just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by BwanaJohn »

Just watch if some "American Idol"-Type Geek starts wearing The Indy look, you'll hear about it everywhere as being "Cool". As Rodney Dangerfield used to say: "No wonder tigers eat their young!"... :roll:
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by John Vaughan »

BwanaJohn wrote:Just watch if some "American Idol"-Type Geek starts wearing The Indy look, you'll hear about it everywhere as being "Cool". As Rodney Dangerfield used to say: "No wonder tigers eat their young!"... :roll:
#-o lets all just hope that doesn't happen. [-o<
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by The Antiquarian »

The other day at school, while strolling to my next class on campus, I got a cowboy comment, which was basically a "Yeehaw" shout. Well, I was wearing my Akubra Federation IV because it was supposed to rain, my cotton, khaki colored B-15 bomber jacket, some blue jeans, and leather brown shoes. Think it could have been the blue jeans, jacket, and hat combo? Now I'm wondering why he didn't just say "Indiana Jones," because I essentially had the hat, lol. Whatever the case, cowboys are cool, so that didn't bother me much. Even as a kid I used to dress like a cowboy (complete with tan felt cowboy hat), so...
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by backstagejack »

BaptisteTheFool wrote: A few minutes later some older gentlemanly janitor came up to me and said "You looked just like Indiana Jones! What do they call that sorta hat... Bowler is it?" "--Fedora..." "Ah, right! Fedora!"
I had an older gent (atleast 80) ask me were I got my hat, as he wanted to get one just like he used to have back in the day. I hated trying to explain to him about the internet and that it was from Australia....I offered to write down the website so his kids could look it up for him but he opted out.
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by Texan Scott »

BwanaJohn wrote:Just watch if some "American Idol"-Type Geek starts wearing The Indy look, you'll hear about it everywhere as being "Cool". As Rodney Dangerfield used to say: "No wonder tigers eat their young!"... :roll:
...maybe it's time for him to "tap out"?
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by TonyRush »

BendingOak wrote:Makes you want to scream don't it?
Slightly offtopic but a similar comment. At a costume ball, I was wearing my gear and another guy was dressed as "Indy" as well but not with authentic gear. He said, "Your jacket has the same problem mine has." "Really, what's that?" "The real Indy jacket didn't have a zipper."

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by DR Ulloa »

Who knew all we had to do to be SA was take the bow and zipper off our hats and jacket? ](*,)

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by Indiana Bugs »

TonyRush wrote:
BendingOak wrote:Makes you want to scream don't it?
Slightly offtopic but a similar comment. At a costume ball, I was wearing my gear and another guy was dressed as "Indy" as well but not with authentic gear. He said, "Your jacket has the same problem mine has." "Really, what's that?" "The real Indy jacket didn't have a zipper."

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by riothamus »

While back in the target parking lot a guy approached me while he was talking on the phone.

To person on the other end: "Let me ask this gentleman, he's got a cowboy hat on."

He then proceeded to ask me (this is in Durham, between Raleigh and Chapel Hill) how far it was to Winston-Salem, and that he was from Wilmington and that he was on his way to see his mother who had had a stroke.

I felt sorry for the guy when I had to tell him he had another hour to 1 1/2 to go. He was hoping for 10-20 minutes.

Later in a walmart, a young boy with his father got really excited when he saw me (brown AB and a khaki safari jacket). Walking down an ailse, I heard: "He's got an Indy hat on!"

Apparently, he's a big fan of the lego Indy games according to his dad.

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by TonyRush »

riothamus wrote:While back in the target parking lot a guy approached me while he was talking on the phone.

To person on the other end: "Let me ask this gentleman, he's got a cowboy hat on."

He then proceeded to ask me (this is in Durham, between Raleigh and Chapel Hill) how far it was to Winston-Salem, and that he was from Wilmington and that he was on his way to see his mother who had had a stroke.

I felt sorry for the guy when I had to tell him he had another hour to 1 1/2 to go. He was hoping for 10-20 minutes.

Later in a walmart, a young boy with his father got really excited when he saw me (brown AB and a khaki safari jacket). Walking down an ailse, I heard: "He's got an Indy hat on!"

Apparently, he's a big fan of the lego Indy games according to his dad.

I haven't worn my AB Deluxe lately. I've been wearing T-shirts and Converse tennis shoes lately and -- although I know some people wear a fedora with anything -- I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. :)

"He's got a cowboy hat on" -- lol. Gotta love it.

Riothamus, do you live in Durham? I'm from Asheboro originally but haven't been back up to the Piedmont in awhile. I need to visit.

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by riothamus »

TonyRush wrote:Riothamus, do you live in Durham? I'm from Asheboro originally but haven't been back up to the Piedmont in awhile. I need to visit.

Tony, I do indeed live in Durham, the southern part of the county to be precise. I work in Raleigh, my wife works at UNC Chapel Hill. There's a thread in Lao Che about possibly getting some NC gearheads together, be glad to have you!

