TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
- binkmeisterRick
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
(Try it now) 

- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
THANKS, bink!
Just removed one of the Links.
All Done.

Just removed one of the Links.
All Done.

- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Actually, I was just addressing this question in a pm from another Member here... he also asked if I could please tell him when I last communicated with Riley myself...Kevin Anderson wrote:Out of interest, has anyone heard from Riley, lately?
I told him:
I sent Riley a message (to the Tonynowak@aol.com address) on June 1st to say both that I'd received my 747 and how impressed I was with it.
He answered less than an hour later:
"I'm glad to hear you enjoy it!! It is a beautiful jacket, wear it proudly.
Best regards,
I haven't been speaking with him since, however...

I realize this info doesn't answer a question like "where's Riley?" or resolve the issue of trying to reach him, Kevin...
But it's the only answer I can give to the question "has anyone heard from him lately?"
Perhaps Han Jones can offer up an explanation (if there's one that's being offered up) about whether Riley might be off the radar right now?
Maybe he's simply on vacation, backlogged, etc?

- Dana Powers
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I emailed as well and have heard nothing.
I want to get a jacket too.
-Dana Powers
Tilton, NH R2-D2 Builder
I want to get a jacket too.
-Dana Powers
Tilton, NH R2-D2 Builder
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
love the jacket!!
- JC1972
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
He told me he's better to get a hold of via phone, not email. Also his hours change from one day to the next it seems. I guess just call, leave a message and he'll get back to you.Dana Powers wrote:I emailed as well and have heard nothing.
I want to get a jacket too.
-Dana Powers
Tilton, NH R2-D2 Builder
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Traded PMs on June 14th.Kevin Anderson wrote:Out of interest, has anyone heard from Riley, lately?
- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
St. Dumas: Thank you for adding this (waaay better date than what I had)...
Holt: I can't tell you how much I was looking for a post from you with your opinion on this jacket... Thanks for letting me know!

Holt: I can't tell you how much I was looking for a post from you with your opinion on this jacket... Thanks for letting me know!

Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

like i said. love it.
there isnt much else needed to be said.
Im really hoping to get a 747 one day.
- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
A TN 747 Jacket is your DESTINY, Holt...
It'll look awesome on ya!

It'll look awesome on ya!

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Mitch, have I told you what an awesome jacket that 747 is? I don't remember. Sleep deprivation....
Anyway, that is one BEAUTIFUL JACKET!!!!!!!!!!
It looks awesome on you.
Anyway, that is one BEAUTIFUL JACKET!!!!!!!!!!

- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
whipcracker, I'm not sure... but I sure do appreciate you sayin' it!
Now, get some SLEEP, buddy!

Now, get some SLEEP, buddy!

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Mitch LaRue wrote:Actually, I was just addressing this question in a pm from another Member here... he also asked if I could please tell him when I last communicated with Riley myself...Kevin Anderson wrote:Out of interest, has anyone heard from Riley, lately?
I told him:
I sent Riley a message (to the Tonynowak@aol.com address) on June 1st to say both that I'd received my 747 and how impressed I was with it.
He answered less than an hour later:
"I'm glad to hear you enjoy it!! It is a beautiful jacket, wear it proudly.
Best regards,
I haven't been speaking with him since, however...
I realize this info doesn't answer a question like "where's Riley?" or resolve the issue of trying to reach him, Kevin...
But it's the only answer I can give to the question "has anyone heard from him lately?"
Perhaps Han Jones can offer up an explanation (if there's one that's being offered up) about whether Riley might be off the radar right now?
Maybe he's simply on vacation, backlogged, etc?
I tried calling the shop's number but the number is disconnected. Does anyone have the new number?
- Professor of Archaeology
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I heard the mailbox was full recently, maybe they disconnected the line cause there is too many messages? I don't know what is going on maybe Riley himself can answer or someone that is in contact with him.
- Indiana G
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
_ wrote:I have to point something out...
I've also been told that Neutronbomb (banned) has been the one posting as Riley out here - so I don't know what to think or believe about what's going on behind the scenes.
neutronbomb has never posted for riley.
in regards to your other comments, the nowak family is still sorting out tony's estate which is why it is difficult to retain the business that was all in tony's name; hence the issues with the phones and credit card orders, etc. there are still some hurdles to get through for riley and i'm sure that he appreciated assuming tony's vendor status in cow as it was a gracious courtesy that was bestowed. cow has a right to be cautious in this relationship considering that the lines of business are not all intact at the moment. however, customers and potential customers should understand that ordering from TNO doesn't involve selecting from a drop down menu and sending off your paypal payment. it is highly recommended that you get some voice time if not some face time. you will have to go a little out of your way to put your order in, but the rewards will be evident in the end.
there are others here who will be able to find out riley's availability. i will/or they will post something when we know something.
sorry to derail your thread mitch, but i think it was important to answer that post......but in keeping with the subject of your beautiful jacket....its just fair to give the potential customers some information on how to get their own 747's...........
btw - i pm'd you my address and fedex number so you can send that beauty my way this week

