US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Bemo »

Didn't Sarge say something about the Cooper family having made jackets since the 30's? Perhaps there's a label from that period that we could borrow some ideas from?
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Satipo »

:clap: There's some really good stuff here. Particularly Castor's thoughts and the TS/KramStaar collaboration. I would, however, prefer a non-leather label, as I wouldn't want its rigid shape to influence how the jacket rests. I'd hate to have a square label outline visible from the outside. I also think it's best to avoid any reference to "Indy" or "Indiana Jones" and/or use of the adventure font, as these would make the jacket feel like part of a child's dressing-up outfit. The more "grown-up" looking title sequence font and the word "Raiders" is the way to go, IMO.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Indydawg wrote:
And I like the throwback to the 30s and 40s A-2 label design, too!!!

GREAT ideas, everyone!!!
I was thinking about this since it was mentioned yesterday. And I can see a few possible problems with that idea. See this is the penultimate 30th anniversary release of The Raiders jacket made by THE Designer (please don't start a thread pointing out where was it in the fxxxgxn movie). It's not a tribute to WWII jackets. It's not even a WWII jacket anyways, it's a hybrid. Always has been.

Secondly, this is going to be sold by US Wings and a lot of them are going to be sold... a lot. If any of you have ever seen a military label they are pretty much generic and straight to the point. I was in the service and remember my labels, my father and grandfather also served and I know their labels also. I mean they are nothing that jumps out at anyone and this is a commercial item, not something to fill a niche.

I personally think it should represent what it is and give tribute to the piece itself, commercially. IMO. ....that said I can't wait to see everyone's take on this!!!

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I would think that you can take the idea of the leather labels and create them in fabric. That way, you don't get the eventual negative long term effects of a leather label, but you retain the color palette and visual appeal.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

Bemo wrote:Didn't Sarge say something about the Cooper family having made jackets since the 30's? Perhaps there's a label from that period that we could borrow some ideas from?
Actually, they were making jackets before WW1.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Texan Scott »

I'll need to get to the program later, but for now, here are a few thoughts:

30th Anniversary
Hero jacket

the original design/pattern
US wings & Neil Cooper

Plain black label, silver letters & movie logo for "RAIDERS, 30th Anniversary, Hero jacket"

I was trying to avoid too many logos as it could be cluttered.

30th Anniversary
Hero jacket

the original pattern
by Spielberg & Cooper
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Sgt. »

Michaelson wrote:
Bemo wrote:Didn't Sarge say something about the Cooper family having made jackets since the 30's? Perhaps there's a label from that period that we could borrow some ideas from?
Actually, they were making jackets before WW1.

Regards! Michaelson
Yes Michaelson You are right 100 %..You the Man. Just think M. History is being made by COW.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Indiego Jones »

Just something I'd like to clear up.

NOBODY will have personal credit for the label design.
It's going to be a COW interaction. A brainstorm method.
An idea or sketch thrown in this thread can be modified by others members.
Untill we get to a final selection (voting perhaps ?), and then delivered to Sgt. for legal and practical tweaks.

This is not a competition.
This is a workgroup.

If anyone pretends personal credit for an idea, just don't share it.

Sorry if I'm too direct. But lets keep this away from selfishness and egocentrism.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

That said, don't limit it to one single 'final' design.

Offer different designs for consideration, as it will come down to one final pick, not just an acceptance of a combined effort.

We may all like the final, but they may decide it is just not the direction they want to go, so mix it up, and put several things on the table over the next month.

Also keep in mind that after all this is done and choice is made, EVERYONE is not going to be happy, as those whose design or design aspects weren't chosen WILL take it personally. I've seen it time and time again over the past years and DOZENS of projects, so let's get that out of the equation from the get-go...or at least try to.

It's going to happen, so may as well just get over it BEFORE it occurs. No one has ever had an 'ugly baby', and let's face it, anytime someone puts their artwork out there and someone either critizes it or ignores it, they don't like it. That said, it's all subjective, so may as well accept it.

So, put that all aside as you work on your ideas...but please, put up more than one.


Regards! Michaelson
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Mark Raats »

A quick few more before I turn in…

I have reverted to a more traditional vintage label for these since this seems to be something people prefer. The black is typical of the era and the stitching would be in gold. Legal issues aside I don't have a problem with the Raiders of the lost Ark title because after all, that is what it is and each jacket could hold a similar pedigree (as I said LEGAL issues aside).

