Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Hey, Dan . . .

I hope you don't mind, since I saw this posted on your FB.

Enjoy, everyone . . . ... MasterSNL/

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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by nicktheguy »

I forgot about that clip -

Brings back some memories of the QM and Fort Mac. Especially when I agreed to let McFly whip that dandelion out of my hand. ;)
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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by thefish »

I am AMAZED that I'd never seen that!

High-Larious! Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by DarenHenryW »

I love this clip for a number of reasons:

A) Phil Hartman. I still miss that man's talents dearly.

B) Bill Murray. Well, what can I say? He's a god.

C) The bullwhip. Well, not the bullwhip itself, because, let's be honest, it's one of the ugliest whips I've ever seen, but rather I love the way the whip is used. This clip so perfectly lampoons all the (forgive me!) stupid ways bullwhips are used in movies and rodeo shows. I LOVE my bullwhips, and I'm VERY proud of my abilities, and I'm even getting to the point where I'm performing with my whips, but let's face it, most whip tricks are related to (if not the same as) the dopey tricks in this scene. 1) The Cigar from the mouth--I do that, but with a flower, as does Anthony DeLongis. 2) the "Grab", as the in the way he tries to grab the bottle. I think this is neither possible nor plausible, but its certainly the type of thing film directors imagine a whip is capable of. 3) The wrist wrap, with which he attempts to steal the deed to the Silver mine and disarm Phil Hartman. Wrist wraps are classic, and very easy to do, but how often does a bad guy really stick his arm out there in such a vulnerable way? I did this trick in a Halloween show last year; you really have to the make the bad guy become distracted and hold out whatever it is you want to steal with the whip. In my case, my bad guy became enraptured with the power he could control with the "magic idol", and he raised his arm aloft to admire it . . . and . . . "whip-ah!", I wrap his wrist and he lets go of the idol (conveniently in my direction, so I could catch it). 4). The waist wrap. Okay, this one's pretty cool, very safe, and a lot of fun, and probably the most practical trick, though its hard to get a decisive envelopment (unlike a neck wrap, which really grabs and holds!) 5). The Smashing of the Dandelion. Again, cute, and a good piece of target work, not unlike extinguishing a candle flame. But its all just pretty silly at that point, aint it?

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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by Weston »

He showcased all my best moves!

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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by Hollowpond »

Bwa hahahahahaha :rolling: Good stuff!

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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by kwad »

I love that clip!
Never fails to make me laugh!

I used to have a "whip" (for lack of a better word) exactly like that.
(Not by choice, if was a gift from my mother in law).
It was one of the ugliest things I had ever seen in my life.
Strangely, it disappeared one day.......... ;)
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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by BullWhipBorton »

DarenHenryW wrote:Hey, Dan . . .

I hope you don't mind, since I saw this posted on your FB.
No worries Daren, It’s starting to make the rounds over on FB too. It’s a great clip, isn’t it? I remember seeing it years back and I can’t help but laugh every time I watch it again. Classic Saturday Night Live and great slapstick use of the whip.

BTW The type of whip used was a very inexpensive (usually under $10) souvenir/prop bullwhip like this one


They are typically made in India or Pakistan, plaited from weak leather with a manila or sisal twine core. Needless to say, they are very poor quality and usually only good for about 5 or 10 "snaps" (if your lucky) before they start to break apart. It looks to me like the one Bill Murray was using was possibly modified with black cord though, I’d imagine for safety reasons.

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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by Dangerman009 »

Wow! He is the whip master! :notworthy:
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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

That's the answer for anyone who asks about using a whip for self-defense.

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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by hollywood1340 »
No, this is ;)
All this work for nothing! I think I need to change my email address!
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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by Dangerman009 »

I take it back. De Longis is THE whip master! :notworthy: :notworthy:

The ways he uses it as a weapon is simply astounding.
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Re: Bill Murray is the Whip Master!

Post by Indiana County Jr. »

The man is slick to say the least! Let's not forget our own Adam Winrich!! Hat's off to both you ridiculously talented individuals :P :TOH:!!

Crack On! :whip:
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