_ wrote: She figures she can get me on a vegan diet, drop weight lifting and she'll take me to pilates 6 days a week.
Sorry, even then I don't see it happening, _.

Regards! Michaelson
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
_ wrote: She figures she can get me on a vegan diet, drop weight lifting and she'll take me to pilates 6 days a week.
It's a..._ wrote:Kelly......figures she can get me on a vegan diet, drop weight lifting and she'll take me to pilates 6 days a week.
What size is that jacket again? (grin)
Yes Master_ wrote:I've been my own boss since September 1st, 1999. The word "deserve" is used by people who collect paychecks, NOT somebody who has ever written paychecks... It's a different world. Personally, I'm excited for him about the adventure ahead of him. It's not for everyone, but for those of us so afflicted, it is a true rush.
Long John Tinfoil wrote:I love that jacket almost as much as I love the jacket section debates!
Like I said before, KH... don't sweat it, it's not a problem.KingHamlet wrote:Sorry this thread has been derailed so much Mitch. You've got a great jacket.
Did he happen to mention what phone number to use to call him?IndyFalco wrote:I also received an email from Riley today.
That's definitely one step towards establishing better communication.
Sorry Michaelson (I got caught up in french-toast-inspired-silliness there for just a minute)... but I did mean to say Thank You for that ... I greatly appreciate that thumbs up.Michaelson wrote:Well said, Mitch!!
Regards! Michaelson
LOL… Not going by the names here Green Man.._ wrote:Actually, you might be quite surprised...
Let it go _…._ wrote:It's just that - well - you never know who's in the room... Ya know?
Indy G, my wife (plus camera) and I were outside earlier today taking a few shots of me carrying around my German rucksack (I'm way overdue to post a few shots of mine over in Tundrarider's Thread in the General Gear Section)...Indiana G wrote:here's a plus i just thought of with the 747 ROLA jacket.....i think you could pull it off wearing a dress grey fedora too
Thanks for the compliments, I have a few jackets but not as much as you.orb wrote:Another real winner out there! SpeedRxrX how much Nowaksdo you have? Must be a few then?
Love the rich Brown color of the 747 leather!
Just an advice... You should relax and sit back and let your Surrogate wear the jacket. That would be me then I guess![]()
I'm really jealous man!![]()