It is my pleasure to introduce to all Indy Gear members the new Del Carpio Whips Value Line of Indy style bullwhips. This time, let me show you the pictures first. Then I'll talk more about their features. ... 0_6388.jpg ... 0_6420.jpg ... 0_6423.jpg ... 0_6426.jpg ... 0_6428.jpg ... 0_6421.jpg ... 0_6451.jpg
Ok. The whip in the pics above is 12 plait, 10 foot, in natural tan kangaroo. Nothing new there. It looks and feels very similar to my Raiders 2 bullwhips. So, what's the difference? to cut a long story short, the difference is in the construction: I combined the inner construction of my kip bullwhips, with an overlay cut from first grade kangaroo. I did this in an effort to reduce costs, while keeping intact the high standard of quality, performance and attention to detail that you have come to expect from a Del Carpio whip.
The concept of using cowhide inside a kangaroo bullwhip is not new; it has been used in the past by many Australian whipmakers, as an effective way to reduce costs. In fact, it is currently used by Terry Jacka, who constructs his whips (including his Indy 4 bullwhips) using split chrome-tanned cowhide in the core, belly and bolsters. (He in turn learned this construction from Tom Hill, his former employer.)
The idea of using kangaroo only for the overlay came to me out of desperation. A few years ago, I had an order for a 12 plait custom bullwhip in kip. None of the skins I had in stock was strong enough to cut a 12 plait overlay from them, as the strands kept breaking while plaiting, so I decided to use kangaroo for the overlay. I solved my problem, and my customer was quite happy with the resulting whip. In fact, it is one of his favorites (and he has over 8 whips from me in his collection).
After the good experience, I decided to make another whip like that one, this time for my then 12-year old nephew, as his birthday present. He is a fan of Indy, and Indy 4 had just hit the theaters. I made him a 6 foot, 8 plait Indy bullwhip, again using kip in the core, belly and bolster, and kangaroo in the overlay. The resulting whip turned out great. At the time, I was in the States visiting my good friends Paul Nolan and Lauren Wickline, who both tried the whip and absolutely loved how it handled. They both told me it was the best whip I had ever made!
So I kept in my mind the concept, until the time was right to offer it to all the Indy fans worldwide. Recently I received an order for a 10 foot, 12 plait Indy style bullwhip in kip, and again, I had problems with the kip hides I had in stock. None of them was strong enough for the finer strands needed for a 12 plait set. I decided to use a kangaroo overlay instead, and the whip you see in the pics is the result.
The inner construction consists of a rolled core, a plaited belly, a bolster, all cut from the finest vegetable tanned cowhide/kip. This is a proven construction that I have been using on my kip whips for some years now, with an excellent track record.
These whips feel and handle just like my "regular" Indy whips, that use the classic Morgan construction, with a rolled core and two bolsters cut from kip, and two kangaroo bellies. So what are the savings? these are my current prices:
6 ft $ 340
7 ft $ 380
8 ft $ 400
9 ft $ 460
10 ft $ 500
12 ft $ 620
Those are about $100 less than my regular kangaroo whips' prices. I will update my website within the next few days, but if someone is interested, I am accepting orders now.
I intended to make the announcement sooner, but my health has not been great in the last couple of months, and as a result I got behind schedule with my orders. I now have very little time for anything else other than finishing the pending orders as soon as possible. Fortunately I am feeling good again, and things are getting back on track. I hope you guys like this new Value Line, that should be welcomed in this tough economic times.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks!