From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Hi Guys,
I know that the origin of the name of Indiana Jones comes from the name of George Lucas's dog “Indiana”
then I thought of creating the first Raiders dog leash for a customer.
The race of his dog is Akita
This dog leash is basically a snake whip with the knot placed at 8” to give a raiders look.
The internal construction is made with rope covered with two layer of tapered bolster, the 12plait overlay is made in roo hide.
I hope you like it.
Interesting idea Gio, I like it very much. But I wouldn't use such lash with my dog, because she bites her lash and I don't know if roohide would withstand it
tomek9210 wrote:Interesting idea Gio, I like it very much. But I wouldn't use such lash with my dog, because she bites her lash and I don't know if roohide would withstand it
Lacking opposable thumbs, she's gotta hang on somehow while swinging from those warehouse rafters.
Whoa kewl ideas but I hope he isn’t going to hit his dawg with that thing! That’s what Id think is I saw some dude walking a animal with a snake whip! Hope its connector is strong 2 akitas are big dawgs, strong 2 my freind had 1.
Hi guys Thanks a lot ,
your positive feedback are very important for me and help me do better.
The keeper placed at the end of the plaited thong extends into the core for about one feet. It was hard binding for its entire length.
About the Akita my client told me these words:
"My Akita is very large snow dog, but she does not pull at all, she's a real softy.,I intend to use the whip lead for my Akita."
The next dog leash that i'll make for him and his Labrador will be a KotCS model.
I'm not sure how that would be walking a dog? Don't get me wrong I think it's very cool but would it drape like a leash should? As to keep the dog on my left side while walking.
don't worry I perfectly understand your point of view, but unfortunately not having a dog does not have a great experience about how they walk
in any case thanks for your compliment.