Cabelas Indy jacket look a like

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Cabelas Indy jacket look a like

Post by Mola Ram »

If it has not been covered before cabelas makes
a nice indy jacket copy in brown
Cabela's Adventurer Jacket
It even has side straps
Kindest Regards :D
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Post by IndyBlues »

Indiana-Sith brought this up awhile back. That IS a nice replica for the money. Does anyone own one who could give a review?
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Post by auntsugar »

Looks pretty good, but I'd still stick with Wested. These cost almost the same as a Wested anyway.
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Post by IndyBlues »

I do like the adjustable cuffs, though. Not screen accurate, but functional.
That's the only thing that bothers me about my Wested. When I order my Authentic lamb, I'm going to ask peter to taper the sleeves.
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Post by Pyroxene »

IndyBlues wrote: Indiana-Sith brought this up awhile back.
Here's the post. ... ht=cabelas
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Post by IndyBlues »

I don't know why, but I'm Jones'in for one of these jackets. I think they look pretty good. What the heck, variety is the spice of life.
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Post by IndyBlues »

Well, I ordered it. It's on the way. I'll let you folks know what it's like when it arrives.
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Post by TreasureHunter »

I was at Cabela's a few weeks ago, but they didn't have this jacket in stock (I noticed it appeared, then disappeared and now is back in their catalog). The jackets they did have in stock seemed of good quality.

Word to the wise...I don't know about this latest offering, but the previous description didn't mention the side entry handwarmer pockets. When I called customer service they said the item notes in their computers specifically say there ARE NOT side entry hand warmer pockets. Again, this may have changed in the new offering. If it is an important feature to you it would be worth asking.

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Post by IndyBlues »

No side entry hand warmers?! WHAT!!? #-o Oh no, now he tells me.
See what happens when you assume, you make an....well, you know the rest.

Well, at least they have a good return policy, if they don't have them.
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Post by IndyBlues »

I just got my Cabelas "Indy" jacket, and here's the poop.

I took it out of the box, and first thing I checked was the pockets, because Treasure Hunter had me worried. It has hand warmers.
Thank the Maker. I figured I was buying this thing for colder climes, and if it didn't have usable pockets, it was going back.

I layed it out and had a good look at it. The look was cool, just like the pic above. It had a nice brown color to the leather, sort of like Westeds Authentic Brown color. Maybe a shade off, but close. The leather was soft and supple to the touch. It seemed like quality hide, but it is very thin, no way near as nice as a Wested. I was expecting a nice new leather smell, and that's wasn't the case.

It has a peculiar odor too it. I believe it is from being in a bag for too long. They must have these things bagged up and ready to throw in a box for shipment. No problem. Just needs some airing out, and a treatment of Pecards.

The cut and style is very Indy-like, although more than a few details were left out. The back isn't bi-swing, and the action pleats aren't very deep. They are just for looks, not action. :lol:
I laid it out next to my Wested LC cow, for comparison, and as you can imagine, there really is none. The Wested blows it out of the water, but I knew that would be the case. It is an XL, and close to the size of my Wested, but it is a little longer in the body, about 2 inches, ala Temple of Doom style.

It wears extremely comfortable, and it is very warm. I took a quick run to the Post Office to see how it would fair in the cold. It is about 35 degrees here in Philly today, and the wind chill makes it feel like 25.
The jacket kept me pretty warm, and I was only wearing a t-shirt underneath. It also has the adjustable cuffs, which are nice in the winter. The sleeves are reminiscent to a Varsity style jacket. There are a few more seems seen from the back, than on a Wested. No big deal, just wanted to state that they were different.

So if you need a cold weather jacket, Indy Style, I would recommend it.

Although, I would still buy a Wested as my main Indy Jacket. When I hung them side by side, you could see that the Wested IS the Indy jacket, and the Cabela is a wannabe.

If you have any questions, or would like some comparison pics, let me know. I'll try to get some up.

Now, where is that tub of Pecards?
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Is the lining in the jacket thicker than a Westeds?
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Post by IndyBlues »

Hey ITG! Yes, it is slightly thicker, because it has some kind of insulation inside. They calll it Polyfill.
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Post by IndyBlues »

Don't you worry. :wink: I'm already cooking up all the options for my "Super Ultimate Buttery Soft Ultra Comfortable Authentic Brown Lambskin Indiana Jones Jacket" from Wested. :D
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Post by TreasureHunter »

Whew! Glad to hear I was wrong. :) Sorry to worry anyone (IndyBlues) :roll: . Like I mentioned, I know a previous version didn't have the handwarmers, but apparently they got enough complaints to pull the initial offering and replace it. I have had nothing but excellent service from Cabela's and this another example of how responsive they are to their customers.

On the down side, the next time I'm at Cabela's I can add another couple hundred bucks to my bill right off the bat :wink: .
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