It fits perfectly and I think its absolutely beautiful! THANK YOU, INDY MAGNOLI!
Naturally, these pics aren't completely SA, because I'm not wearing the right tie, (though I did order it, and do have it).
The reason I'm wearing this tie is because this is the tie my fiancee picked for me to wear for our wedding, which is coming up in Sept.
So, there will be more pics to add to this once I actually get married, and after that, I'll post some fun pics of me, (probably clean shaven) wearing the proper tie, and perhaps I will even treck out to SF city hall with my lady, and we'll take some fun "screen shot" syle pics.
But these will have to do for now!
What do you think?

Jack Henry

Oh yeah, and a BIG shout out to Steerpike for helping me out on this one! You rock!