
From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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Post by TREX »

I Love Bullwhips!!

Hi there! When I was 12 years old, like many people on this site, I became interested in the bullwhip right around the time Raiders of the Lost Ark came out. Weird Coincidence...Not!! I got a couple of Mexican deluxe whips & just sorta goofed around until a few years ago a friend of mine told me that you could get a whip from the guy who made Indy's for the movies. He also had a "How-To" crack whips VHS by some guy named Anthony DeLongis??? (I had no idea who he was at the time!) I had to have one for myself, so I bought a pricy David Morgan 8 footer. I had wanted the 10 footer, but it was just too much money, so I found another whip maker that apprenticed under David named Joseph Strain. I took a chance, bought a 10 foot 12 plait Indy Style & was completely amazed by Joe's work. To this day it is still one of my favorite whips to crack. It's a real pleasure!

Recently I became a lot more interested when I was working on the set of Cowboys & Aliens. The art director, Lauren, would go nowhere without her Indy whip strapped to her hip at all times! It was a gift from production of the 4th Indy movie & on top of that she had gotten some personal training from Anthony DeLongis himself! Now where have I heard that name before? I got to see her practice on break & she was pretty darn good. I brought my whip in the next day & she showed me a few new tricks. Well that was it, I got hooked again but wanted to learn more.

I've been spending all my money on whips of different sizes, plaits & styles trying to find out what kind is best suited to me. I already had an 8 foot 12 plait Indy style from David Morgan & the 10 foot 12 plait from Joseph Strain Indy Style (the Joseph Strain is still my favorite). I recently purchased a Raiders Style 10 foot 16 plait from Joe along with two specials he was offering that his brother Christopher Strain made, both black 12 plait indy style around 7 foot each. I wanted to try nylon so more recently I ordered a pair of performance hybrid whips from Paul & Lauren over at MidWest Whips & a pair of neon Yellow 9 foot Indy Style from Robert W. Buckley at Lineage Whips. Finally, I bought a pair of 7 foot Aussie style Black & Yellow 8 plait from Mike Murphy (I have no more money). I'm in the process of figuring out what I like & still trying to learn more crack routines & double handed stuff too! I'm having a ton of fun though. My girlfriend loves it as much as I do & we go to the park together & practice whipping all the time!

I feel like we need to learn from actual whip people who know what they are doing. If anyone knows a good whip teacher in the Los Angeles area or is someone who would like to go to the park just to learn from each other, please let us know.

P.S. I Some how forgot to mention- While I was on the set of Cowboys & Aliens -Harrison Ford Walked right passed me sipping coffee, while trying to ignore my stupid amazed goofy stair-

Here are some pics of my Whip collection:
Last edited by TREX on Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by darthinvictus »

Great story and very pretty whips.
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by winrichwhips »

For personal whip instruction in LA, I'd recommend getting lessons from Delongis himself. He lives just north of LA.
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by FloatinJoe »

I've trained with Anthony several times in the past and am trying to figure out how I can swing a trip back to the ranch. I recommend his methods and teaching style whole heartedly.... Listen, he even taught my then 63-year-old future mother-in-law how to throw tomahawks... He deserves an award for that.

Seriously, if you have the opportunity to train with Anthony, go and do it.

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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by Lukes Roommate »

Could someone PM me what the cost is like to train with Anthony?
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by Noah »

Great looking whips! Thank you for sharing that story with us! :)

I'd also suggest taking lessons from Anthony himself. I think his ranch is pretty close to you.
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by Tremolo »

That´s a great story and you have a beautiful collection!
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by TREX »

Thank You all for your Input-
Actually I did contact Anthony- & His going rate is $150 for a 90 minute session- But he also offers this-

- ( Intensive training (or an action vacation) at the ranch is $450 a day includes three meals and board, 6 hours of training spread throughout the day (morning, afternoon,evening depending on whether you need to take a break mentally or
physically or if I have an audition or need to work my horses). Since my usual rate is $150 an hour, it's quite a good deal (half price, if you're math skills are as weak as mine). You'll have your own private room and bath and all the amenities of the ranch to enjoy and practice and to relax to give the material a chance to sink in. I also have some DVD homework for you to absorb on your down time to speed your progress in the disciplines we explore. BTW, the longer you stay, the
cheaper it gets.)

That sounds really fun to me! I guess I'd better stop buying whips, save some money & go learn how to properly use them!

I was also just wondering if anyone would want to whip in the park with My girlfriend & I, just for fun & to maybe learn from each other too-
It's alot lot cheaper that way-

Thanks again everyone
- T.Rex

P.S.- Oh Yeah I will post some more Whip pix just as soon as I get a chance-
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by FloatinJoe »


I have to say that Anthony's wife Mary is an excellent cook, and the three meals are outstanding. Beyond the training, it is just an amazing experience to have spending the night at the ranch. We usually enjoy a cocktail in the gazebo and follow it up with dinner and a movie. The skills you learn go beyond the bullwhip (all of the arts are connected and what you learn with one weapon will aid you with another).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me a PM.
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by Lukes Roommate »

Thanks for posting that info.
$450 is an awesome deal.
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by Lukes Roommate »

####...now I can't stop thinking about doing the trip out there...
Going to drop hints to the wife, maybe she'll bite and gift it to me for Christmas :P
(She DID buy me my Joe Strain whip last Christmas, so who knows!)
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by BullWhipBorton »

Hi TRex, Welcome to Club Obi-Wan. It sounds like you’re in the right place :TOH:

There are a number of whip cracking enthusiasts in L.A. and throughout Southern California in general; many are members here and will be attending the Queen Mary Summit in Long Beach next month. I know at least a few of them do occasional whip cracking meets throughout the year.

Wild West Artist Judy Taylor also hosts an annual whip cracking/rope spinning event out at the Will Rodgers State Park, north of Santa Monica each Fall. It was scheduled for this weekend but has been postponed until next month. That might be something you'd be intrested in once the new date is set.

Anthony DeLongis and his wife Mary operate a training center at there home north of L.A. in Canyon Country. Aside from being very hospitable hosts, Anthony is a great teacher and one of the most articulate whip handlers I know, his specialized methodology offers a very solid skill set and a visit to Rancho Indalo is an adventure in itself!


BTW Great collection of whips!
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by lelec2 »

Beautiful story and Greats whips, congratulations!
Have you not more the Morgan whip?
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Re: Bullwhips!

Post by jeanfifi »

Yeap! beautifull story and whips!

I'd be happy to see the MikeMurphy's matched pair you were talking about.

Whipcracking with Master De longis and his wife.......a dream! You lucky fellows!
I guess everyone knows this video:

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