wested lamb vs. horse

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wested lamb vs. horse

Post by travisking544 »

how much difference in the thickness between these two jackets? I hear wested makes a really thin horse hide, yet its not too hot to where in warmer weather
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by cyrano »

thickness is about the same. Horse is more heavy and more sturdy.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Tremolo »

I don´t have a Wested lambskin jacket but compared to another lambskin jacket my horse hide was also about the same thickness (quite thin) but at the same time heavier and much stiffer.
After 1 1/2 years it softened up a bit, but compared to other hides it´s still stiff and heavy. However that´s the appeal of horse hide (to me), it´s a tank ;)
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Kt Templar »

From my own experience I wouldn't say their horse is as thin as their lamb. It is thicker and also a lot heavier. The closest would be their standard cowhide.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Anyone know if horsehide is a option on the custom ROTLA jacket?

According to the Wested website horsehide is listed as a option for the Raiders jacket and the Last crusade/Crystal skull jacket.

I understand that heavy hides are not available for the Temple of Doom jacket because of the way it's constructed,is it the same for the ROTLA?
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by cyrano »

I wouldn't say their horse is as thin as their lamb. It is thicker
Well I dont know. When ordering I always asked for the thickest lamb available.
Even though Gemma kept telling me it was all of a kind.
At least is the authentic brown thicker than the dark brown.

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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by crismans »

Tremolo wrote:I don´t have a Wested lambskin jacket but compared to another lambskin jacket my horse hide was also about the same thickness (quite thin) but at the same time heavier and much stiffer.
After 1 1/2 years it softened up a bit, but compared to other hides it´s still stiff and heavy. However that´s the appeal of horse hide (to me), it´s a tank ;)
This has been my experience as well.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Kt Templar »

Indiana Dymond wrote:Anyone know if horsehide is a option on the custom ROTLA jacket?

According to the Wested website horsehide is listed as a option for the Raiders jacket and the Last crusade/Crystal skull jacket.

I understand that heavy hides are not available for the Temple of Doom jacket because of the way it's constructed,is it the same for the ROTLA?
Yes, it should be, maybe with a slight upcharge for the hide. They don't do it on the TOD because of the glued seam at the bottom of the jacket, I think they feel that the stiffer hides may spring apart with time and lack of the hem stitch. IIRC.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Thanks KT :tup: .

You know I'm starting to look forward to ordering a jacket now.Most or the time this place (the jacket section not COW as a whole) just puts me off the idea of even getting a Indy jacket :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Holt »

well, they did it on my LC and it holds up like crazy two years later.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Michaelson »

Interesting comparion, 'lambskin vs horsehide'

Its the bottom of the scale skin in terms of tensile strengh being compared to the hide that is at the top of the scale. :-k

Kind of like comparing a Chevy Chevette to a Hummer. ;)

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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Gringo »

Well said M !
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Texan Scott »

I get the 'gist' and have from time to time found myself in the same boat. It would be nice to have a hide as tough as horse, or cow for instance, with the thinness and weight of lamb. You know how it is...we always want what we can't have! :P
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Kt Templar »

Texan Scott wrote:I get the 'gist' and have from time to time found myself in the same boat. It would be nice to have a hide as tough as horse, or cow for instance, with the thinness and weight of lamb. You know how it is...we always want what we can't have! :P
The thinner goat jackets are good for this. I really like the washed goat and it's balance of thinness v toughness and it's matt finish.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Michaelson »

KT is absolutely right.

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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Gringo »

For Me it is hard to chose, like Sophies Choice, but my fav skin right now is the washed goat. It was what I was looking for 25 years ago. She can take a beating and it still holds up and looks great. Not to heavy and not light at all. Cheers
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Dr. Evil »

Wested has two different horsehides. The reason I know this is because my horsehide has a soft body, and tough sleeves. The soft leather of the body is very nice to the touch. The sleeves are just sort of plastic-like. You wouldn't notice a difference by sight, unless you got close to a jacket and started to play with the leather. The reason my jacket has two different hides is because I had the sleeves altered. I looked at a few other horsehides while I was in the store, and they were all the softer leather. Perhaps the harder leather is older.

