Hi there Jay, kinda new here
I was recently in the same position as yourself, for a very long time I have lusted after an Indy style jacket, for me it didn't have to be screen accurate, I wanted it to be built to last and I wanted it to feel comfortable on me, because I intend to wear the *beep* out of it.
Living in London I am but a short distance from Wested so I popped in a month or so ago, I think I tried on every jacket in the shop (even the Minority Report in "far too small for a grown up" size and I think I fell in love with every single one of them), the smell of the shop is amazing too it's just like being in my wardrobe.
Alas, I couldn't make up my mind on the spot so I went away, having recently returned I tried on a washed goat Raiders jacket, it was the last one in my size so it was purchased there and then, and in spite of the 28+ degree heat I have been wearing it since.
When I was there I had the pleasure of having both Peter and Gemma (the first visit) sharing their wealth of knowledge about leather, jackets and all related to them, and just Gemma on my second visit. Both times they spent ages with me, helping me make a choice, but not pressuring me to buy or anything.
Now had I been Gemma I would have been bored to tears watching some indecisive idiot trying on countless jackets but unable to make a command decision. But she was patient and helpful for the entire time I was there, and in the end I walked away with something I
Now I know Wested have had some bad press on here, and I know the customer is always right (or thinks he is) but I can see why there are sometimes customer service issues with Wested, or indeed anyone who offers a custom product. In the time Gemma and Peter spent with me they probably should have been answering your emails or clarifying some measurement, but they weren't, they were helping a moron realise a dream. (So I apologise, but not really cos I got an epic jacket).
So while I can't recommend Wested mail order, or custom order (because I have used neither) I would say that visiting their store was one of the best shopping experiences I've had, ever.
Please don't think I've been paid by Wested, or that I am an agent of theirs or anything cos I'm not, I have equal praise of other companies (Soul Revolver and Tony Nowak to name but two).
Anyway that was my two pence worth....
As an aside I would like to thank everyone here, because without being able to read all of your jacket experiences and the like I wouldn't be where I am today (yes I am sat at home posting this while wearing the jacket, but I am breaking it in....... Honest)