- JC1972
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I always wondered why Tony's site couldn't be more like Magnoli's or Wested's with a drop-down menu for hides, distressing, prices, etc. But with the phone number being disconnected, how can anyone get in touch since emails don't get read? And Riley hasn't been on here in 2 weeks. I hope everything is okay with him though.
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
PLEASE don't take this as sour grapes, its in no way intended to be…but while I agree with your points, MULTIPLE emails and phone messages were left for Riley which were never returned. We welcomed the news…and Riley…with open arms to keep the good will going that we had and enjoyed with Tony. To never attempt to return contact, and then get wind of disturbing user account issues on top of what is currently going on causes us to caution what may be happening.Indiana G wrote:there are still some hurdles to get through for riley and i'm sure that he appreciated assuming tony's vendor status in cow as it was a gracious courtesy that was bestowed. cow has a right to be cautious in this relationship considering that the lines of business are not all intact at the moment.
Not trying to slight Riley or cause any lack of business his way, just a few red flags on our end that could have EASILY been avoided by a simple return of contact.
Personally, I hope the business takes off to the status it once held here, but I'm also leery of things I hear and hope all will straighten out.
- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Not at all, G... don't sweat it.Indiana G wrote:sorry to derail your thread mitch...
In my mind, a Thread devoted to the idea of "Here's a particular type of Jacket I own" shouldn't be restricted exclusively to reactions of "I like your jacket" or "I don't like your jacket"... It should be open to any kind of conversation related to it... with that in mind, at some point someone might be asking "How can I take steps to order a jacket like yours?"
With that in mind, I'm not only fine with you speaking to this issue (not at all "derailing" in my mind) but I'm even more in _'s corner for bringing it up.
I'm also just as concerned (and curious) about what's going on here as others who've expressed the same, though...
I sure do hope everything's okay. It'd be a shame for Riley to drop out of this business... 'cuz he sure gets nice jackets made.

Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
…and that's what it's all about…or should be anyway._ wrote:Hey - the jackets rock!

Totally agree, but the only problem with this…and what we're discussing behind the scenes…is how do we know who's doing the posting?_ wrote:As with Mike, communcation solves these issues. It spikes the guns of doubt. Also, it's why we're here. If it were me? I'd post a thread with all my open items to being up and running. I'd ask it to be made a sticky and provide updates and alerts. Somethng like "The phone was in dad's name so we need to disconnect it."

