Weston: Thanks Weston! It's not half as good looking as that USW Raiders looks on you, but it'll have to do
Tibor: Tundraraider was absolutely brilliant in getting a shorter jacket! It really perfects that look for some of us! And I really can't wait to see what your jacket looks like ON you, Tibor, although I must say that from those pics of #59 alone, my shrunken lambs are already running in terror!
nicktheguy: Thank you Nick, I certainly hope it will!
ProfessorHenryWJonesJr: Fellow COW member "ProfessorHenryWJonesJr", thank you sir, I really appreciate it!
Baldwyn: Thank you old friend, I've indeed given up on trying to capture that elusive 'Ford' fit, and instead have settled on trying to find something that looks better on me instead!

Not too hard after you stop trying to emulate the fit of a 60 year old... Not that that's old or anything...
Tundraraider: Thank you Michael, and I want your beautiful jacket!

Your thanks really means alot, especially since alot of the details for this jacket were inspired by your perfect Nowak!
Raskolnikov: It is! Thank you!
Texan Scott: The leather never has let me down, nor have the artists at 114 Standard St! Thank you, and you've just made my day! I'm glad to hear it is remniscent of LC, since that was what I was going for!
Mitch LaRue: Hearing approval from you is the next best thing to getting approval from Harrison Ford, since you are this board's Ford doppelganger!

Thank you Mitch!
djd: Luckier still to be a member on CoW!
tomek9210: I think my jacket wrote that song... Thank you, and I completely agree! Now I'll just have to lay off those porterhouses to keep it that way!
CM: To be completely honest, I'm not completely sure. Although, like Texan Scott pointed out, it is indeed at the very least based on the LC jacket. And I can't presume to take any credit for the pattern, since I simply asked Tony/Riley to make as close a copy to the LC as possible while keeping the details in proportion to my own dimensions, so I guess you could say the jacket simply is Indy in spirit? LC inspiration, with CS leather, for a slim ToD fit, in a Raiders length?
Noah: Thank you Noah! I really hope though that I can fit the awesomness of the jacket though!
Forrest For the Trees: Really, thank you for being the first to notice the sleeves! That's one of my favorite parts of this jacket, and gives me one less thing to worry about insofar as shrinking/wrinkling is concerned! I must admit I requested it at first to give me some room if the jacket were to ride up, but Riley and co just did such a great job that the jacket refuses to even ride up at all! But now, it's settled in such a perfect spot, that I wouldn't have it any other way!