Well, I guess the time has come for me to finally introduce to all COW members my latest Raiders style bullwhip: the Raiders 2. It has certain improvements over my previous version, to make it even more screen accurate.
It all started some time ago when my good friend Dan Borton asked me to make his dream Raiders whip: the closest possible copy to a documented 8 footer reportedly used in Raiders. Since I like challenges, I agreed to make such a whip. In doing so, I had the opportunity to study the construction of a very old Morgan whip, probably made in the late 80s. That helped me a lot in understanding the little differences in construction between his early Indy whips and the more modern ones, and how those differences affected the external appearance of his whips. The result of my efforts was the whip I called Borton MK 3 (named after the three tries that took me to get the whip perfect). While at times it got very frustrating, in the end I was grateful for the experience as I learned a lot, as I had to push my whip making skills to the limit.
After that project, I decided to incorporate all the things I learned into my standard Raiders whips. I began studying again all the photos and videos available that show the whip/whips used by Harrison Ford in ROTLA. I noticed that he carried the same 10 footer through out most of the film. This confirmed what I heard about him carrying the same whip for "continuity purposes".
About the same time, a customer placed an order for a Raiders whip, made according to his specs. He included several photos and screen captures from Raiders, along with some measurements. He got those figures by measuring the whip in the photos, using the known size of certain objects in the picture, like the gun belt. The order came in good timing, I was eager to make the most screen accurate Raiders whip I had ever made. I use the photos to measure the whip myself, and we came up with very similar dimensions. We agreed that it would be an exciting project.
The 10 footer that HF carried in ROTLA has certain aesthetic attributes and details that set it apart from other old Morgan whips, including the 8 footer upon the Borton MK 3 was based.
For example, it has a wide wrist loop. The ring knot is placed at the very end of the spike, which makes the knot move a bit with the thong. The ring knot is also darker than the thong. There are a few other details here and there, like the shape of the heel knot, the taper in the handle, the shape of the ring knot, the orientation of the main TH knot in relation to the thong, etc.
For the lack of a better name, I called the resulting whip Raiders 2, or "Ultimate Raiders". Below are some pics of it. My customer was extremely happy with it. Here's what he had to say:
I finally had a chance last week to really look over the Raiders 2 whip. All of your dimensions are exactly what I requested. After looking over all my notes and reference photos again, I believe this "Well of Souls whip" is as close as you can get to owning the original. Proportionally all the dimensions appear identical to the screen whip in relation to other known objects used as cross reference. I had only a brief chance to use the whip do to rain and snow. The weight of thong is felt more toward the end of the whip and overall response is slower. That being said I believe the whips feel (or action) is true to a vintage 80's Morgan, and that is what this whip is all about.
The longer grip area thin body and oversize TH give this whip the PERFECT "look".
I have been waiting almost 30 years to get this bullwhip and you made it happen.
Thank you very much, I am extremely pleased!"
I have been incorporating some of this new features in my latest Raiders whips. Daren's Raiders is a good example. That way, all my customers will benefit from this project, and will be able to get the most screen accurate Raiders whip I can make, at no extra cost.

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/ ... 0_5367.jpg
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/ ... 0_5381.jpg
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/ ... 0_5407.jpg
Well, I hope you like this improved version of my Raiders whip. It is intended to be the closest thing I can make to the whip you see Harrison Ford carrying in Raiders.
I will update my website soon, but I decided to first introduce this new improved Raiders whip on Cow, since most of my customers are from this community, and I am nothing but grateful to all of you, who kindly support my work since I started in this business and became a proud member here.