- Professor of Archaeology
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I think at this point we need to put ourselves in Riley's shoes and imagine the workload he's been juggling, and the other obligations he has. COW means a lot to us, but it's likely simply one small piece of the puzzle for the business. I commend the fact that Riley has been making completing paid orders and other compliance obligations the focus of his time.
He's been very good at communicating to those of us who have entrusted our funds to, and making sure he fulfils obligations that weren't even originally his. And surely that's the only thing that would cause concern, yeah? And that shows both honour and a reason to trust him.
I'd only be worried if things were the other way around - spending time playing the P.R. game and not getting jackets out. But Riley and the guys have done plenty of getting jackets out in the last little while since thrown in at the deep end. It's a pity not many are being shown here.
He's been very good at communicating to those of us who have entrusted our funds to, and making sure he fulfils obligations that weren't even originally his. And surely that's the only thing that would cause concern, yeah? And that shows both honour and a reason to trust him.
I'd only be worried if things were the other way around - spending time playing the P.R. game and not getting jackets out. But Riley and the guys have done plenty of getting jackets out in the last little while since thrown in at the deep end. It's a pity not many are being shown here.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Mike wrote: Totally agree, but the only problem with this…and what we're discussing behind the scenes…is how do we know who's doing the posting?
Mike, Bryan only posted for Tony because Tony couldn't use a computer AT ALL, and Bryan happened to be on-hand to help. He typed his notes VERBATIM to Tony's wording.
Riley's posts have been his own. Like Tony, he wouldn't dream of allowing anyone to put words in his mouth. Simple as that.
- Michaelson
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Correct me if I'm wrong, damian della morte, but if you're reading this, are you not also waiting for an outstanding order, but have not been able to reach Riley either by phone, email or PM?
Regards! Michaelson
Regards! Michaelson
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
If Damian della morte is actually waiting for a paid order and is having trouble reaching Riley, I can certainly understand his cause for concern. I can say, from my experience of dealing with Riley, that I feel confident that, if this is the case, Riley will come through with flying colors.
And Riley has been very communicative with those who had paid orders with Tony. I can't begin to imagine the whirlwind that Riley's going through: the sudden passing of a man who, for all intents and purposes, was his father, being thrust into and trying to make a go of a business that he was unfamiliar with, and probably a thousand other things I can't begin to think of. That getting out paid orders and doing it in the superb manner that he has done was one of his first/main concerns? That speaks volumes to me.
And Riley has been very communicative with those who had paid orders with Tony. I can't begin to imagine the whirlwind that Riley's going through: the sudden passing of a man who, for all intents and purposes, was his father, being thrust into and trying to make a go of a business that he was unfamiliar with, and probably a thousand other things I can't begin to think of. That getting out paid orders and doing it in the superb manner that he has done was one of his first/main concerns? That speaks volumes to me.
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
As does a lack of communication when trying to solve a perceived issue. Or at least so relayed to us…wrongly…by those who say they speak for him.crismans wrote:That speaks volumes to me.
The last I'm going to say about this is that when we first preached patience and caution when the announcement was first stated…when we were told not to…we were lambasted and accused of trying to derail the business and Riley's rep. Now that folks are voicing the same concerns leads us to see a pattern.
Again, I've given up expecting any communication, and we're deciding on what to do with an account that is being used as a sock puppet for others…a practice not allowed here…but I find it ironic that folks are excepting of issues we were raked over the coals for.
Peace out.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
What account is being used as a sock puppet for others?
- damian della morte
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
correct i have not heard from riley in several weeks tried calling and mailing and my order has been payed for since early feb this message is edited but it reads almost the same as the original
Last edited by damian della morte on Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Indiana G
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
i don't see a healthy pattern here....so i am going to do the unthinkable....as my gut reaction would put me in the klink again.....
i'm gonna put this thread back on the rails.....
mitch, i don't like your jacket at all.
.......cuz its not in my closet
i've handled 747 cowhide samples and then got an opportunity to see the hide at the shop and also a finished jacket. to me, it is a very luxurious hide in the sheen of the material, tuff as nails cowhide, but yet has a very crackly underlayer that looks to dissappear the further you step back from it. great leather for sure and an honest brown tone that leans a little more towards the darker side than the warm side. i've always found it interesting that fans would want indy jackets in this leather due to the more 'fashion'esque look of the hide, but it just reaffirms how different we all are. i love my 'dirty oil' cowhide TN.....which looks like a beat up piece of ####.....but what most people don't know about that particular jacket of mine: that's exactly how i designed it to look
as for 747, i would love to get a jacket made outta this stuff.....preferrabley in a model that is atypical to be in a horsehide. you get the 'look' without having to break it in. some horsehide jackets, you have to spend a month in, looking like the tin-man's barrel before it starts conforming to you 
here's a plus i just thought of with the 747 ROLA jacket.....i think you could pull it off wearing a dress grey fedora too
i'm gonna put this thread back on the rails.....
mitch, i don't like your jacket at all.
.......cuz its not in my closet

