Thanks for idea Gio

! I saw you keyfobs and came up with idea making a nylon one, as I haven't seen Indy keyfob from paracord. I was bored during weekend, so I thought I would make my version of Indy keyfob. One hour of work and voila
If anybody wants to make similiar, here is how -
10cm of 10mm steel tube, keyring or something like that, less than 5m of paracord (I haven't measured the length I had used, I just used pieces of paracord lying around.
Fold two 60cm lengths of paracord in half, put keyring in half of those lengths, put them through the tube and fold again - they will be used to plait the checkerboard. So you have 4 strands and you need 8 more. Use 4 40cm lengths folded in half, attach them to those 4 with tape or thread and start plaiting the checkerboard. When you reach the end of tube, use tape to hold the both ends of plaiting in place. Plait 4 strand wrist loop, and attach it to tube using staples and tape, you can also make 5 or 6 strand "wrist loop" to cover bottom of tube, between main wrist loop. Use some thread to build base for knot. Make knots and voila!
Feel free to ask