
In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by knibs7 »

I got my Raiders Truck Scene hat from yojimbojones and it's amazing, but it's a little big on me. Is there any way to shrink the band a little so that it's slightly tighter on my head?

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Re: Shrinkage

Post by Indiana Blooze »

The leather sweatband will shrink with wearage :shock: and time. Just tuck a little filler in the band and then remove it as the band shrinks. There are also some other things that you can do such as the lampshade manuever, but I don't recomend them. Do as Michaelson would, just wear it.
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Re: Shrinkage

Post by Band Director Jones »

I have found that the lampshade trick doesn't work that well. While it does shrink the sweatband, it always seems to stretch back out. That is my experience at least. The best solution I have found is sheet cork. You take some thin sheet cork and put it between the felt and the sweatband. If you can get it thin enough it won't push out the sweatband too much and make it "wavy". This is actually a technique hat shops used to use "back in the day." At one point I had a piece of cork that had a hat shop's name printed on it, but I lost it. You should be able to get sheet cork at most craft stores, but the best place is your local musical instrument dealer (as long as they have a woodwind repair facility). I get mine from instrument repairman as I A) get it for free and B) can get it in various thicknesses.
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Re: Shrinkage

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Hey man,

Yeah, just a bit of padding front and back until it conforms to you with a bit of wear, shrinking down. One thing you don't want at the moment is for it to be fitting you like a glove TOO Much!

cheers, Kurt
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Re: Shrinkage

Post by knibs7 »

I forgot to mention that I shaved my head 3 days ago because I lost a bet and that obviously makes the hat bigger. But even with my normal hair, I wear a size 59 and the hat fits me like a 60. So right now, it's as if I wear a 58 and it's fitting like a 60. Basically I just need to let my hair grow out again and then I'll only have an inch to worry about.

Now the question is how do I get a more snug fit in that one inch without getting it TOO snug?

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Re: Shrinkage

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Without going into unnecessary detail, your hat is only a few millimetres bigger than your actual head measurement (pre-shave job), but because of the way your hat's pre-conformed for the truck chase style with very soft felt, it has a more pliable feel. I can see those extra mm may make it feel bigger than it actually is. But yeah, just pad it front and back for now, then once you sweat in it (not to mention restore your hair!), it'll be a non-issue.

Better luck with your basketball next time! ;)
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Re: Shrinkage

Post by Michaelson »

Totally agree with everything said. Be patient, it ain't the hat that's the problem. It's the hair situation at the moment.
Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Shrinkage

Post by knibs7 »

Oh and before anyone else brings it up (I'm especially surprised Bink hasn't chimed in yet) ...


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Re: Shrinkage

Post by RCSignals »

yes, 58,59,60, we aren't talking inches there
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Re: Shrinkage

Post by knibs7 »

RCSignals wrote:yes, 58,59,60, we aren't talking inches there

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