I'm glad the comment about 'competition' was brought up as well as the process of brainstorming - thank you - the idea is that with this process we ALL win and not a single individual.
I think its safe to say that all the proposals here are broad brushstroke concepts and the final design and text will most probably be a combination of a number of ideas from various individuals.




Goodnight all..


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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Tennessee Smith »

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I like the 2nd and 3rd offering and thanks. I'm looking forward to working with you in the future!!!

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Okay, here's my two cents:


Alright, I'll leave now. :Plymouth:

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Indydawg »


Ahem... 8)
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Texan Scott »

...take that lable off your back and affix it inside the jacket...better not go the "water treatment" #-o
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Texan Scott »

What about the label with letters like the stamp on the Ark...? Dark ink letters on a "wood" looking background to resemble a crate?

30th Anniversary
rel. 06/12/1981

(small staff of ra headpiece logo)

the original pattern
Hero jacket
by US Wings & Neil Cooper


of the Lost Ark

30th Anniversary
Hero jacket

rel. 06-12-1981
the original pattern
by US Wings & Neil Cooper
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Mountaineer »

I do see one aspect of these we may not be thinking of; the idea/image of a brand by the general public. That might play a part in all this. We gearheads know the different aspects of the fonts used, quotes, what degree Cooper played in the jacket's design, but what does that mean to Joe Q. Public who wants an Indiana Jones jacket? I'm guessing, zilch.

From a marketing standpoint (selling jackets to more than just COW-folk) we need to ask, how do you label it in a manner that fits the gearhead's knowledge, but makes it so darn fool-proof that looking at the label, the average guy on the street would know 1. it is an Indy jacket and 2. it is a really special Indy jacket. Why this one and not one he can get fot $100 bucks less? Someone off the street won't care or take the time to notice the smaller nuances we're striving for.

I guess the bigger question will be, who has final say on the labels; as this is a product that will represent a brand? Michaelson, it has been written, will choose from our ideas, but what about Sgt. Hack, Mr. Cooper, and any LFL people? I can't imagine something this big, a 30th anniversary edition jacket, done by an originator, being taken lightly by those that created the brand and its associated images. I can see several final drafts going in front of "top men" and from that a final will be agreed upon. It might be one unaltered design from here, it could be a hybrid of the ideas, or just a single idea (i.e. not leather) that makes it to the final jacket.

Basically, I've enjoyed being part of the process of something bigger than myself, but it's going to be a long 29 days (and likely beyond) to wait to see this final design. Keep the ideas flowing.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by maboot38 »

I agree that the stamped leather might be too much of an entity on the back.

I think that a hybrid between these two would be best:

The first one prominently features the maker, but also has the full title of the move in the correct font, and indicates Cooper.

The second is in the style of jackets from the Indiana Jones era, and would be comparable to what the label would have looked like on a jacket had it been bought at that time.

I would say use the color and shape of the bottom design, with the font and layout of the top design. Replace that little tag at the bottom of the second one with the wings logo so that it doesn't need to be embroidered, keep the square tag for text only. That way all ideas are represented. No time to do a mockup today, but if anyone wants to give it a shot for me, I'd be grateful!

Mountaineer, I totally see your point from a marketing perspective, but I think as long as it says Raiders of the Lost Ark on it, you have your bases covered. Gearheads will be obsessive about every little aspect, whereas your general consumer is willing to accept a much broader spectrum of possibilities (example: the Dorfman Pacific Indy fedora).
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Mountaineer, I don't think Michaelson ever said he was going to be the one choosing the label. :-k
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

Considering that it has been said initially only 100 of these are going to be made, the target audience/customer IS the gearhead and not necessarily Joe Public. This jacket is for us, the fans.

Something else to mull over as you submit designs.

Let's stop the philosophical discussions if we can and keep the artwork coming. THAT'S the entire point of this thread and exercise. :TOH:

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Mountaineer »


Shuttin' up.

(I honestly missed the 100 total jackets fact, where ever that's posted in this place, sorry. I thought I'd been keeping up. Guess not.)
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

:lol: ;)
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by jonesoss »

I borrowed this from Rask and the wings from TS. :TOH: Theirs are much more professionally done than mine :clap: . Its amateur hour with PowerPoint for me. :lol: Just throwing out some more ideas. This is somewhat similar to the others I have posted. ... DERS51.jpg

Any thoughts
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by tomek9210 »

Texan Scott wrote: RAIDERS
30th Anniversary
rel. 06/12/1981

(small staff of ra headpiece logo)
Headpiece of Ra is Adventurebilt logo ;)

Anyway guys, choose wisely!
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by maboot38 »

I'm not sure how I feel about "Hero Jacket" going on the actual tag. I would say it would be best to leave "hero jacket" off.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

Agreed. There's already a 'hero' jacket on the Wings site, and this isn't it. This is the Wings/Cooper 30th anniversery special.

