The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Georgia Steve »

Looks great Georgia Steve! May I ask what are the dimensions of that hat? The crown looks a bit higher than on my Penman LC.
It is 5" front 4" in back brim 2 3/4 x 2 1/2
when I first received it was lower in the front but my head keeps pushing it up some
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Hollowpond »

Wow! My LC is 5" front and back!
Maybe John could weigh in with some info on this, but if I make my top crease 4.5" front and back, it will be hitting my head!

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Georgia Steve »

Yes I like that look also but every time I try to push the front down and put it on it goes up.
Guess I have to much skull above the eye brows. :lol:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by BendingOak »

The crease should be 4 3/4 front and 4 1/4 for the most part.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

GS, that's a great looking hat and I don't think the bendable oak tree would make, or let alone, send one out the door any other way. As our GN friend says...'you chose wisely'!

Enjoy! :tup:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

That LC seems to suit you perfectly, Georgia Steve!
:D :tup:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Hollowpond »

BendingOak wrote:The crease should be 4 3/4 front and 4 1/4 for the most part.
Just measured's more or less 4.5 front and just a hair less than that back :oops: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, nothing to see here folks. Move along, move along... :oops: I don't know where I got 5 inches from...

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Tundy eludes to a good point in the previous post. The lower the unbashed crown the easier it is to bash the hat at a lower height. There is a point at which the top of the head will push up on the crease in the top of the crown. Of course, not everyone can wear a hat with a lower crown, just like not everyone can wear a hat with a high crown. It varies.

The unbashed crown for the Raiders hat should be around 5 1/4" to 5 1/2". Based on his still image, above, maybe the unbashed crown for a LC/CS hat should be lower, per a customer's needs.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by albert jones »

the LC ist beatiful the best modell for me,and the penman hat ist great.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Interesting, TS, about those 5 1/4 to 5 1/2 open crown measurements for a Raiders bash. My Fed IV is an open in that range, and its Raiders bash is not nearly as 'Raiders' as my larger open-crowned Fed III, which imho is very Raiders-bashed. Maybe its just the block used for Fed IV itself, because even well-bashed Raiders Fed IVs dont really look as good as many other brands of hats with Raiders bashes (to me).
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by BendingOak »

scottyrocks6 wrote:Interesting, TS, about those 5 1/4 to 5 1/2 open crown measurements for a Raiders bash. My Fed IV is an open in that range, and its Raiders bash is not nearly as 'Raiders' as my larger open-crowned Fed III, which imho is very Raiders-bashed. Maybe its just the block used for Fed IV itself, because even well-bashed Raiders Fed IVs dont really look as good as many other brands of hats with Raiders bashes (to me).

The open crown height doesn't mean much by it self. the shape of the block is most important on were the crease height ends up at.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Part of it, I believe, depends on the person. I prefer a shorter crown because I simply cannot wear a tall crown. Any more than 4 1/2" bashed and I get the 'Abraham Lincoln Jones' look. I was told that the Raiders hat was 5 1/4" unbashed, 2 3/4" brim front to back and 2 1/2" side to side. Let me preface it this way...I think that if you are a 57, 58, 59 cm, and facial shape is similiar to the on screen image, these dimensions will work, but if the hat is quite a bit smaller or larger, shape of the face is different, then these dimensions and bash will have to be tweaked to the individual.

I was refering to the still image that Tundy posted above. If you use the size of the ribbon as a constant, at 1 1/2", that particular bashed LC hat that HF is wearing in the still cannot be more than 4"~ 4 1/4" bashed. Now the disclaimer...obviously, some cannot wear a short bashed crown. I cannot wear one that is bashed too short, so this is where the hatter and the tweaking comes into play. And thankfully, there are some skilled hatters in the forum today. :tup:

Also, if I (personally) am going for the LC look, and need a shorter crown, I might prefer a hat that already has a short unbashed crown in order to help achieve the look. If you start with a shorter unbashed crown and can wear that style, then it would be easier to arrive at a shorter (shorter than Raiders) bashed LC/CS look. It would be more difficult to get there, if my hat has a 5 1/2" unbashed crown. Of course, we are not buying hats for HF to wear, the customer buys for himself, so this is where the Oakster jumps into the ring! ;)
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by achi11es »

Hello folks, a quick post to praise the works Mr John Penman. I'm someone who has had a lifelong fascination with history (so much so that after 5 years in IT and Finance I went back in the evenings to study for a BA then an MA in Classical Civilisations and some Archaeology), I collect antiquities and have a collection of vintage hats. One hat has always alluded me, one that I've wanted since childhood...the one worn by the outlaw Billy the Kid.


As you can see, it is a very poor quality picture...but it's the only known picture of him. Experts thought the hat to be a slouch hat, a cavalry hat and even a sprung tophat. Not very pretty, but the hat, to me, represents a romantic period in American history. John saw the picture and said it was probably an early dress hat, made of beaver. This conforms with the known character of the Kid - he would have worn a dress hat, not a traditional Western hat. John told me he could replicate the hat from that picture, but needed a point of measure. This is where the genius of the man comes into play; using the size of the .45 bulletts on the Kid's belt John produced this:


And now the with the hat:


The hat is as tough as Billy's hat probably was. This hat can take a kicking, and I'll be using it for digs. The clincher, this hat is probably made using the same techniques and by hand, just like Billy's probably was.

Our man John here is a smashing fella who has made my year! Cheers mate.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by achi11es »

Hello folks, a quick post to praise the works Mr John Penman. I'm someone who has had a lifelong fascination with history (so much so that after 5 years in IT and Finance I went back in the evenings to study for a BA then an MA in Classical Civilisations and some Archaeology), I collect antiquities and have a collection of vintage hats. One hat has always alluded me, one that I've wanted since childhood...the one worn by the outlaw Billy the Kid.


As you can see, it is a very poor quality picture...but it's the only known picture of him. Experts thought the hat to be a slouch hat, a cavalry hat and even a sprung tophat. Not very pretty, but the hat, to me, represents a romantic period in American history. John saw the picture and said it was probably an early dress hat, made of beaver. This conforms with the known character of the Kid - he would have worn a dress hat, not a traditional Western hat. John told me he could replicate the hat from that picture, but needed a point of measure. This is where the genius of the man comes into play; using the size of the .45 bulletts on the Kid's belt John produced this:


And now the with the hat:


The hat is as tough as Billy's hat probably was. This hat can take a kicking, and I'll be using it for digs. The clincher, this hat is probably made using the same techniques and by hand, just like Billy's probably was.

Our man John here is a smashing fella who has made my year! Cheers mate. Oh, and the hat pin is just grand. Love it.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

A nice hat and very unique! :tup:

Did you know there is a Billy the Kid museum in Ft. Sumner, NM?
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Ian »

What a fantastic and unique lid!! Congrats!! :clap:

John has defo done an accurate reproduction from what I can see - and just from the proportions of the bullets from a grainy photo :shock:

Suits you sir! :lol:

Is it for any occasion in particular or is it going to be a hat you have in rotation?

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by jnicktem »

I absolutely love that Billy the Kid hat!!! John did an AMAZING job with it!

Although I must point out- as someone who has studied Billy the Kid for my entire life and has written several articles on the Kid for True West Magazine and guided history tours through the town of Lincoln New Mexico- that is not Billy's hat. According to Billy's on and off girlfriend, Paulita Maxwell, who witnessed the taking of that photograph (she is the one who confirmed that the photograph was that of Billy- although she said she never liked that picture of him because it didn't do him justice) said that it was taken outside of Beaver Smith's saloon in Ft. Sumner. When Billy heard there was a traveling photographer outside Billy jumped to the occasion- leaving his hat behind. So the photographer put his own hat on Billy for the picture.

