TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

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Mitch LaRue
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TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hi everyone,
Well, I'm happy to report that I'm the proud new owner of a RotLA Jacket made by the good folks at Tony Nowak Originals - and under the leadership of Riley Barrie - who are all doing such a wonderful job of carrying on Tony's work of making excellent jackets!

Before Tony's passing (and SINCE Riley began making good on the jacket orders that were already begun prior to Tony's death) I know that many of you have had stories that you've shared about your own unique experience with dealing originally with Tony... and now with Riley...
Well, my jacket order has it's own little story as well... (some of it I've made previous reference to in some other threads, so I apologize if I'm repeating myself to some of you)...

I began the long process of slowly saving up my money for a Tony Nowak jacket in the beginning of October of last year... I'd seen some really, REALLY amazing jackets coming from Tony's hands and knew I had to have one... But the long, slow process of scrimping & saving the money and researching my choice of leather & other particulars was just beginning. Along the way, Threads like Tundrarider's "YOU NAILED IT, TONY!!!" Thread kept me feeling High Anticipation:
I was not only drooling over the photos Michael had posted, but also really enjoyed the way he'd relayed his own unique story of dealing and speaking directly with Tony.

Finally, during the first part of February I spoke briefly on the phone with the Big Man himself, discussing with him a little bit about the kind of jacket I was looking to order as well as asking him to send along some leather swatches to help me with my decision... over the next few weeks we spoke a few times, each conversation a really comfortable and enjoyable chat.
Later (part of the way though March) I sent along an e-mail that included my measurements, my choice of leather and a number of photos of myself wearing another jacket for reference. When I did that, I asked that Tony give me a call so that we could discuss any final issues that needed to be worked out... I was going to be leaving for 10 days vacation with my family on the morning of April 10th and because Tony would be traveling during the Easter Weekend, our last conversation ended with the idea that hopefully he would be calling me "on the 9th" so that we could talk before I left.

On the morning of the 9th I did my best to not stare impatiently at the phone while waiting for Tony to call... I was so excited thinking that once Tony and I ironed out the last few details, it would just be a matter of being in the queue until Tony got around to my jacket...
It got to be about noon on that Friday and I popped into C.O.W. to see what was new and was, of course, met with the worst news possible...

The loss of "Big Tony" Nowak.

The suddenness on Tony's death really did a number on me (as I know it did on so many of us here as well) ...I was in a completely numb and utterly saddened state that day and on the next day as I left for vacation, I was still in a daze about it...
It was so unreal... It seemed so impossible...

The flights gave me a lot of time to think about the man and mourn him (at one point, hours into one of our flights, my son noticed me once again lost in thought and patted my shoulder, saying "I'm really sorry about your friend dying, Dad")...
Naturally, when the plane reached it's destination the fun & frivolity of our vacation plans did a good job of offering me ample distraction from dwelling on these matters for too long... but once I was back home I did a little bit of reading-of-COW-posts-&-threads and quickly found myself re-discovering my somber mood.

In mourning the man during the weeks that followed, I'd often think how clear and reassuring it is that his legacy - and reputation - would live on not only in the form of those beautiful jackets, but in the many, many stories and memories shared by those who knew him - or even simply met him or spoke with him - for a brief time.

As those weeks had worn on, of course, every so often someone would wonder aloud if there would be anyone from Tony's team who would be "picking up the reigns" and carrying on Tony's work of making such excellent jackets (this was, understandably, a tricky thing for anyone to ask about because such questions can easily be misconstrued as a question of "will I ever get my jacket?"... even when someone is simply asking for far less selfish reasons...)

At the time, I hadn't given much thought as to whether there would be someone else from Tony's "workshop" to pick up where Tony left off and carry on with his unfinished work...
As far as my own jacket was concerned, I simply assumed that owning a Tony Nowak Jacket was simply not meant to be for me.

So, a week into May, when I learned of Han Jones "TONY NOWAK FOREVER (New Jacket)" Thread I was not only pleasantly surprised at the idea that Tony's client's would be receiving their treasures... but also curious - and cautious - as to how to proceed.
Yet, regardless of my own trepidation, the news that very capable, very gifted hands would be carrying on with Tony's business was wonderful to hear.

After a few days I wrote to Riley, telling him right from the start how sorry I was for his and his family's loss and expressing my condolences...
I also told him a little of my own story and experience of speaking and dealing with Tony and how I was expecting him to call me on the 9th, before learning of what had happened.
Lastly, I mentioned the news that Han Jones was passing along...
I told him that when I read the news that he'd be carry on with the business Tony started, I couldn't help but become curious as to where this put me ...where I might fit in.
I told him I didn't want nor intend to be adding any pressure to what I imagined was an already "full" plate for him... but that whenever he was ready and able, to please let me know how he wanted me to proceed...