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

Mountaineer wrote:Roger.

Shuttin' up.

(I honestly missed the 100 total jackets fact, where ever that's posted in this place, sorry. I thought I'd been keeping up. Guess not.)
Just 'rooting around', here's one of the times it was mentioned, found in the vendors section and the annoucement of seeking the LFL license:
Neil Cooper will open His new office at US Wings Inc. 561 E. Hines Hill Road Hudson Ohio 44236 July 26th 2010 Where He will start with the Raiders being the first. These jackets will be released one a year with 100 made of each .. They will be 100 % spec to each Movie and will have the Neil Cooper Pattern.
I don't know if that number has been raised or not.

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Flyderf »

Maboot, that top one looks awesome. Maybe the gold thread outlines around it like the bottom version. Very nice job by all. I'm impressed.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by sharkboy »

Here are a couple other ideas. These are based on Pea Coat labels. I thought it could be cool to have an open area in the middle to write your own name or personalization. and more Warehouse- army looking font.



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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by maboot38 »

Flyderf wrote:Maboot, that top one looks awesome. Very nice job by all. I'm impressed.
Can't take credit for that. It belongs to sharkboy.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by sharkboy »

or even as simple as this. clean and to the point?


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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Loving these,how about using 9906753 as serial/spec/QM number?
Would be more of a inside fan thing than useing a line from the movie.
KramStaar wrote:A quick few more before I turn in…

I have reverted to a more traditional vintage label for these since this seems to be something people prefer. The black is typical of the era and the stitching would be in gold. Legal issues aside I don't have a problem with the Raiders of the lost Ark title because after all, that is what it is and each jacket could hold a similar pedigree (as I said LEGAL issues aside).

I'm glad the comment about 'competition' was brought up as well as the process of brainstorming - thank you - the idea is that with this process we ALL win and not a single individual.
I think its safe to say that all the proposals here are broad brushstroke concepts and the final design and text will most probably be a combination of a number of ideas from various individuals.




Goodnight all..


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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Indiego Jones »

They are all beautiful!

The "vintage" idea I like too much. I'm nostalgic...
For me this is fascinating:
Raskolnikov wrote:Following Jonesoss sugestion, A-2 40's style, simple and nice:
I prefer not to include the 30th anniversary, because the next jackets (ToD, LC, CS) will not include any legend like that...
However in the next propositions, I included.
I borrowed some images from MARK (hope it's Ok. thanks!)
The reason is I'm not an expert on Corel, or any image's software... :oops:


And I try to improve my first idea:

I avoid the "HERO JACKET" legend, because US Wings already have that line.

Lets keep them coming!!! We only have 28 days!!! :whip:

PS: this is so MUCH fun!!!
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by stevemahaffey »

My apologies is someone already mentioned it. I have a Horrible Migraine right now and have not read all posts. Did read the first several, though, and see many great ideas from all.

It was suggested in one of the first few posts to use a "It's not the years, it's the mileage", but I wonder if it would be better to use a phrase that speaks to the quality of the jacket, that is more of a throwback than an actual quote. Something along the lines of "Strength through the years, across all the mileage" or something. Really, that sounds better in my head than it looks on here, but I just can't concentrate right now.

Again, sorry if someone beat me to this. I look forward to looking at all ideas and maybe trying for one of my own after a LONG nap and some meds.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Texan Scott »

Simple black label, silver Raiders credits logo for first 3 lines:

of the Lost Ark

30th Anniversary Ltd. Edition

rel. 06-12-1981
the original Hero jacket
US Wings & Neil Cooper
rel. 06-12-1981
the original jacket design
US Wings & Neil Cooper
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Holt »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Okay, here's my two cents:


Alright, I'll leave now. :Plymouth:

(Apologies to Scott!)
Rick!!! stop it!!!

