Is this the End then??

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Is this the End then??

Post by Gringo »

With all that has happened over the course of two decades here, with all the offerings we have now(I never would have imagined), aside from what jacket is better than the other jacket, where do we go from here? I believe in the full circle thing(another topic), but how many times are we going to count stitches?...blah blah blah. The work from everybody here over the years has been great to find the one true Jacket(which I think we will never find in all our eyes). I just think it is time to enjoy all of our jackets.I came here(with no jacket) as a novice 12 years ago,and I still am a little. I will never say that or this one is my last jacket.Cheers to this place and everybody who shares the Adventure...
Last edited by Gringo on Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Indiana G »

good discussion i'm going to start debating everything under the sun about shrunken lamb and get us locked down!!!!


i'm sure in the 90's a bunch of the members here thought that 'this was it'.....and the topic kept going like the energizer bunny. there will be many more discussions to come imo. indy lasted sooo long they even made indy iv. people need to be entertained and there is no other adventurer as big as one....croft (zzz wrong buzzer zzz), rick o connel...nope.......well, that's actually all that come to mind. i think it would take alot to fill indy's boots so perhaps they will just end up doing a franchise reboot (ie - batman)......then we will have oodles and oodles to discuss. maybe leather attractions will get the jacket contract? :rolling:
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Gringo »

If you had told me back in 1999 that there would be a Indy IV with a new jacket I would have thought you were crazy! You just never know!
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Gringo »

Sorry G, I missed your response. I realize you are kidding, but no debates on this thread. I just want Cowers to share if there jacket cost 1.00 or 1000.00, and to know they are still apart of the Indygear guys and gals. (no negative responses about vendors in this thread at all please, if it does please lock).
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Cassidy »

I don't think it will even end per se - we've been through a roller coaster ride of a story over the years and it's taken a few ugly turns, but we're all in good company (ray of sunshine or otherwise) that have our best interests at heart.

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Michaelson »

It ends when folks no longer ask questions about gear.

So far, that hasn't happened yet.

This is a hobby, plain and simple. You're supposed to ENJOY a hobby.

When you let it become more than that, then it's an obsession.

That's not a hobby.

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Han Jones »

Michaelson wrote:It ends when folks no longer ask questions about gear.

So far, that hasn't happened yet.

This is a hobby, plain and simple. You're supposed to ENJOY a hobby.

When you let it become more than that, then it's an obsession.

That's not a hobby.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Sgt. »

Michaelson wrote:It ends when folks no longer ask questions about gear.

So far, that hasn't happened yet.

This is a hobby, plain and simple. You're supposed to ENJOY a hobby.

When you let it become more than that, then it's an obsession.

That's not a hobby.

Regards! Michaelson
Well said my Friend!
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Michaelson wrote:It ends when folks no longer ask questions about gear.

Regards! Michaelson
And thankfully it hasn't, I think once you get the bug it's hard to get rid of. no matter how hard you try. Even _'s visit to this thread after the point he made shows that
;) :lol:

I mean, I've been here 3 years, a small number compared to some I know. I think some of what drives it is the keeping up with the Jones mentality, no pun intended but also the feel of the community. Well, that's my two cents... I expect change back :TOH:

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech in November 1942

I think this is about right ;)
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Tibor »

If there is an Indy 5, I wonder if they'll need more jackets or they have enough of a stockpile. If they do need more, I wonder who will make them... :-k ;)
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Joeyeah_right »

Tibor wrote:If there is an Indy 5, I wonder if they'll need more jackets or they have enough of a stockpile. If they do need more, I wonder who will make them... :-k ;)

Maybe they should do a bit for the fans in Indy 5 and put in a shot of Indy's closet where there is a whole rack of leather jackets and there's a Wested, a Neil Cooper, a Tony Nowak, a Riley, a Todds, and a US Wings all lined up in there. That should make for an interesting topic of conversation afterwards :D

Now I'll :Plymouth: before the arguments start! ;)

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Michaelson »

Ok, you. Get out of the Plymouth. I'm headed for work in a few minutes and don't need the extra weight in the trunk. [-X ;)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Texan Scott »'s not the end 'til you see them riding off into the sunset. ;)

When you put a few hardcore fans together, vertual, or otherwise, there will always be something to talk about.
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Prescott »

The thing that’s kept me coming back through the years (apart from you fellow inmates) has been the saga. We thought we knew one thing as fact, and then something else is discovered. It’s like this thing is alive. Now I’ve had nothing personal at stake in this game. My research starts and ends here. I’ve had the privilege of sitting back and watching the results of some very difficult work done by some particularly talented people. Is the quest over, do we know all as fact? We thought so in the 80’s and again in the 90’s and here we are still asking questions and waiting with anticipation for new offerings. The story continues to change and evolve. Small bits of minutia cast new light on what we think we know. I just don’t see that changing, not with you lot at any rate. And in my book, that’s a good thing.