I sent that e-mail on May 12th...

The very next day, Riley contacted me saying that he'd appreciate me re-sending some of the photos I originally sent to Tony that I'd made reference to in one of my e-mails... soon, we were on the phone and had a really great conversation about Tony, some of Riley's own current goings-on with his family and eventually spoke about some of the specifics of my jacket... I was surprised when I realized just how soon Riley and his team were prepared to go to work on my jacket... surprised, but elated.
One moment that I (perhaps foolishly) hadn't anticipated but that really stands out for me was when I mentioned to Riley how I'd now want to have the words "In Loving Memory of Tony Nowak" stitched on the lining inside the jacket where it would rest against my back... Riley took a long pause before he said "That's a really nice... thing to say"
We continued to have a friendly conversation afterwards, so I hope that means he meant what he said and I in no way upset him too much in hearing that (my greatest regret would be if such a sentiment from - effectively - a total stranger had offended him in some way)... I sincerely hope it didn't... and the conversations we had over the next week or so leads me to believe he thought I was an okay guy.

My jacket arrived on May 31st... and despite what you may believe about me, I was speechless.

(Hard to believe, I know)

The next day I wrote to Riley:
The jacket arrived yesterday...
And, of course, it's PERFECT.
I can't tell you how much I love it.
Gorgeous, gorgeous jacket.
MANY thanks to you and your team... you guys are Artists!
I didn't get home until late last night but it was here waiting for me... what a great surprise.
Thank you again, Riley... I could NOT be more impressed by this jacket and I'm proud to wear it.

If I could say one thing to Tony right now, I'd start by repeating myself and saying:
I miss ya, Tony...
It was really nice talking to you those few times... I wish it had been more.

But at least now I can add:
Riley and Co. are really doing you PROUD.

What follows below are some of the first photos I had taken of the jacket ... various type of lighting, angles and styles of dressing to show some variety.
Vanity demands that I tell you I'm not quite as grey (YET) as some of the weird, glaring lighting on some the outdoor shots would suggest.

Shortly, I'm going to remove all of my original photos and Links from the "Full Gear Shots - Post (and Identify) - Your Stuff" Thread that I started in the Scrapbook Section in order to be able to post 6 photos and 6 Links of some updated Full Gear shots that now include my Raiders in 747 Cowhide.
Hope you get a chance to check those out, too!
All the Best,


Link showing same setting, different angle: ... C06946.jpg

Zipped up a little:

Unzipped again... This one was taken indoors:

Outdoors again, this time with a little bit of sunshine and a fedora:

Link to a similar shot: ... C07385.jpg


Link to a shot of the back of the jacket: ... C07448.jpg

A Link showing various details of the INSIDE of the jacket: ... C06846.jpg

And lastly:

One final comment:
I was originally going to title this Thread "TONY NOWAK Raiders 747 by Riley Barrie"... but decided instead to give it the more broad title "TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie" since I know there'll be plenty more of those to come...

Please consider this my sincere offer to add your own Tony Nowak (by Riley Barrie) jacket to this Thread if you'd like...
It's an Open Invitation (if the Mods are okay with it)
If they ARE, I'd be more than happy to retitle this Thread "Post Your TONY NOWAK Jacket (by Riley Barrie) Pictures HERE"

Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Hollowpond »

Just awesome Mitch! :clap:

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Ian »


Those are some really moving words dude and what a great way to pay homage to Tony with the embroidery :cry: .
...and the jacket.....just speechless.. :o

Treasure it man, it's a work of art.

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by JC1972 »

Fox, I hate you! ;)

Great jacket, I love it. Looks awesome on you. And I had no doubts that Riley could take over and fill some big shoes. I love the "In Loving Memory of Tony Nowak", very classy. I hear you on the scrimping and saving. And remember, wear the $#@!% out of it. :tup: :TOH:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by BendingOak »

I agree. I hate you you Fox. That is a amazing looking jacket.

TNO, is in good hands.

Great job Riley. :clap:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by SpeedRcrX »

That 747 cowhide is still as impressive as ever!

The jacket fit you well, Riley and Co did a wonderful job!

Enjoy it Fox!

