Yes sir folks - that hat takes a lickin' and keeps on trekin' (to paraphrase an old Timex commercial that most of you are WAY too young to remember)...
Meet my new grandchild Jordyn (or as I like to call her - Indiana Jane).
Bath Time
Empty it out
Nap time
Jordyn seems to like your hat Steve, must be that soft beaver felt.
Paul ô¿ô
Last edited by thatguyno1 on Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yea - 5 lbs 9 ozs when born (full term) but she is putting on the weight now - up to 6 lbs 4 ozs. She almost qualifies for the Dust Mite weight division! I wasn't sure if she was going to fit in the hat cause she does have long arms and legs.
I'm going to have to search for the "Diet Pepsi" AB.
Found it - Finger Lakes summit and the Pizza Hut. That's funny!
Thankfully, Jordyn didn't leave any presents for Grampa in his hat - diet or otherwise.
She is completely adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should be one proud grandparent. We will look forward to the further adventures of Inddiana Jane!
What can I say, babies are addictive. My son is 4 months old now, as of today, and last night my wife says, should we have another baby, not now later like in 2 years...
That is a great pic! And another great use of one of our hats. So, you young parents out there, if you go camping, you can use your AB as a baby bath. I would have never thought of that, prior to see the pic posted.
And what a cute kid! And your grandbaby to boot. Congrats. Fedora
Fedora wrote:That is a great pic! And another great use of one of our hats. So, you young parents out there, if you go camping, you can use your AB as a baby bath. I would have never thought of that, prior to see the pic posted.
And what a cute kid! And your grandbaby to boot. Congrats. Fedora
Hence, we need a "ten gallon" AB, or maybe just a five gallon would work too...
Thanks for all the kind compliments - she is a real cutie (but watch out if she gets hungry!! ). We are very proud of her and her Mom and Dad. Speaking of which her Dad is going out of town this weekend so my daughter and Jordyn are coming to Grampa's for the weekend. She is packing for adventure:
cause she knows what happens at Grampa's - stays at Grampa's
(that's an old family christening gown she is dressed in for the pic)
She looks like she's having a good time. I love how you're doing something unique and special with the images. These photos will be cherished years from now. Just don't put her in a tiny refrigerator!
Congratulations my friend. Your granddaughter is gorgeous Just showed these pics to my misses and her heart melted. Though now she wants another baby LOL
So my wife busts in while I'm looking at this thread and says, "Are you on that #$%& Club Obi Wan again...AWWWWW That's precious." Can't get any higher praise than that! Most Awesomest thread in some time!
binkmeisterRick wrote:So, when she's 18, are you gonna recreate these pics of her sitting "in" your hat?
I know Steve and others recommend roughing up the hat to the extent of sitting "on" it, and other stressfull exercises however, an 18 year old sitting "in" the hat might be a bit difficult. I do plan on doing follow-up hat-pics at various ages so she can enjoy the progression. Just wait until I show her how to crack my whips.
I will have to post those in the whip area. Stay tuned.