I just got my new Raiders hat from yojimbojones and I am simply amazed! It feels EXACTLY like my old HJ did and it is the best Raiders hat I've ever had. I'll post more pics when I get a chance, but for now, take a look.
Yes I concurrrrrr, nice lid. Which scene is it from, seeing as Mr. Yojimbojones is so good at matching. Is it SOC or the truck scene.
Please let it be the truck scene (where he's hanging from the front, my fav). I'd like to see all who've bought his to chime in as they get them, tell us the scene so we can really get a feel for his talent.
Last edited by Indiana Croft on Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Indiana Croft wrote:Yes I cocurrrrrr, nice lid. Which scene is it from, seeing as Mr. Yojimbojones is so good at matching. Is is SOC or the truck scene.
Please let it be the truck scene (where he's hanging from the front, my fav). I'd like to see all who've bought his to chime in as they get them, tell us the scene so we can really get a feel for his talent.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, my favorite as well, oh you must get some shots with it on and in gear. And what size is it and you can send it to.......................ME.
Hahahahahahaha, no realy, nice hat, I'm gonna have to put some more hours in and find somethings to do with out, like food, water, what else. But darn, if that isn't a nice lookin fedora