Bag strap getting shirt dirty

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Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Rich Johnson »

Ever since I got my bag, the leather strap has been making my shirt dirty along the button strip and pocket flaps.
Im not sure if its the dye or dirt sticking to it and rubbing off on my shirt.
It may be coming from the rough side more than the tanned smooth side.
I have cleaned both sides with a cleaner/ preservative (Similar to Pecards) and it has done no good. Infact, my shirts are getting dirtier.
Ive had to wash them mulitple times with shout before I dry them to get the dirt stain out.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Bruce Wayne »

I had the same problems last year. What it turned out to be was that fact that my bag strap was home made. I bought a piece of latigo leather at Tandy & it wasn't completly sealed. I solve the problem by getting one of Wade Egan's nice bag straps. The reason it might seem to be getting worse after you cleaned it is because the cleaner is pulling more of the oils & dyes out of the leather.

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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by afterthedog »

This has GOT to be on of the only threads here where somebody is worried about getting his Indy shirt dirty! :lol:
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by twilekjedi »

Actually, I had a similar problem. I wasn't wearing my Indy shirt but a linen one that was dressier. I got caught out in the rain and the strap left a band of tan brown across the shirt.

I was thinking about posting a question asking which straps do NOT stain. I'd like to eventually upgrade to a strap that would be safer to my regular clothing since I wear my MK VII just about every day. The thing is that I was under the impression that my strap IS a Wade Egan. (I bought my bag and strap second-hand a couple of years ago so I am not completely sure.)
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Indiana Jake »

Dyeing the backside of leather on the bag strap can obviously cause your shirt to get dirty. Sealing the rough side of the leather after dyeing is not something I am familiar with. If someone has a way to do this, please share. The few bag straps I have made for customers are not dyed on the backside for this very reason.
afterthedog wrote:This has GOT to be on of the only threads here where somebody is worried about getting his Indy shirt dirty! :lol:
I don't mind my Indy shirt getting dirty, but bad technique in leather aging is not the dirt I am looking for. Ironically, I never do see this transfer of bag strap color on to the shirt in any of the movies.

IMHO, the Raiders bag strap appears to be un-dyed. If you have a natural piece of leather oiled and left out in the sunlight, it will take on the color of the Raiders bag strap with no artificial coloring. This would be my solution to having a strap that does not soil your shirts.

Never mind the holster, but do notice the un-dyed bag strap in the photo below and tell me what you think.


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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Indiana Jeff »

It's likely the dye coming off your strap onto your shirt. There are old threads about NH straps being terrible with dye bleeding. I had the same happen to the back of my shirt recently when I got particularly sweaty while hiking and had a backpack on over the bag strap. Since it's my Indy shirt I'm not too worried about the stain and it's faded with just a few washings. I've never had a problem with my strap staining a shirt in normal everyday wear (and I do carry my MKVII everyday).

One option is to soak your strap in water for a while. Change the water as you see it getting stained until you have clear water. That should help some.

I guess this is why Indy finally went with the 'over the jacket' look - to save on his laundry bills.


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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

twilekjedi wrote: I was thinking about posting a question asking which straps do NOT stain.

Well, I know that Todd's strap is sealed and does not bleed. I even got caught in the rain once, and nothing transfered. The only issue with Todd's is that the backside suede sheds a bit with friction. I solve this by sanding the entire back to remove any loose particles.
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Rich Johnson »

I dont know if its the dye or dirt coming off that stuck to the back after cleaning with leather treatment.
I dont want to say where I got my strap and bag from, I dont want to endanger his business in any way, but I got my custom indy holster from him too, made for a full length 1917 new service revolver, and the holster stains my pants after wearing for a whole day.

I have tried a solution;
I got some matte clear rustoleum spray paint and soaked it into the rear of the strap. The strap is now stiffer, (unfortuneatly) but its sealed.
I will see if it gets my shirts stained or dirty the next time I wear it at length.

If it works, I will probably seal the back side of my holster that way too.
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Michaelson »


Note the year.