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

You know, there was a time when it was thought by many that the perfect jacket was within our grasp before. I didn't stop the discussion and debate then. I doubt it will stop it now.

For every gearhead who is satisfied, there shall be two who are not. That's the thing about "full circle." Circles don't have an end. :mrgreen:
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Cassidy »

Texan Scott's not the end 'til you see them riding off into the sunset. ;)
Don't you mean until there's an unexplained UFO encounter followed up with a wedding? :-
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Texan Scott »

...ants! Why does it always have to be ants! :P
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Don't get me started on those danged ants!

Interesting topic. I wonder this all the time. I show up around these parts because 1) I have always enjoyed the Indy films (Nostalgia) and 2) I just love Indy's jacket. I would never have guessed that I would still be snooping and posting around here years later after finally buying a proper jacket, but here I am. The folks here are just so dedicated to finding out even the smallest details or piecing together the mystery surrounding who really made these jackets. It was addictive to be around. When Tony started producing jackets for the fans, especially the Raiders jacket, the big mystery (at least regarding how the jacket should look) seemed to be solved.

While I never spoke with or ordered from Tony, I agree that once he passed, something around here changed. I miss the energy he brought to the forum and the excitement surrounding the purchase of one his jackets.

Lately, Sarge has become a presence of his own on this board, and is offering us some great options, and the coming Cooper Raiders has become highly anticipated by many of us. I appreciate the ability of this forum to provide personal contact between vendors and customers, and fans alike. I'll stay as as long as I stay interested and happy with the jacket on my back.

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Gringo »

Very well put Prescott!
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Michaelson »

Well, least we become TOO selfish in 'our' thoughts about the hobby, this jacket section and interest is just a single section to the chase.

I rarely if ever go into the prop area...especially the journal or prop making sections.

If you want an eye opener, take a quick peek. There are names of folks working in there I've never heard of or come across elsewhere on this site, but from their profiles they've been around for years, and are chasing the prop and journal creations like folks do over the jackets.

I've scanned through debates and discussions about items I personally have no real clue WHAT they're talking about, let alone understand the excitement in the discovery of this page or that....but they're just as rabid about those details as folks are about the shape of a flap on a jacket pocket! If you look at a profile of some of those folks, the ONLY section they are active in IS the prop section. Period!

If you think _ is a door bouncer regarding this section, you should see the blood shed over someone getting caught recasting someone elses work in the prop section. This area is a tea room compared to some of THOSE barroom brawls!!! Some of the reprocussions echo through OTHER prop forums, eventually getting the administrators of several sites and vendors involved :shock:

It's the same for the whip section and the editing room.

So, this hobby seems to be a beehive of activity, with many sections operating in their own universe of activity and interests, completely separate and apart from any OTHER section of the site.

As to the point Prescott made about Tony, that's very true in the jacket section, but from what I saw in those other areas, his activities, coming and going, was not even noticed or realized, as he didn't have any impact on their pursuit or interests. When we shut the site down in Tony's honor after his passing, I even found PM's from several folks asking me who this guy was! :shock: That's when I became aware of the very active and separate group in the prop area.

That said, a few years ago a very active and popular prop maker/vendor passed away suddenly and at a young age (I'm ashamed to admit his name completely escape me at the moment! :oops: ), and that section mourned for a LONG time. No one else on the board was even aware who he was or even of his existance, or what impact it had on their part of the hobby. It's all relative.

It's not just the main outfit items that draws folks in anymore.

It never ceases to amaze me. :-k

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Indiana Jeff »

And with zipper pulls and leather choices still in dispute I would gather we're far from 'the end."


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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Michaelson »

As long as there are at least two fans with differing points of view, it will NEVER 'end'.

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Gringo »

It would appear so! :|
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I disagree, Michaelson. :CR:
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Michaelson »

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by FloatinJoe »

Michaelson wrote:That said, a few years ago a very active and popular prop maker/vendor passed away suddenly and at a young age (I'm ashamed to admit his name completely escape me at the moment! :oops: ), and that section mourned for a LONG time. No one else on the board was even aware who he was or even of his existance, or what impact it had on their part of the hobby. It's all relative.

That was all very well said, and I agree completely. In regards to the prop maker, wasn't there a scholarship fund established in his memory? I think I remember who you are talking about, but can't seem to find the details in my mind.

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Michaelson »

Yes, there sure was.
Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by FloatinJoe »

I just spent some time digging through the search engine with no luck finding any reference to this. If anyone finds it, please post a link. I'd love to have my memory refreshed. I seem to recall him having a wife and very young child.

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Re: Is this the End then??

Post by Michaelson »

Me too. :(

I'm hoping Indy Magnoli sees this. I bet he remembers.

Regards! Michaelson
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