I have a Surrogates jacket on order and can't wait to get it =P~
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Noah »

Great jacket Mitch! It fits you really well. Riley did a great job. Enjoy wearing it! :D
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Rudolf »

just totally beautiful !! :D Congratulations!
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Hatch »

Beautiful jacket, and with that 747 the fun is just beginning ....the more you wear it the more it 'becomes you'.........
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Indiana G »

great post mitch. that is a fantastic looking jacket. great fit on you.

being a canuck, there will probably a number of folks around your neck of the woods wondering why you are sporting an american flag on your jacket......if they knew of tony and how proud he was to be an american, i think they would understand....i do :)

since the big guy ain't here, maybe it's up to me to say..."now go wear it and beat the living #### out of it"...LOL

treasure that jacket my friend, and it will take care of you for a long time.



btw....can i have it? ;)
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Han Jones »

Well done Riley. Contrats Mitch.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by crismans »

That is a terrific looking jacket, Mitch. Looks awesome and you look great in it. Now, you fully know what all the fuss is about! ;)

And a very nice post as well. No one can replace Tony Nowak, of course. If anyone was irreplaceable, it was him. But it's great to know that the art form (and, make no mistake, it is indeed an art form) is in great hands with Riley and company. I know that they are doing the Big Man proud.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by nicktheguy »

Gotta say that jacket looks great
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

You paint a picture so well, Mitch. Thanks for sharing your story. And congratulations on getting your beautiful jacket.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Raskolnikov »

Great story, Mitch, and awsome jacket:as beautiful as only a Nowak can be :clap: ; Riley has inherited his stepfather's skills. Perfect fit too. Thanks a lot for sharing those pics!
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Indyzane »

That jacket is a beauty eh! Enjoy it and wear it well!
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Texan Scott »


It looks like Riley is 'mining the store' quite well. :tup:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I'm having a bit of a start/stop kinda' day, so I might have to do this in a few installments.

Hollowpond, Ian, SpeedRcrX & Noah: Thank you very much for those nice words... they're greatly appreciated. (Speedy, I'll look forward to seeing your Surrogates jacket!)

JC1972 & BendingOak: Uh... Thank You, I guess...
I suppose your "hatred" is exactly what I was "going for" :P ...
(and no worries, JC... I'll be sure to "wear the $#@!% out of it"...after all, it's what Tony woulda wanted)
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by JC1972 »

Mitch LaRue wrote: JC1972 & BendingOak: Uh... Thank You, I guess...
I suppose your "hatred" is exactly what I was "going for" :P ...
(and no worries, JC... I'll be sure to "wear the $#@!% out of it"...after all, it's what Tony woulda wanted)

Hey Fox, touche'; you know I mean well :TOH: . But whenever I get one, I think I'll get the same inscription you got.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Mitch! Looking very Ron Perlman in that jacket! It's simply amazing, and one of the better fits that I've seen in a while. The leather really screams old-school Indy, and that stitching just speaks volumes about your character. It is good that someone that truly deserves a Nowak now has that honor, and the jacket was truly made for you in more ways than one.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Baldwyn »

Congratulations Fox! This post makes me extremely happy, since you deserve to have such a masterpiece. And congratulations Riley for continuing to impress!
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Raskolnikov »

Can't stop watching your jacket. Congratulations again.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Tundrarider: Thank you, my friend, for posting here... I always anticipate your feedback!
Glad you like the inscription... and the fact that you like the choice of leather so much that it would be your pick for a jacket next time around is very flattering! :oops: Gotta say, though: I'm more than happy to wear the mantle for inspiring you (and given that YOUR #50 TN Jacket style AND leather are EXACTLY what I'm asking Riley for in my NEXT jacket at the end of the year - I've even already sent him photos of you wearing YOURS, buddy - it's becomes an even MORE ironic honor!)

Rudolf & Hatch: Thank you BOTH, fellas... I'm very flattered. And Hatch: Yeah, I'm in awe of how natural, comfortable and "bonding" this leather is... Simply the greatest jacket I've ever owned or even tried on!

Indiana G: Thanks for the compliment, G! Coming from a man with as discerning an eye (or two) as you, it means a LOT :notworthy: (for the record, I think it was one of YOUR TN's that first made my jaw drop) :shock:
You're quite right about a few of my Canadian friends being curious about the American Flag... but a few simple words from me about how very much Tony loved America PLUS the fact that this jacket is American Craftsmanship at it's FINEST shuts them up pretty quick. It was just a personal choice for me, really... there woulda been nothing wrong with me having the Canadian Flag on it since I am after all, Canuckian (and I know Riley would've done it for me if I'd asked)... I just really wanted my perfect Raiders Jacket to be All-American (yet worldly) as both Tony AND Indy were and are... if you take my meaning.