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by maboot38 »

stevemahaffey wrote: It was suggested in one of the first few posts to use a "It's not the years, it's the mileage", but I wonder if it would be better to use a phrase that speaks to the quality of the jacket, that is more of a throwback than an actual quote. Something along the lines of "Strength through the years, across all the mileage" or something. Really, that sounds better in my head than it looks on here, but I just can't concentrate right now.
Gonna have to respectfully disagree. That just sounds like a whoever made the jacket saw the movie once and was trying to quote it from memory.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Mountaineer »

Michaelson wrote:
Mountaineer wrote:Roger.

Shuttin' up.

(I honestly missed the 100 total jackets fact, where ever that's posted in this place, sorry. I thought I'd been keeping up. Guess not.)
Just 'rooting around', here's one of the times it was mentioned, found in the vendors section and the annoucement of seeking the LFL license:
Neil Cooper will open His new office at US Wings Inc. 561 E. Hines Hill Road Hudson Ohio 44236 July 26th 2010 Where He will start with the Raiders being the first. These jackets will be released one a year with 100 made of each .. They will be 100 % spec to each Movie and will have the Neil Cooper Pattern.
I don't know if that number has been raised or not.

Regards! Michaelson
Thanks teach. That's why you're a mod and I'll never be.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

:lol: No, I just tend to remember crud like that. Like my avatar says, I'm just out here....'knowing things....' ;)

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by jonesoss »


Top one without the Hero jacket text
Bottom one the Ark of the Covenant obviously :lol: with some generic text . I thought the wings from the ark could substitute for the military wings. Sorry for the ruff sketches if you will. Lot of other talented individuals here could take this and run with it. :TOH: Make it a whole lot better.

What do you think ?

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Holt »

You know, gotto be honest.... I feel sorry for Mark...
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

Why? I'm just sitting back watching and taking notes.

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Holt »

so, so, so many great ideas to choose form....

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by maboot38 »

I know that ark one was a simple rendering, but the Macguffin idea might not be such a bad one, if tastefully done. While I think I prefer all text, it might also be interesting to explore the idea of doing the arc on it. I know whe aren't talking about the future jackets here, but you can see where this would lead us.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Mountaineer »

maboot38 wrote:I know that ark one was a simple rendering, but the Macguffin idea might not be such a bad one, if tastefully done. While I think I prefer all text, it might also be interesting to explore the idea of doing the arc on it. I know whe aren't talking about the future jackets here, but you can see where this would lead us.
Kind of my idea all along.

Something that wouldn't be limited to this particular jacket, but future Anniversary/USW/Cooper work(s) as well.
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

To confirm about the numbers, I was just told there will be 100 calfskin, and 100 striated lambskin earmarked for COW sales only.

There will other sales outside the site,of course, but these listed 200 will be made for COW members only.

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Cassidy »

Only 100? Man I'm glad I got my name in for a calfskin.

The labels look great, guys. I'm a big fan of the text ones without being image heavy.

Something with NC's signature would be nice too, but not like the Nowak jackets - those are great and all, but I'm just not a fan of a novel on the inside of a jacket (that's just me!).
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Michaelson »

Cassidy wrote:Something with NC's signature would be nice too, but not like the Nowak jackets - those are great and all, but I'm just not a fan of a novel on the inside of a jacket (that's just me!).
From what I've been told, neither is David. There will be no 'numbering' either.

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by whipcracker »

Michaelson wrote:To confirm about the numbers, I was just told there will be 100 calfskin, and 100 striated lambskin earmarked for COW sales only.

There will other sales outside the site,of course, but these listed 200 will be made for COW members only.

Regards! Michaelson

Yes I am glad I got on the list for a Calf Raiders! Go Wings!!

BTW I like the leathery looking tags on page 2 gotta run...
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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Well, here is my latest attempt in powerpoint/paint... crayons. Well you get the point. I couldn't get the US Wings logo to accept the black background, forgive me I'm no expert. Anyways, for the actual label I pictured all words would be sewn in a silver thread with the US Wing's... wing, er... done in a gold thread... follow?

I added the line "in Partnership with" because that is really why we are getting this jacket. It's the partnership between two friends that have been through a lot together and now they are making this for us. And the added quote is fitting for the jacket as a whole...

I was gonna use "I'm your G&^ D@&^%$# partner!" but I felt that might be... well, you know. :CR: ;) :lol:

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Re: US Wings Raiders Jacket label ideas

Post by Tibor »

If there are 100 earmarked for COW members in each leather, any chance we could get a liitle nod to COW in the label design to separate these as something special from those going to the general public?
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