Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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AZ Pete
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Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by AZ Pete »

Well...I finally did it...

After a year with my Fed IV I decided to go ahead and order up a Penman LC (beaver). Love the Fed IV but the wire reed in the sweatband has started to kink and become a bit uncomfortable. I know, I know...Pretty flimsy justification, but needed something to give me the kick to do it!

Now the long...long...long...wait. At least I have this forum and all the Penman pics to get me by until October.

After I get the Penman I will probably sent the Fed IV to John to have him put in a new sweatband and liner.

Love this forum! Makes it so much easier to make educated decisions. After a good conversation with John on Memorial Day, I know I will be getting one of the best hats out there. :TOH:

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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by crismans »

You, without a doubt, will be more than satisfied. I have a Penman LC and ToD and love them both. Truly top of the line.
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Ian »

The worst part of the wait is when you know you're close to the end.......Nail biting!! ;)

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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Indiana Croft »

Congrats on the pulling of the trigger, I too am in the same boat with one execption, I'm getting close to the end of my wait, another month or so. Right John :- :- :- [-o< [-o< .

Good luck, the time will just fly. I'm getting a CS travel hat as the Misses said I could get another Fedora, but it could'nt be brown. =; \:D/

Croft :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by little oak »

Ian wrote:The worst part of the wait is when you know you're close to the end.......Nail biting!! ;)


I just pounced your hat today.
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Hollowpond »

Woah!!!! Little Oak! Welcome dude! Will you make me a hat? :TOH:

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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by BendingOak »

Hollowpond wrote:Woah!!!! Little Oak! Welcome dude! Will you make me a hat? :TOH:


Sorry about that guys. Little Oak didn't log out and I assumed he did. So that above post is from me not him. I can see that there might be a mistake happening ounce in a while since little oak is using my computer.

I so very much want for little oak to try making a hat with me. Maybe it can be a joint effect.

Sorry everyone, didn't mean to derail the thread.
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by JC1972 »

BendingOak wrote:
Hollowpond wrote:Woah!!!! Little Oak! Welcome dude! Will you make me a hat? :TOH:


Sorry about that guys. Little Oak didn't log out and I assumed he did. So that above post is from me not him. I can see that there might be a mistake happening ounce in a while since little oak is using my computer.

I so very much want for little oak to try making a hat with me. Maybe it can be a joint effect.

Sorry everyone, didn't mean to derail the thread.
John, aren't there child labor laws against such a thing? [-X

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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by crismans »

The truth has come out, hasn't it John? You're running a pouncing sweatshop, aren't you? :lol:
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by BendingOak »

crismans wrote:The truth has come out, hasn't it John? You're running a pouncing sweatshop, aren't you? :lol:

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

How else am I supposed to cut my lead times.

Ok, all joking a side. I asked and I will try and have little oak make a hat with me as a project.
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Ian »

little oak wrote:
Ian wrote:The worst part of the wait is when you know you're close to the end.......Nail biting!! ;)


I just pounced your hat today.
Woohoo!!! :D :D :D :D Nail biting has accelerated! :lol:
BendingOak wrote:
Hollowpond wrote:Woah!!!! Little Oak! Welcome dude! Will you make me a hat? :TOH:


Sorry about that guys. Little Oak didn't log out and I assumed he did. So that above post is from me not him. I can see that there might be a mistake happening ounce in a while since little oak is using my computer.

I so very much want for little oak to try making a hat with me. Maybe it can be a joint effect.

Sorry everyone, didn't mean to derail the thread.
.....and here I was thinking I was gonna get Little Oaks debut hat. :lol:

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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by AZ Pete »

Thanks all!

Yes, the wait will be agonizing. However, just knowing that I will be getting such a great hat will make it all worth while.

It's funny but one of the most difficult part of the decision was picking a particular style. Went back and forth...Raiders with turn, Raiders without turn, LC, ToD, CS and back through it all again. Finally decided on the LC because I thought it would look the best on me.

Regardless, IT'S A PENMAN!!!

Can't wait!

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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Texan Scott »

You pulled the right trigger! Once it arrives, feel free to 'Post 'em Up' in our infamous thread. :tup: :ducttape:
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by AZ Pete »

Texan Scott wrote:You pulled the right trigger! Once it arrives, feel free to 'Post 'em Up' in our infamous thread. :tup: :ducttape:
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Travelsonic »

For just a brief moment, an odd image of a man holding the barrel of a pistol up to, and firing at a Penman hat came to mind, no actual bullet holes I hope. :D *shot*
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by jlee562 »

AZ Pete wrote:Thanks all!

Yes, the wait will be agonizing. However, just knowing that I will be getting such a great hat will make it all worth while.

It's funny but one of the most difficult part of the decision was picking a particular style. Went back and forth...Raiders with turn, Raiders without turn, LC, ToD, CS and back through it all again. Finally decided on the LC because I thought it would look the best on me.

Regardless, IT'S A PENMAN!!!

Can't wait!

I quite like the LC style myself and John's are consistently my favorite examples of that hat. You won't be disappointed in John's work, trust me!
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Michaelson »

Speaking of LC styles, just to put in a plug here, (if it's still available) Tex has an LC Penman for sale in the classified section, if you're the right head size.


Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Texan Scott »

Thanks for the help, M. :TOH:

I have a guy that has posted a deposit and I'll change my ad in the Cairo Bazzar now. :tup:
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Michaelson »

Hummm. I need to start figuring commissions on these sales..... :-k

GLAD to hear it, Tex. Sometimes folks just forget to look IN the classified section. :TOH:

I'm constantly amused (and connecting) folks who post wanting to purchase an item in the Marrakesh Supply Co section, only to find that exact item for sale sitting there in the 'for sale' area. When I point the item out to the individual, it's like 'WOW! I never THOUGHT of looking THERE!' #-o

Anyway, back to the trigger being pulled on the new Penman......

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by crismans »

My problem is that I look in the bazaar far TOO much!
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Re: Pulled the Trigger on a Penman!

Post by Michaelson »

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