and if I get one, it has to come from someone else. Fedora