i finally got a pair. i wasn't sure on size,if i needed 10.5 or size 11. a really great guy from the cow, is where i got these. he had a pair of 10.5 aldens. i have to say, they fit like a glove. they feel great.they look awesome!
they feel like glove leather.and they are even broken in for me. they're in excellent shape. most of yah know i'm on disability. and it's hard to find indy things for a real bargain. i've been pretty fortunate on the gear i've gotten thus far.
what's really cool is how friendly and concerning the people are here at the COW. these boots were given to me from a great COW member who wants to remain anonymous. i would have never gotten a pair of aldens other wise. here they are: i had to resize the pics. just click on the thumbnails. thanks