i've handled 747 cowhide samples and then got an opportunity to see the hide at the shop and also a finished jacket. to me, it is a very luxurious hide in the sheen of the material, tuff as nails cowhide, but yet has a very crackly underlayer that looks to dissappear the further you step back from it. great leather for sure and an honest brown tone that leans a little more towards the darker side than the warm side. i've always found it interesting that fans would want indy jackets in this leather due to the more 'fashion'esque look of the hide, but it just reaffirms how different we all are. i love my 'dirty oil' cowhide TN.....which looks like a beat up piece of ####.....but what most people don't know about that particular jacket of mine: that's exactly how i designed it to look

here's a plus i just thought of with the 747 ROLA jacket.....i think you could pull it off wearing a dress grey fedora too

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Hang on - who are you saying is being dishonest? Riley?
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I'm not trying to spin anything for Riley. We're probably not as far apart on this subject as you perceive. Those who have given Riley their money deserve to be communicated with and I would be concerned if I were in their position (and honestly, if I were Della, I would be getting angry by now), simply because my money was involved.
But while there is definitely a need for more communication between Riley and his customers, I wouldn't be pushing the panic button yet (even if I did have money involved) because of the reasons I detailed in my last post He has a ton of stuff going on that might be interfering, and he has demonstrated his good will/intentions by following through on paid orders and producing quality work. Should he have better communications with those who have paid? Absolutely, and I hope he is able to improve on this in the future, because, as you said, communication is key to any successful business. But there might be a valid reason(s) for the lack of communication at this point.
And I'm not saying that COW's moderators shouldn't be concerned and observing the situation. COW has a well-earned reputation for protecting the interests of its members when it comes to vendors. I think that's why a lot of people come here: to get the "straight scoop" on vendors. No problem with that. In fact, I applaud the efforts. But, having said that, statements like this:
But while there is definitely a need for more communication between Riley and his customers, I wouldn't be pushing the panic button yet (even if I did have money involved) because of the reasons I detailed in my last post He has a ton of stuff going on that might be interfering, and he has demonstrated his good will/intentions by following through on paid orders and producing quality work. Should he have better communications with those who have paid? Absolutely, and I hope he is able to improve on this in the future, because, as you said, communication is key to any successful business. But there might be a valid reason(s) for the lack of communication at this point.
And I'm not saying that COW's moderators shouldn't be concerned and observing the situation. COW has a well-earned reputation for protecting the interests of its members when it comes to vendors. I think that's why a lot of people come here: to get the "straight scoop" on vendors. No problem with that. In fact, I applaud the efforts. But, having said that, statements like this:
strike me as irresponsible unless you have this information directly from Riley's bank. Simply because...Personally, I will not buy from a vendor who cannot pass muster with a bank to be able to take credit cards.
Again, we agree!One of the house rules - if you don't know, you don't know...
- Professor of Archaeology
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I for one am also not trying to speak for Riley, much less spin for him. I'm just trying to be that dude in the Western that's saying "Hang on a minute, boys" before anyone goes reaching for pitchforks.
I have clients that go MIA for weeks on end - Impossible to reach. Likewise, I can be that way sometimes. And we're talking $80k accounts. But it's almost always ok. There's no bigger pattern at work here than Riley doesn't communicate with or via COW much at all. All other insights into his business that I and other customers of his have seen are that he's working hard, and making good.
Now, there's no reason not to be on guard in general terms with a lack of communication - on that point I HEARTILY AGREE with _. But again, we must remember we are dealing with someone who has inherited a situation forcefully, not with someone who has organically grown a business and is used to juggling more and more balls associated with it.
cheers, Kurt
I have clients that go MIA for weeks on end - Impossible to reach. Likewise, I can be that way sometimes. And we're talking $80k accounts. But it's almost always ok. There's no bigger pattern at work here than Riley doesn't communicate with or via COW much at all. All other insights into his business that I and other customers of his have seen are that he's working hard, and making good.
Now, there's no reason not to be on guard in general terms with a lack of communication - on that point I HEARTILY AGREE with _. But again, we must remember we are dealing with someone who has inherited a situation forcefully, not with someone who has organically grown a business and is used to juggling more and more balls associated with it.
cheers, Kurt
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I'm wondering if perhaps we're going to see the business started fresh; new phone number, new website etc, but keeping (hopefully) the Tony Nowak Original
I'm one of those waiting from a previous paid order with Tony, from late March. I haven't heard from Riley since late May, I believe.
I'm not that worried anymore. It must have been a huge loss for the family, and perhaps Riley took on a bit too much too soon and has had to step back
for a bit. Some communication would be nice, but I'm not sure how I'd act in such a situation and after such a loss.
Only time will tell what is to come, but those of you with jackets from Riley should be very grateful!
Yours Mitch, looks superb! I was nearly going to ask Riley to change my order to 747 cow, but I just couldn't resist the shrunken lamb!
I'm one of those waiting from a previous paid order with Tony, from late March. I haven't heard from Riley since late May, I believe.
I'm not that worried anymore. It must have been a huge loss for the family, and perhaps Riley took on a bit too much too soon and has had to step back
for a bit. Some communication would be nice, but I'm not sure how I'd act in such a situation and after such a loss.
Only time will tell what is to come, but those of you with jackets from Riley should be very grateful!
Yours Mitch, looks superb! I was nearly going to ask Riley to change my order to 747 cow, but I just couldn't resist the shrunken lamb!
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Since I neglected to say so earlier, let me add that YJ and Mitch, I do LOVE your jackets as well. Its great to see the craftsmanship continue and I'm happy that more can treasure a Nowak jacket as I do my two.
- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I feel kinda' guilty farming the compliments out from among the other very valid issues being discussed here... but I don't want it to get lost in the shuffle either...
Indy G, _, Kevin & Mike: Thank you again, gentlemen, for voicing your opinions - and compliments - for this jacket...
It's my sincere hope (whether it's naive remains to be seen) that things will straighten themselves out and not only will anyone looking to buy a similar (or different) TN will be able to do so... but that things will also be put right - and RESOLVED - for those customers still waiting on some contact from Riley.
Indy G, _, Kevin & Mike: Thank you again, gentlemen, for voicing your opinions - and compliments - for this jacket...

