It is available here now." onclick=";return false; ... 8-200.html
I got this Denix MkIV about a month ago. The model is nice, but it has a few idiosyncrasies that you might want to know about. I am quoting myself (more or less) from a different thread.
It is the
.38 caliber MkIV, not the earlier .455. It does look a little small compared to the Mk VI but it looks pretty good. It does break open for loading, but if you don't hold onto cylinder it will go flying (along with a lone ball bearing) as it is NOT attached. The cylinder turns when you pull the trigger (at least 5 times out of 6) but there is no mechanical stop like a real gun- the cylinder clicks and lines up with the barrel because of the ball bearing and spring catching on the front cylinder openings. There is no spring on the latch, so it is held in place (or not held in place) by the 2 mounting screws. This model is double action only, and there is no shell ejecting mechanism. It may be somewhat illegal, as mine came with NO orange plug.
I have the leather Webley holster- t
he .38 is a little small for it- the butt does not stick out from under the flap- but it fits reasonably well. The paint job is not perfect, but to be honest, as metal replicas go, from Japan or Spain, it is about par for the course.
I recently found out the dummy shells for the 22 series Denix Peacemakers fit in my model.