Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

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Yojimbo Jones
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Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Hi Guys,

Ok, I thought I'd show you a few shots of some hats I've been working on. I kind of set out to paint myself into a corner to test the accuracy of my Raiders blockshape by offering hats to match specific scenes. I wanted to see if I could nail the nuances. Though I'd tested against the scenes where the hat was in good condition, I thought it'd be fun to try and make hats that complete the set.

The first of these is the Well of Souls hat. But before I get to that, I'd quickly like to digress to a conversation Steve and I had in another thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=46220&start=0&hilit ... hawaii+hat about felt. He made the observation that a key to the look of the Raiders hat is getting felt that would behave in the right way - so it kind of pinched / rippled and warped in a certain way. Basically working towards something special in that sense. Anyway, hopefully now I've got something close. I bring it up because the Well of Souls is one of a few scenes that demonstrates the quality of this very specific sort of felt and the repurcussions on the shape of the screen hat quite profoundly.

First, note the way there are little dimples in the hat - in the bashes (see where there are those shadowy little bits?), and any area where the felt is under tension, like where the brim is buckling as a result of "the turn".


The only other felt I've seen do this is vintage stuff - vintage dress hats. When the felt is freshly pounced, and you bash the hat, the corners almost wrinkle like skin before they've broken in a bit. Then they end up with a kind of little groove effect you see throughout the movie. Once light hits the hat in the right way - BAM - you notice it.


Now a look at the front / top, and the way the felt on top folds in a really rivery, wavy way.

Image Image

Now I love this above left shot, because firstly I think Ford's hat looks really cool in it, and because it was one of the shots that told me my Raiders block and felt was on the right track because the felt behaved exactly right on the top. (You'll note in the shot above especially the bash isn't perfect as I was still fine tuning the top of the side dents and the degree of front pinch - as a result, there are a few variations in the shots here). I loved that not only could I make the wave kind of go under on one side, and over on the other, but it actually WANTED to do that. It just didn't take much effort to achieve in the bash if you know what I mean. But second, because I thought there was something VERY WRONG with my new felt until I noticed something.

When I looked at the image of my hat (above right) I thought the top looked good until I saw the way the brim at the back left was buckling. I thought, Oh No! My felt *****! It was an unintentional side-effect. But then I looked at the movie shot. See at the back, near where the vertical line in the sandstone wall is? That little dip? It's buckling exactly the same way. I hadn't even touched the brim. Part of the effect is due to the turn, but normally the effect isn't so pronounced as most felt is too rigid, and counteracts the effect, especially when it's been solidly flanged. This was the first time I'd seen this exact effect.

Anyway, I'm not sure to what degree you guys even care about this sort of stuff. I just thought it was really cool in my little obsessive world :roll:

I have the shots of the completed Well of Souls hat to come (this was when it was a work in progress), but really want to wait until it's owner has had the opportunity to post if he wants to!

cheers, Kurt

More info on my hats here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=44764
Last edited by Yojimbo Jones on Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Tremolo »

The last shot is amazing Yojimbo! The felt you are using seems to be a really good choice for Raiders.
Your attention to detail is fantastic, and it looks spot on, but is it the angle or is the bow a bit more forward in the movie still? Hopefully the future owner will post some pictures when he gets this great looking hat.
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Thanks mate. The position of the bow was another thing that freaked me out for a moment. No, it's actually correct - this shot was from when I was still making adjustments to the bash of this hat, and checking such things. If I recall, I moved the bash a few mm across, and tightened it up a lot more (notice how loose the pinch is in that shot vs. the other), and it locked into place in the overlays, both in terms of distance and angle. ( I checked it from about 4 different angles in the WoS alone. Yes, it's become a sickness! :) )
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by jayrobinson »

thats quite a good 'sickness' to have, i've had my first hat for around 3 days, and looking at shots like yours and others, makes me wonder where I am gona get more money from to get a better hat ! lol, bloody awesome stuff mate.
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by achi11es »

Smashing!! Are you only making standard ovals at the moment?
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by BendingOak »

Are you talking about the small faint lines coming from the brim break out towards the brim edge?
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by crismans »

Terrific looking hat, YJ. As I've posted, I love my Clipper and I'm seriously considering a brown one in the near future (just need to figure out what kind of scene I want. :-k )

I've looked at some of the other hats up on the website and they all look fabulous!
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Pitfall Harry »

So, that's a Christy's that's been reblocked? :o Looks spot on to the shots of the hat in the scenes. :whip: I've lost track of how many people are offering Indy hats now. :oops:
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Hi Harry - I do need to clarify that these aren't reblocked Christys. The best way to put it is that it's like Christys felt, and then some.

Crismans - Shh. It's not finished yet! ;)

John - For the sake of what I'm talking about above, yes, especially at the point where the turn makes it flange out; but there are some dimples and ripples that I had put into the brim to SA distress it. I can't go into that whole brim break area as I don't want to blow stuff for the owner. But that's another thread I will get to soon, as there's some cool new stuff!

Achi11es - Not at the moment. Sorry. Standard or longs only.

Jay - Welcome to the asylum! :TOH:
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Pitfall Harry »

Oh, ok......I saw the Christy's hats being mentioned in your other thread and I thought you were taking them and reblocking them for folks. Regardless of that whatever your using looks really good. Love the pics and the hat. :notworthy: :notworthy: :tup: =P~ I'm sooo glad I'm not looking at getting another hat at the moment. The choices now are just unbelievable. \:D/ :)
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Mitch LaRue »

WOW, Kurt!

That's ... Wow!
REALLY impressive!
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Niob »

I have to say that is one of the best hats i have ever seen...absolutely perfect :notworthy:
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Neolithic »

Last edited by Neolithic on Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Thats a beauty. It has the vibe!
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Re: Schubert Hats' Well of Souls Hat & notes on felt

Post by Vincennes »

Wow. That's so cool! So how is the felt different?
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