Han Jones & crismans: THANKS very much, guys... I truly appreciate your words. Your OWN TN's have been repeated inspiration for me over the last year!
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

nicktheguy, Yojimbo Jones & Indyzane: Thanks very much, gents! Yojimbo, I'm really glad you enjoyed my story... It was a hard one for a guy as "wordy" as me to chop down too much... so, hey.. I'm just glad you read through it and enjoyed it!

Raskolnikov: Thank you, my friend... and thanks for your invaluable guidance and assistance when I was getting my specifics organized to place my order in the first place!

Texan Scott: Well, WHATEVER you want to call what Riley's doing... he's doing the HECK out of it!

Michaelson: Many Thanks, sir! I'm very flattered... and solemnly swear to abide by the "Michaelson" School of Thought when it comes to letting this jacket wear and distress itself NATURALLY and over time.
(And as for the "middle-aged spread": you know, you could test my "spread-immunity" mettle in person if we agree right now to both be at next years Finger Lakes Summit! How about it? :[
In all seriousness, though... As to exactly how many guys Riley has working with him right now, unfortunately I can't say: On several occasions while we were on the phone he made passing reference to "I'll cut that tonight so it'll be here for the guys in the morning" as well as several occasions when our conversation when one of the staff needed to interrupt and speak with him... but never an exact number.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Michaelson »

:M: :tup:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

JC1972 wrote:...whenever I get one, I think I'll get the same inscription you got.
Wow, JC... I'm very flattered by those words...
I know it's a testament to how much Tony meant to people - including yourself, obviously - that you feel that way... but still, I'm flattered that you'd want to do the same...
I think that's VERY cool.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by BendingOak »

Fox,your my size right? maybe you can do me a favor? send me that jacket to try out to make sure I got the fit right, I'll send it right back to you. :anxious: Yo can trust me. ;)
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by eazybox »

Very nice indeed.

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

BendingOak wrote:Fox,your my size right? maybe you can do me a favor? send me that jacket to try out to make sure I got the fit right, I'll send it right back to you. :anxious: Yo can trust me. ;)
Well, that does sound like a pretty fair deal alright...

Tell you what, Oak... I'll send it to you the minute I get tired of wearing it.
I think that's a promise I can live with.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by BendingOak »

Mitch LaRue wrote:
BendingOak wrote:Fox,your my size right? maybe you can do me a favor? send me that jacket to try out to make sure I got the fit right, I'll send it right back to you. :anxious: Yo can trust me. ;)
Well, that does sound like a pretty fair deal alright...

Tell you what, Oak... I'll send it to you the minute I get tired of wearing it.
I think that's a promise I can live with.

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: that will be never. Enjoy it, it's a beauty.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by gwyddion »

Mitch, that jacket looks awesome! I see you also got the wrinkly arms thing going you liked so much :clap: Wear the snot out of it! Oh, and please do so in good health :TOH:

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by steerpike »

Thank you Mitch for sharing your story, and for sharing this great pics, the jacket is truly beautiful and is very very Raiders!! I love the way the leather is enlighted in outdoor shots! :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

Looks great Mitch. More than any other jacket photo I've seen here, that's the jacket I thought Indy was wearing (and that I could never find) before I discovered COW. Guess it's time to start saving my pennies after all... Well done Riley et al.

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by crismans »

I can't say enough (as I'm sure many of you have realized :P ) how much I like the 747 leather. It is terrific right out of the box and only gets better as you wear it. It's the best leather (in cowhide) that I've seen to imitate the Raiders look.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by St. Dumas »

Nowak Crystal Skull jackets are now at $950, per Riley.

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by afalzon »

Looking great.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Castor Dioscuri & Baldwyn: Wow, guys, I don't know what to say to those very kind sentiments from you both. I'm extremely humbled by them, to say the least. Thank you both.

easybox: Thank you so much.

Gwyddion & steerpike: VERY happy to hear from you both! And very glad you like the jacket!
Gwyddion: Yeah, the minute I put the jacket on those great wrinkles and folds in the arms started to magically appear - I was so jazzed by that! And Thank you again, my friend, for being such a wonderful reference and giver-of-advice!
steerpike: I'm glad you like what that outdoor lighting does to it... me, too! And if you haven't already, please feel free to check out my updates Full Gear shots in the Scrapbook Section. More "leafy lighting goodness" over there, too!