It's my sincere hope (whether it's naive remains to be seen) that things will straighten themselves out and not only will anyone looking to buy a similar (or different) TN will be able to do so... but that things will also be put right - and RESOLVED - for those customers still waiting on some contact from Riley.
- Weston
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Mitch, that jacket rocks beyond belief! And to you, my usual recommedation; go get it dirty!
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I will post your quote for you again (bold is mine for emphasis):
Your world view confuses me. You can call people Kool-aid swilling, bottom-feeding morons when they disagree with you (no matter if it's done respectfully or not) and that's all good and in no way inflammatory. They are supposed to wave it off and go "That crazy _, what a card!"
But if someone states that something you said strikes them as irresponsible, suddenly they're being inflammatory? And you're all for having them decapitated and impaled?
It's quite curious.
If your statement was just that you did not buy from a vendor who couldn't take credit cards, then there wouldn't be a problem, would there? That would just be acting as a smart consumer. But you didn't leave it at that, did you? You inferred that Riley couldn't pass muster with a bank and that's why he couldn't take credit cards. Unless you know this as a fact, it's making a huge assumption and it's irresponsible.Personally, I will not buy from a vendor who cannot pass muster with a bank to be able to take credit cards.
Your world view confuses me. You can call people Kool-aid swilling, bottom-feeding morons when they disagree with you (no matter if it's done respectfully or not) and that's all good and in no way inflammatory. They are supposed to wave it off and go "That crazy _, what a card!"
But if someone states that something you said strikes them as irresponsible, suddenly they're being inflammatory? And you're all for having them decapitated and impaled?
It's quite curious.
I was just going by what you, yourself, wrote. I wasn't trying to talk about anything I didn't know about (I don't have a single clue why he can't take credit cards other than what Indy G brought up) and, unlike yourself, wasn't going on the attack. If I do something to someone that I think I owe them an apology for? I'll apologize. I've apologized to you in the past when I thought I was out of line. I don't think I am this time so please don't wait on it.I expect you to apologize to me for, again, talking about another thing you do not know about and in your ignorance attacking me.
Last edited by crismans on Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
The reason why Riley cannot accept credit cards is because there are still some estate issues that need to be addressed. Once it's settled TNO will be taking credit cards again. I got my jacket as per my order from Tony several weeks ago and I recall from my conversations with Riley that he had many orders to fill and was working very hard. He also travels quite a bit.
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I suppose. Although, in my ignorance, I must confess I don't understand how I'm doing that._ wrote:Crismans - I'll leave you to continue making my point?

But, I will gladly sheath the sabre and say, once again, that I truly love your jacket, Mitch. It's terrific and you wear it very well. I was genuinely concerned that the quality couldn't be upheld after Tony's passing. He was a true artist.
Even though he can never be replaced, it's great to see that the quality can live on.
And despite any debates when it comes to the details or other points, we are truly living in a jacket golden age. Riley's efforts on Nowak Originals, Wings, Magnolis, Westeds, Todds? Good times for jacket fans.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
_... your avatar is making me hungry. If it's gone in the morning, I had it for breakfast.
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Nice jackets by Mr Barrie, but I have to agree with _. I prefer caution. Until the busines is up and running properly for several months, with a name, an answering phone and credit card capacity, I won't even think about getting my jacket. Mine was going to be a Surrogates, but I may go with a smiliar Aero instead. JMO.
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I ordered my jacket when it was announced that new orders were being taken. I asked about using a Credit Card and was told they weren't taking them untill a new account was set up. The old one was under Tony's name. Understandable considering the circumstances. Nothing devious or underhanded about it contray to what some have suggested.Dunross76 wrote:The reason why Riley cannot accept credit cards is because there are still some estate issues that need to be addressed. Once it's settled TNO will be taking credit cards again. I got my jacket as per my order from Tony several weeks ago and I recall from my conversations with Riley that he had many orders to fill and was working very hard. He also travels quite a bit.

Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
_ wrote:Nobody is suggesting anything devious. It is a basic protection for the consumer. This site is first and foremost an advocate for the consumer of Indiana Jones related products. It would be irresponsible to recommend to consumers to place orders without pointing out this very basic tenant.sithspawn wrote:I ordered my jacket when it was announced that new orders were being taken. I asked about using a Credit Card and was told they weren't taking them untill a new account was set up. The old one was under Tony's name. Understandable considering the circumstances. Nothing devious or underhanded about it contray to what some have suggested.Dunross76 wrote:The reason why Riley cannot accept credit cards is because there are still some estate issues that need to be addressed. Once it's settled TNO will be taking credit cards again. I got my jacket as per my order from Tony several weeks ago and I recall from my conversations with Riley that he had many orders to fill and was working very hard. He also travels quite a bit.I sent a cashiers check in Riley's name. Riley is a pleasure to talk to and completely on the up and up. I sent him an email and called him a week after payment was sent to confirm he got everything ok. He didn't get back to me, but almost a week or so later I had a box waiting for me. A TN Indy I jacket. Those that are waiting for jackets have nothing to fear. YOU WILL GET YOUR JACKETS
When you say "YOU WILL GET YOUR JACKETS" are you willing to put up your personal guarantee? Back it with your credit card? I did not think so. Unless you are willing to do that, and/or unless you are in fact the vendor themselves, neither you or anybody else are in a position to guarantee people will get what they pay for. It is perfectly fine to talk about your experience or your opinion, but this site is here to be a safe source of unbiased and objective data. You and others read these objective statements as attacks. That is an uninformed position, i.e. you are wrong.
Now, if you'd like to guarantee purchases for Riley I have set-up such accounts before. Please provide your ssn, and 5 years of persoal financial statements and tax returns. I'll also need the equivalent of 90-days projected sales or $20,000 held on deposit in a reserved account. If that reserve drops below the $20,000 your ability to accept credit cards will either be curtailed or revoked. This is essentially what the bank does. Does this change your perspective on casually telling people it is ok to buy from a vendor without the basic protections credit cards provide? I thought so...
If you don't know how something works, the smart money does not comment...
Lincoln wrote:'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt...

Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Please do because, if my statements are being made out of ignorance as you claim, or if I have a valid point that isn't coming across to you for whatever reason, there is no ulterior motive involved here.I need to take the advise being given to me and just accept exactly what you say and move along...
To be honest, I don't understand where the disconnect is occuring. Let me try one more time and then let it rest.
Again, I applaud the efforts of COW to protect the membership from vendors that might not be on the "up and up". And I am not suggesting that "Hey, people are having a little problem getting in touch with Riley right now and he cannot, as of yet, accept credit cards so just send some money via paypal and hope for the best!"
From my personal dealings with Riley, I feel confident that the situation will be resolved. I also base this on his track record where he has produced several jackets for members (Mitch's, YJ's, two for Indyzane (I believe), one or two for Orb (again, I believe, among others) and has worked hard to make sure paid orders were taken care of. I agree with you that, in lieu of the communication problems, caution is needed here. But, to expound further on YJ's western analogy, I think everyone should use caution but not get the posse together just yet.
That said, I would personally wait to place and order and would encourage others to do so until the issue of communication has been resolved. I was going to place an order earlier this spring (and put my money where my mouth is, so to speak) but several things went belly up around the house (garage door opener and pool pump to name a couple) that cut into my jacket money. I really wished that Riley at that time could have accepted credit cards so I could have completed my order.
I can certainly see and agree that it would be prudent to wait until he can accept credit cards as they offer a measure of buyer protection. That's up to the consumer.
I think we're okay and see eye to eye so far (I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong.). It's at this point, however, that we differ: some statements in my mind (and apparently in others as well), seem to suggest that the reason Riley can't accept credit cards yet is because there are some financial problems or, perhaps more to the point, that he can't meet the bank's criteria. This hasn't been shown and, in fact, others who have spoken to Riley have indicated that it has to do with problems stemming from all accounts for the business being in Tony's name. None of us, besides Riley and others closely associated with him, can answer that question with any authority (including myself as I just don't know what the reason is).
Why is this distinction important? Because to imply (whether consciously or otherwise) that Riley can't accept credit cards because the bank doesn't "trust him" could be potentially very damaging to his business, both presently and in the future. Again, (and take my advice for whatever it is worth), if I were a potential customer I would wait to order until the situation was resolved and I knew that everything was firing on all cylinders. But I would also not assume anything else at this point.
At any rate, I sincerely hope that the communication problem can be resolved quickly and that this is shown to be much ado about nothing. Riley has, so far, shown himself to be able to carry on the tradition set by Tony and I hope that this hasn't changed in the last few weeks.
Truman wrote:
“The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it all.”
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I may be talking out my other end (which I don't have a problem with), but I believe all that Paterson was initially saying is that you have no guarantee if something went amiss without a credit card (he was egged on to saying other stuff, lol). With a credit card you can get your money back. That’s one of it’s selling points. He can’t recommend a product to someone on this board when they won’t even have that basic protection provided by a credit card. Riley may know how to make a jacket, but his business practices are still unproven. It’s not a slight on him, its just fact. You can’t let your enthusiasm for a product cloud the facts. In time it will sort it’s way out, but for now it is what it is.
Last edited by Rundquist on Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I'll share this with you guys cause I'm feeling a bit frustrated.