Horsehide over lamb any day. It's really not all that hot. Yeah, if the sun is beating down on you, you'll melt, but that's beacause it's dark and has a finish so thick that it's waterproof, therefore, it doesn't breath. By the way, my horsehide is a ROTLA.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Good info on the horse hide ROTLA Dr Evil. I'm all for the horse,as being in the UK I need a warm waterproof jacket :lol: .

Getting very tempted to just jump in the car at the weekend and drive up to the barn!!!
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Kt Templar »

Indiana Dymond wrote:Good info on the horse hide ROTLA Dr Evil. I'm all for the horse,as being in the UK I need a warm waterproof jacket :lol: .

Getting very tempted to just jump in the car at the weekend and drive up to the barn!!!
LOL! If you do get there early, they close at lunchtime on Saturdays now!
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by crismans »

Kt Templar wrote:
Indiana Dymond wrote:Anyone know if horsehide is a option on the custom ROTLA jacket?

According to the Wested website horsehide is listed as a option for the Raiders jacket and the Last crusade/Crystal skull jacket.

I understand that heavy hides are not available for the Temple of Doom jacket because of the way it's constructed,is it the same for the ROTLA?
Yes, it should be, maybe with a slight upcharge for the hide. They don't do it on the TOD because of the glued seam at the bottom of the jacket, I think they feel that the stiffer hides may spring apart with time and lack of the hem stitch. IIRC.
I think they might do the Temple for you as long as you realize that it will have the hem stitch and that this will deviate from the original pattern.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Holt »

they told me that too. or you just have to ask for a hem stitch.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by crismans »

Indiana Holt wrote:they told me that too. or you just have to ask for a hem stitch.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Why don't i just order a Last Crusade as well ,just to cover all the bases :rolling:
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by RCSignals »

Wouldn't they make a ToD out of a heavier hide without the hemstitch?
There jackets made of heavier hides that have no glue or hemstitch and do fine.
Kt that ToD you pictured of your friend's jacket is a heavier hide, does it have a hemstitch?
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Kt Templar »

RCSignals wrote:Wouldn't they make a ToD out of a heavier hide without the hemstitch?
There jackets made of heavier hides that have no glue or hemstitch and do fine.
Kt that ToD you pictured of your friend's jacket is a heavier hide, does it have a hemstitch?
D'oh forgot about that one, it is an oil pull cowhide, no hem stitch. But reiterate, have never see them do one in horse.



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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by RCSignals »

That one is very nice Kt. I wish it had been an option for my Wested ToD.
Did you say before that it is actually oil-pull calfskin?

Horse might be too stiff for a ToD?
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by eaglecrow »

@Kt Templar: that is an awesome looking jacket, very nice leather indeed. Is there a way to get a closeup shot to get an idea of the tecture of the grain? Best would be a picture in the arrea of the pocket flap seam
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Kt Templar »

Here you go. It's seems thinner than normal cowhide but is pretty substantial all the same.


PS. don't have coins in your pocket when distressing... lol!
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by eaglecrow »

Thank you for the picture!

hmm.. looks fine to me, but it seems that it might distress very fast, doesn't it? I especcialy like the collour which comes through the surface. Would you rather call it a though or a soft jacket?
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by crismans »

BreinederIndy wrote:Thank you for the picture!

hmm.. looks fine to me, but it seems that it might distress very fast, doesn't it? I especcialy like the collour which comes through the surface. Would you rather call it a though or a soft jacket?
It was distressed through the dark art of "on purpose" if I remember correctly.
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Re: wested lamb vs. horse

Post by Kt Templar »

It's not super soft like lamb, but it does drape well. It's quite heavy, weighs a bit like the goat from a couple of years ago. The finish is one that will distress if you try! It's oil pull so has that slightly waxy translucent topcoat, beautiful stuff. It hurt me to see him distress it... but the finished article looks so good I think I can forgive him. Dark arts, indeed.... :)

But we are derailing.

Lamb... horse....

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