Long John Tinfoil: Wow... VERY flattering words, sir. :oops: Sincerest Thanks!

crismans: Yep, I've gotta agree wholeheartedly. I was so nervous about which leather would be the one I'd be satisfied with BEFORE getting this thing onto my back... Now, I can't even imagine a different leather being the right Raiders Look for my tastes.

afalzon: I appreciate you saying that... Thanks!
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by gwyddion »

Glad to have been of help my friend :TOH:

Regards, Geert
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Raskolnikov »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Raskolnikov: Thank you, my friend... and thanks for your invaluable guidance and assistance when I was getting my specifics organized to place my order in the first place!
Anytime :TOH:
By the way, I like the colour combo of your 'gear' in the first three pictures: jacket plus dark olive green shirt, plus clear greyish green pants. Very cool streetwise garments. The second picture is just great :tup: .
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I appreciate that, Rask... Thank you.

I'll admit, I try to keep a little bit of color variety in my wardrobe... but I'm not too interested in messing too much with the chosen styles that have served me so well for so very long...

(Guess I'm just gettin' old and set in my ways... but I ain't complainin')
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Raskolnikov »

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Fedora »

Nowak Crystal Skull jackets are now at $950, per Riley.
Wow.Still cheaper than what the film jackets cost Bernie. :clap:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Swiftfoot »

Beautiful looking jacket Mitch. :clap: :clap: :clap: I'm glad you got what you were hoping for.

I just wish it was cooler here in SW Ontario so I could still be wearing mine. :cry:

Ah well, enjoy and wear it in good health!

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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Yeah, when I had those pictures taken it was the perfect combination of circumstances:
Sunshine with cool temperatures and a nice breeze...

Since the, however, it's been pretty warm... so naturally, my feelings are mixed:
I've been taking a little break from wearing the jacket and it's breaking my heart!

Still, let the record show that even on the hot, sweaty days is ALL I can do to NOT wear this jacket... I love it that much!
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Canyon »

Wow! What a gorgeous jacket!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: Kudos to Riley for this exceptional piece of work! :TOH:

Mitch, allow me to say that the jacket looks awesome on you, and I am so glad that you have got one of these jackets, and it looks as if it was made for you. :mrgreen: I think that the writing on the inside is a lovely gesture, and I'm sure that Tony would be very proud. :notworthy:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

THANK YOU, Canyon!
I'm so glad to hear (read) some feedback from you about my TN from Riley Barrie!

When I first posted shots of it (both HERE, in this Thread AND in the updates photos I posted in the "Full Gear" Thread in the Scrapbook Section) I knew that the timing of your travel plans meant that I likely wouldn't hear from either yourself or Chewie for a while... but I also hoped my posts wouldn't fall too far down the list because I always look forward to hearing from both of you.

So, thanks again for dropping me a quick line!
Glad you think the jacket and I make a good pairing.
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Canyon »

Mitch LaRue wrote:THANK YOU, Canyon!
I'm so glad to hear (read) some feedback from you about my TN from Riley Barrie! :D
You are very welcome. :TOH:

Mitch LaRue wrote:When I first posted shots of it (both HERE, in this Thread AND in the updates photos I posted in the "Full Gear" Thread in the Scrapbook Section) I knew that the timing of your travel plans meant that I likely wouldn't hear from either yourself or Chewie for a while... but I also hoped my posts wouldn't fall too far down the list because I always look forward to hearing from both of you.

So, thanks again for dropping me a quick line!
Glad you think the jacket and I make a good pairing.
Mitch, it's an honour! :oops: :mrgreen: Thank you so much. :D

Once again, the jacket is awesome!!! :H:
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Michaelson »

:lol: He told me that too, but it just never looked right on me!

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Kevin Anderson »

Out of interest, has anyone heard from Riley, lately?
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Re: TONY NOWAK Jacket by Riley Barrie

Post by Mitch LaRue »

_ wrote:The jacket rocks! But "pop the collar!"
CAN do, _!

The truth is, after I finished getting the photos taken that appear in this Thread, I decided to get decked out (and start clowning around) in all of my current gear in order to update my shots in the "Full Gear" Thread in the Scrapbook Section...

When I did, I was happy to think of Tony and remembered to POP the collar for a few shots... this is one. ... C07087.jpg

(MODS: I was just trying to edit my first post in this Thread... wanted to remove one of the Links there so I'd still have a balance of 6. But it's telling me that "This post has been locked. You can no longer edit that post" ... Any chance I can sneak back in to remove a Link, or am I okay with this one extra?)
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