I placed/paid an order for 2 Jackets with Tony in Dec '09. Tony felt soooo bad that it was taking forever to make the jackets. He called me a couple times to apologize for the long delay. He had a ton of work and I never gave him a reason to believe I'll be nagging him about it. I just let him take his time and waited until he called me once he was ready to make my jackets. Tony finished my Indy II jacket practically days before he left to Italy. He even called me from LAX to let me know, "When I get back, it'll be taken care of, I'll even bring it out to you!"
I have no doubt that Tony would have. Then the unthinkable happened. Soon after, in late April, I pick up my Indy II jacket at Tony's shop. I met Riley and we talked about the other jacket I ordered with Tony (Indy I). Riley gave me confidence to trust him.
I haven't been in contact with him since. I've tried emailing twice and calling. Nothing.
I understand patience. I understand a man's duties. But Tony still answered. Not because "I" called him but because he honored the commitment. And now, I'm in a position in which I want to extend the same patience to Riley like I had for Tony but, I'm getting nothing. There's no communication. Geez, Tony told every time I talked to him on the phone about how genuine it was to have a customer NOT being on his back with phone calls, emails, and whatnot. Let and behold, The man made me one #### of a Temple of Doom Jacket.
I don't wanna be that guy that calls, "Where's my jacket?" or leaves pestering emails about the same. Unfortunately, it's been 2 months now without any word. It's inconvenient not communicate. Does that make sense to you guys? Do you guys get what I mean?
(Sorry Mitch, I kinda added on to this long list of "off-topic-ness". But I want you know this though, Your jacket is a #### fine jacket, man!!!)
I placed/paid an order for 2 Jackets with Tony in Dec '09. Tony felt soooo bad that it was taking forever to make the jackets. He called me a couple times to apologize for the long delay. He had a ton of work and I never gave him a reason to believe I'll be nagging him about it. I just let him take his time and waited until he called me once he was ready to make my jackets. Tony finished my Indy II jacket practically days before he left to Italy. He even called me from LAX to let me know, "When I get back, it'll be taken care of, I'll even bring it out to you!"
I have no doubt that Tony would have. Then the unthinkable happened. Soon after, in late April, I pick up my Indy II jacket at Tony's shop. I met Riley and we talked about the other jacket I ordered with Tony (Indy I). Riley gave me confidence to trust him.
I haven't been in contact with him since. I've tried emailing twice and calling. Nothing.
I understand patience. I understand a man's duties. But Tony still answered. Not because "I" called him but because he honored the commitment. And now, I'm in a position in which I want to extend the same patience to Riley like I had for Tony but, I'm getting nothing. There's no communication. Geez, Tony told every time I talked to him on the phone about how genuine it was to have a customer NOT being on his back with phone calls, emails, and whatnot. Let and behold, The man made me one #### of a Temple of Doom Jacket.
I don't wanna be that guy that calls, "Where's my jacket?" or leaves pestering emails about the same. Unfortunately, it's been 2 months now without any word. It's inconvenient not communicate. Does that make sense to you guys? Do you guys get what I mean?
(Sorry Mitch, I kinda added on to this long list of "off-topic-ness". But I want you know this though, Your jacket is a #### fine jacket, man!!!)
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
Based on your last post, I believe we are.I believe in spirit and intent we are in sync. JMO...
And Rundquist, I agree with your post as well. Again (and I'll try to shut up about this afterward), I hope the situation can be resolved quickly for both current customers and future ones.
- Hollowpond
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
And some stink...excuses that is..._ wrote: Excuses are like anus' - everyone has one (some two)...

- Michaelson
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- Mitch LaRue
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
IndyFalco wrote:(Sorry Mitch, I kinda added on to this long list of "off-topic-ness". But I want you know this though, Your jacket is a #### fine jacket, man!!!)

- Michaelson
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- Location: Out here knowing stuff and things and wishing I were with the family at Universal Studios Orlando
Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie
I hope you're compiling a list of folks who want it, Mitch. Sounds to me like it could come down to a free for all. Good thing I carry extra ballast around the middle, or I'd ask to be placed on the list too.
Regards! Michaelson

Regards! Michaelson