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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by RaidersBash »

afterthedog wrote:This has GOT to be on of the only threads here where somebody is worried about getting his Indy shirt dirty! :lol:
If the shirt is only a costume piece, maybe - but I'm sure many of us wear our shirts with other attire. I have 4 and wear them several times a week, so yeah...I kinda mind when they get dirty. Luckily, most of the things I come into contact with can be handled with a bit of "spray-n-wash", but leather dye could be a larger issue.

I have 3 of Todd's straps, one on my indy bag, the others on other bags...none of them have ever leached any dye.
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by afterthedog »

afterthedog wrote:This has GOT to be on of the only threads here where somebody is worried about getting his Indy shirt dirty! :lol:
Just struck me as funny, that's all. So many other threads are all about the weathering and general mussing up of the different gear pieces. I don't like my stuff to get all messed up in the wrong way, either.
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by RaidersBash »

afterthedog wrote:
afterthedog wrote:This has GOT to be on of the only threads here where somebody is worried about getting his Indy shirt dirty! :lol:
Just struck me as funny, that's all. So many other threads are all about the weathering and general mussing up of the different gear pieces. I don't like my stuff to get all messed up in the wrong way, either.

That's true...the majority of threads are all about how to mess up gear (without really messing it up :-k
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Well, even if you want a dirty, distressed shirt; this community will end up with whole threads on how a diagonal brown stripe across your chest isn't screen accurate dirt. #-o So, on either side of this fence there's a reason to fight "strap bleed."

For my own purposes, I like the fact that my Indy gear can do double duty as a costume or as everyday clothing. Thus, I don't want my leather peanut butter getting on my fabric chocolate. Know what I mean? [-X Plus, I paid good money for my pants and shirts. Too much to ruin them with leather dye! :shock:
I dont want to say where I got my strap and bag from, I dont want to endanger his business in any way, but I got my custom indy holster from him too, made for a full length 1917 new service revolver, and the holster stains my pants after wearing for a whole day.
I understand how you feel, but it's actually good for both the vendor and potential customers to talk openly and honestly about products. The key is to do so without venom, in a constructive and informative context. How else can the vendor know there are issues if nobody says so? Still, nobody has asked (in the open, anyhow), and within the scope of this particular thread, it's not vital information. You're looking for solutions, not calling out the vendor. I try to be honest about my experiences, good and bad, with every vendor and product. However, I try not to start discussions about the negative, unless it seems important.
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by indyclone »

RaidersBash wrote:
afterthedog wrote:This has GOT to be on of the only threads here where somebody is worried about getting his Indy shirt dirty! :lol:
If the shirt is only a costume piece, maybe - but I'm sure many of us wear our shirts with other attire. I have 4 and wear them several times a week, so yeah...I kinda mind when they get dirty. Luckily, most of the things I come into contact with can be handled with a bit of "spray-n-wash", but leather dye could be a larger issue.

I have 3 of Todd's straps, one on my indy bag, the others on other bags...none of them have ever leached any dye.

i wore my todds strap to disneyworld a few years ago when i first got my bag and strap and when it got wet on the rides, it did leave a "strap line" on my t-shirt. i washed the shirt right away and it came out but since then i havent had any problem of the strap leaving any lines again.
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Re: Bag strap getting shirt dirty

Post by Rich Johnson »

Thought I would bump this.
The dirty marks on my shirt that comes from my bag strap is dirt, not dye.
Every time I wear it. I think it must be something with the tanning or leather oils that collect the dirt.
I have tried laquer thinner to dry it out and re oil it but has not worked. I got this strap from, Lee, so maybe it was something his leather guy was using. I do remember when I was a teen I had an authentic leather cowboy holster for my colt and it left brown spots on my jeans in a similar fashon.

Dont know what to do really, but the dirt marks are ugly, in the wrong spots and annoying.
Its coming from the edges (I think, rather than the face) of the finished side of the leather strap that folds back up to the buckle and lays against the shirt.
Any more good Ideas guys?
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