From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
This is my 3rd whip but my first nylon whip. It was a good learning
experience for me, i learned a 3-4 knot and how to braid a 12 plait.
I also realized how diffrently nylon reacts from leather. I started with a 2 foot long para cord filled with bb's. I then braided a 6 plait around that.
after the 6 plait was done, we (my dad is what i mean) then turned a 6 inch handle with a small taper at the end. Then drilled a hole in the end of the handle and shoved the belly plait in. We wrapped a wire around the tapered section to crimp up the wood and grip the belly in place. I then covered the belly with a bolster of duct tape and wrapped the bolster with waxed artifical sinew 2 times in opposite directions. Then i put a groove in the top of the handle and attached the 12 overlay strands to the handle in the groove with sinew. After the overlay was done i cut a 2 1/2 foot strand of para cord and burnt a slit in it for the fall and did the fall hitch. Then WE attached a lathe turned wooden ball to the top of the handle and i did a 3-4 turks head knot on the handle in bolth sections. The white marks you might see on the whip is wax, and the end of the whip has a few gaps and duct tape can be seen. any feedback is great,
kindest regards
Last edited by Mola Ram on Thu Jan 15, 2004 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wow... That is somethin' else! Very nice work, I'm impressed. I'd love to see your other leather whips as well. How long did it take you to complete the whip?
Sounds like a heck of a father/son project! Excellent work!
Great job, Omar! I'm glad you posted it and gave a description of your construction techniques. The turk's head is identical to the one I put on mine ...except yours covers the end better. As a suggestion for next time you might want to drop more strands as you get closer to the fall. It'll give you more taper on your thong. On mine I started with a 12-plait overlay and dropped 8 strands over the whole length of the thong to end up with a 4-plait at the end.
Keep at it, man. I guarantee you'll see improvement on your second one!