So the hat Billy is wearing in that photograph is actually the hat of the photographer. Billy was known to wear a much larger brimmed hat like a sombrero.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by achi11es »

Cheers folks, its a lovely hat. He even managed to make the hat not distort on my round oval head!

Tex, I'll keep that in mind for a visit. I'm thinking of badgering John to make me the dress hat worn by Clyde Barrow...a camel fedora. Don't know if you're familiar with it.

Ian, The Fast Show? Johnny Depp appeared on the last ever one wearing a battered old hat. I will use this hat for my dig rotation, the other being a raiders on order with Steve. For office use I have my vintage and custom fedoras - I love my hats, shame not many people wear them here anymore.

Nick, I believe you're right. All source material points to that. I just went for this hat as its as iconic as the tintype, and a sombrero wouldn't work well in rainy London.

Again, I can't praise John's work enough. I love this hat!!
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by DR Ulloa »

I love seeing John's non-Indy work. This hat is a prime example of his prowess. The man can make anything that sits atop your head. Not only is it a faithful reproduction of that hat, but it suits you to boot! Congrats!

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by crismans »

Terrific hat and, like has been said, suits you to a T. And yeah, I think that was the way to go rather than the sombrero (although, that was a nice bit of info I hadn't heard!).
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »


:D :tup:

:D :tup:

:D :tup:

And suits you perfectly.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Ian »

Look what John emailed to me today!!! :D :D :D :clap: :clap: :clap:


Soon it will be mine......Oh yes!! :twisted:

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by crismans »

I didn't look high enough up the page the first time, Georgia Steve. Beautiful hat and it suits you to a capital T.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Joeyeah_right »

Ian wrote:Look what John emailed to me today!!! :D :D :D :clap: :clap: :clap:


Soon it will be mine......Oh yes!! :twisted:

Very nice hat Ian! =P~

One day when i can save up some money I will have to get one myself!

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Very nice hat! John, can you divert it to TX for a test drive? :P

...I'll need to try all the new hats out from now on, QC, you know! New QC measures in place. ;)
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Ian »

Joeyeah_right wrote:
Ian wrote:Look what John emailed to me today!!! :D :D :D :clap: :clap: :clap:


Soon it will be mine......Oh yes!! :twisted:

Very nice hat Ian! =P~

One day when i can save up some money I will have to get one myself!

Do it, they're a steal, plus haven't you heard of the Penman subscription thread? :P
Texan Scott wrote:Very nice hat! John, can you divert it to TX for a test drive? :P

...I'll need to try all the new hats out from now on, QC, you know! New QC measures in place. ;) must have a variable sized head. :lol:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Ian, that looks BEAUTIFUL!

I can't wait for it to get to you (and maybe a few more photos once it does?)
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

...more like 'shrink to fit! That's where the natives come into the picture! :P
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Ian »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Ian, that looks BEAUTIFUL!

I can't wait for it to get to you (and maybe a few more photos once it does?)

Oh yeah!!! :D :D :D :D
Texan Scott wrote:...more like 'shrink to fit! That's where the natives come into the picture! :P


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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by steerpike »

Congratulation for the good choice! :clap:
I'll wait for more pics!

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Allright, it's been too quiet around here, lately....either everyone's busy or up to no good! :anxious:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by BendingOak »

Texan Scott wrote:Allright, it's been too quiet around here, lately....either everyone's busy or up to no good! :anxious:

The boss won't let me leave the shop. ;)
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

...and I've just been up to no good.



were you looking for a show of hands?

(Mitch slowly puts his hand back down...)

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Congradulations, Mitch!

...YOU made the 2,000th post!

Contact the Oakster for the lo' down and the goods! :H:

.... :tup: :ducttape:

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

WHAT TH' ???

(Mind you, the BEST kinda' hornswoggled!)

