Good prebashed fedoras?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by blueoakleyz »

I love my Fed IV but it took forever to get a shape in and I'm so anal/OCD I'm never happy with it. I'd like to order another hat that's just kinda prebuilt and won't really lose its shape. Something more Raidersish too maybe.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by jnicktem »

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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by blueoakleyz »

Let's say under $200 for now. Being a high end (in other words no "for only $150 more you can get..." kinda thing lol)
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by fenris »

Make it higher and you can order a pre-bashed Henry from BendingOak.

If I had the moolah, that's what I'd probably buy to replace my Christy's.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by DR Ulloa »

For $200, nothing comes to mind. If you go up to $250, you can get a handmade rabbit hat from Penman. He'll crease it for you too. That would be my suggestion.

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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by fuzzjunk »

You could also send your current hat to Penman for a re-block and bash in any style.

Over in the Fed display thread there is a great pic of Fed IV with a re-block and bash done by John. It looks incredible, and will save you some dough.

Here is the link to the Fed IV thread, the pics are in the 5th post from the top: ... start=1400
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by crismans »

What do Todd's Uptowners and Downtowners come in at? I can't remember the prices on those.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by Odo »

blueoakleyz wrote:I love my Fed IV but it took forever to get a shape in and I'm so anal/OCD I'm never happy with it. I'd like to order another hat that's just kinda prebuilt and won't really lose its shape. Something more Raidersish too maybe.
Hi, Blueoakleyz,

My friend Indiego Jones and I during the last few years have been making hats for people at the Spanish, and more recently the Itatian Indy Froum.
Though we also made hats for some COW members, I think we have never offered them here cause at this forum you'll find many great hatmakers -even the actual hatmakers of the real Indy hat-, and we just do this as a hobby.
But if you don't find a hat that you like it, under that price, maybe ours could be of your interest. Here are some pics of our Raiders:

And this is our web (under construction) - I think the English option will be available in a few days, but anyway you can see the pics at the Fedoras section ("Sombreros"), and I'll translate the main part for you:

The EXPLORADOR 2.0 is a fedora made by fans, for fans. Created by Roberto and Diego, fans of Indiana Jones.

Alter some years offering our Explorador fedora, and after some experience we acquired, we could develop its improved version, the Explorador 2.0, which we are proudly introducing today.

This fedora is the result of many hours of study, research, measurement and testing to achieve a high quality and average cost product, that matches as close as possible the look of the hats seen in each of the four films. The premise was to make the best fedora one would dare to take on your travels, without thinking of it for its high economic value or difficult to replace it.
We use high quality 100% hare fur felt, smooth but very durable.
All our fedoras have a water repellant treatment. They will resist some rain exposure, but we recommend to avoid getting them wet, when possible.

Our hats can be bashed and the the bow will be made in the style of those seen in any of the four movies from which you can choose. The explorador 2.0 is our model for the Indy browns adevnture hats, and the viajero 2.0 our version of the greys hats that he wears when he is travelling..

Different lighting produce distortion in the colors seen through the pictures. The brown color is the SAME in all our 4 styles. The same applies to the gray, which is the same in both models.
The difference observed is due to different lighting, angles and contrasts.
The ribbon used in our models EXPLORADOR (brown) is a VERY dark brown color, almost black.
The VIAJERO’s ribbon is black..

If you were interested and needed aditional info, just contact us and we'll gladly help you. And like I said, in a few days we'll have the English option at our site.

Thanks for your interest.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by RaidersBash »

crismans wrote:What do Todd's Uptowners and Downtowners come in at? I can't remember the prices on those.
$150 for the Uptowner...$99 for the Downtowner.

I have both. The Downtowner will for sure holds it's's rock hard and bulletproof and tons of fun. But I did end of giving it to my dad.

The Uptowner is a nice hat and I wear it almost all the time, camping, hunting and general adventuring. But being that it's shapeable, it might not be the cure for the OCD. It does come pre-bashed and looks really good, but since we're all big nerds we might want some nuance that isn't in the original bash.
fuzzjunk wrote:You could also send your current hat to Penman for a re-block and bash in any style.
Anyone know off-hand what John charges for a reblock?
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by Hollowpond »

fuzzjunk wrote:You could also send your current hat to Penman for a re-block and bash in any style.

Over in the Fed display thread there is a great pic of Fed IV with a re-block and bash done by John. It looks incredible, and will save you some dough.

Here is the link to the Fed IV thread, the pics are in the 5th post from the top: ... start=1400
I would second that on your budget. You would have a little money to play with too! \:D/

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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

A reblocked and shaped Federation seems like the best option to me, as well. Even if you ordered a brand new one, you could probably have it shipped directly to a hatter for the work.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by beaverlid »

I can't remember the exact charge for John to Reblock my hat. I think it was 20.00. Do not quote me on that. I had him reblock, pounce out a better finish, new ribbon, new liner and clean it. He charged me $100.00 for the total refurb and the fedora looks better then it ever did. I was supposed to post pics to show his fine work but have not gotten to it yet. I will try and post a few on this thread to help you out.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by BendingOak »

iF its just a re-block and I don't have to replace the parts. $40.

Beaverlid's hat I had to clean, re-block, re-pounce and replace parts. Thats why his cost that amount.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by fuzzjunk »


Is the ribbon usually replaced when a hat gets re-blocked? or do most hatters simply re-attach the old ribbon?

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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by BendingOak »

fuzzjunk wrote:John,

Is the ribbon usually replaced when a hat gets re-blocked? or do most hatters simply re-attach the old ribbon?


All depends on what the customer wants. If the customer wants the original parts used and they are in good shape to do so, I will re-use them. If the parts aren't in shape to be re-used or the customers wants them replaced then they get replaced. It of course will cost more for new parts.

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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by fuzzjunk »

Good to know, Thanks John.

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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by Travelsonic »

DR Ulloa wrote:For $200, nothing comes to mind.

Peter Bros custom Indys are $205 for all rabbit.
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Re: Good prebashed fedoras?

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Wow! I just checked the website and you're right! And for that price you get a choice of a stiff or soft rabbit blend. That's pretty darn good for a custom hat!
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