Tex, you ol' dog... when I think of the times I've fallen victim to your tomfoolery... and NOW I actually get rewarded for saying I've been "up to no good?"
Oh, the IRONY!

(I'm sayin' that with Bugs' voice!)

Thanks so much for arranging this, Tex... I...

will John PENMAN actually know anything about what you're talking about...?

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by BendingOak »

Texan Scott wrote:Congradulations, Mitch!

...YOU made the 2,000th post!

Contact the Oakster for the lo' down and the goods! :H:

.... :tup: :ducttape:

remind me what we are sending him?
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Since its Mitch, let's cook something up... 8-[]
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by BendingOak »

Texan Scott wrote:Since its Mitch, let's cook something up... 8-[]

a bag of dirt. :-k a rock :-k oh, I think he will have to wait and find out. ;)
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Ai yi YI

(Note to self: Don't EVER again question whether Penman is "on board")

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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Mmmhahaha! :twisted: He doesn't know whether to thank me or kick me! :P :whip:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by BendingOak »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Ai yi YI

(Note to self: Don't EVER again question whether Penman is "on board")


I pop in from time to time. :[
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Tex, somthing tells me if we ever meet in person (at one of those Summits or something) it's gonna look a LOT like when Han & Lando first meet up on Cloud City in The Empire Strike Back!
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

BendingOak wrote:I pop in from time to time. :[
(...and he's alllwaaays watching...)
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by PsychicsAndSwords »

Been out of the gear game for quite some time, and then seeing the Wings "Hero" jacket dragged me right back in. So of course I jumped back into my quest to find my ideal Raiders fedora, and after reading through some of this thread, and experiencing the awesome customer service of having my emails answered really, really fast, I just placed an order for a beaver Raiders.

Man, I am excited. Let's see, five months? Decemberish? Guess I just bought myself a Christmas present. :shock:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Texan Scott »

Let us know how it turns out in 5 months or so. Until then, any new Penman arrivals, lately? :-k
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by BendingOak »

PsychicsAndSwords wrote:Been out of the gear game for quite some time, and then seeing the Wings "Hero" jacket dragged me right back in. So of course I jumped back into my quest to find my ideal Raiders fedora, and after reading through some of this thread, and experiencing the awesome customer service of having my emails answered really, really fast, I just placed an order for a beaver Raiders.

Man, I am excited. Let's see, five months? Decemberish? Guess I just bought myself a Christmas present. :shock:
This is true, you did buy your self a x-mas present. Soon the x-mas time frame will be over.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Bdgsi11 »

Texan Scott wrote:Let us know how it turns out in 5 months or so. Until then, any new Penman arrivals, lately? :-k
I have a rabbit raiders hero hat that should be arriving into my hands very soon. \:D/
I am very anxious to receive it, as this hat is my very first Penman and I can now experience the quality and craftsmanship that everyone here has been commenting on.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Ian »

Well, after almost a 6 month wait, my first Penman hat turned up.
Having read tons of reviews here, I decided that I wanted a Penman hat, but was torn between a Raiders and an LC. Solution: I ordered both :D . I guess I was that confident in Johns work that it didn’t matter that I’d not seen one first hand.

So, the Raiders hat……I can’t and won’t go on about the service, communication and the quality, because you can just refer to any number of in depth testaments to Johns work and this is no exception. I’m totally and utterly thrilled with this lid and eagerly await my forthcoming LC. :clap: :clap:

So, a massive thanks to John and you have defo bagged another ‘subscriber’ :TOH:




Last edited by Ian on Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by Mitch LaRue »

If that's not what you call a Perfect Fit that suits your face -again- Perfectly... then I don't know what is...

Congrats, Ian!

John: :notworthy:
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Re: The Penman post 'em up Pages....The Adventure Continues...

Post by achi11es »

Ian, mate, that hat looks fantastic. I'm calling John this weekend to talk over specs for a new hat...another non-Indy, but this guy is magic with lids.

Congrats fella.
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