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by fenris »

I keep getting the cowboy hat comment a lot. From kids to traffic police enforcers... I guess it's understandable here in my country as the only fedoras available here are stingy brims - any wide brimmed fedora is automatically seen as a cowboy hat. Yeah, a lot of ignorant people here. And yes, they think the hat is leather! :shock:
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by John Vaughan »

I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that cowboy thing. Around here(North east Kansas) cowboy hats are everywhere. So, Indy style hats fit right in. I have rather long hair so I wear hats all the time. As a matter of fact I've been thinking about buying a REAL Fedora, Not going to spend much on one but want my moneys worth. Any suggestions? I know there are other threads on this, but This is just a good way to meet my fellow club members. :TOH:


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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by Indiana Bugs »

I would have to suggest an Akubra Federation IV. I cant say enough good things about this hat. It is extraordinarily comfortable, good looking, tough, and inexpensive. Its the bottom of the price-barrel on what I consider a 'good' hat, and I think its a better hat than some costing considerably more. About the only thing it lacks, imho, is that its not as SA as some of the handmades. Its been my everyday hat for about a year now. Its not the one in my avatar. Thats a cowboy conversion I was modeling.
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by John Vaughan »

Thanks Bro. I'll give 'em a look


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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by Texan Scott »

I'd recommend the Henry. The felt is 80% rabbit, 20% beaver. The beaver felt adds durability and weatherproofing. It is the most comfortable hat I have. It retails for $290, but you might be able to get it for $250 without the hard shell hat box? That would be a John question. http://www.penmanhats.com/Adventuebilt__the_Henry.html

If you buy a Fed IV Deluxe, you'll spend over $200 for the hat plus shipping. It's like $209, give or take. It will be a dark, chocolate brown, and the ribbon is different. The Henry will already have a SA ribbon, the bow will be tied perfectly and the brim dimensions will be a bit longer at 2 7/8 x 2 5/8.

I like the Fed IV, always have. It was my first Indy hat. May take a little more time, but it will be worth it in the long run. Just a thought.
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by John Vaughan »

[quote="Andy Buse"]Thanks.

Here's his hat (taken with my blackberry).

Less about the hat and more about "The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne" Do we have a fellow browncoat in the club? :TOH:
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Last Halloween my son went out as Mutt (he's 10) and I went out in my gear with a group of kids and their parents from my neighborhood. One of the dad's asked me about my jacket (USW CE). I told him about the leather and Tony's contribution to CS among many other things, mainly politics and whatnot. He was going as Peter Pan, his wife Wendy and his kids as a lost boy and tinkerbell.

Anyways, he complimented me on the whole outfit but asked why I didn't get the real leather hat?

I was wearing my Fed IV... I explained the hat was not leather in the movie but felt. After all was said and done his reply was basically "I still think it was leather". ](*,)

I was frustrated with his disbelief but this was coming from a 40 year old man in green tights. :roll:

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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by John Vaughan »

#-o Ya, the whole green tights thing is a dead give away, :-s Peter Pan, huh?..WOW..Guess it takes all types.
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by Tennessee Smith »

John Vaughan wrote:#-o Ya, the whole green tights thing is a dead give away, :-s Peter Pan, huh?..WOW..Guess it takes all types.
Yeah, he's a pilot and actually a pretty descent guy but that image gives a whole new meaning to "flying the friendly skies" doesn't it?
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by John Vaughan »

:rolling: :-0 Breath,breath.. thats just funny! It'll take awile to get this image out of my head.
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Texan Scott wrote:I'd recommend the Henry. The felt is 80% rabbit, 20% beaver. The beaver felt adds durability and weatherproofing. It is the most comfortable hat I have. It retails for $290, but you might be able to get it for $250 without the hard shell hat box? That would be a John question. http://www.penmanhats.com/Adventuebilt__the_Henry.html

If you buy a Fed IV Deluxe, you'll spend over $200 for the hat plus shipping. It's like $209, give or take. It will be a dark, chocolate brown, and the ribbon is different. The Henry will already have a SA ribbon, the bow will be tied perfectly and the brim dimensions will be a bit longer at 2 7/8 x 2 5/8.

I like the Fed IV, always have. It was my first Indy hat. May take a little more time, but it will be worth it in the long run. Just a thought.
Exchange rates are fickle. Last year, my Fed IV cost be just under $100 to my door. Its a standard, and I couldnt be happier with it. The hat appears dark, but out in the sun, likw when Indy wears it out in the sun, its about the right color. Of course, it could be its exposure to the elements due of my constantly wearing it everyday has lightened it up a bit.
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by pwam »

I just started wearing my leather jacket with my hat so people would stop calling me cowboy. :roll:
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by BaptisteTheFool »

My father just told me this one...

He owns this cheap, rather ugly grey Dorfman Pacific that he bought ages ago. It's wool and has a really high back and is floppy as ####-- I can't stand it and make fun of him for it regularly.

Anyway, he said he was in the office today and it was sitting on his desk and a coworker walks in, notices it, and says, "you wear a fedora?"

"Well not if you ask my son. He wears an Indiana Jones Fedora."

"Indiana Jones didn't wear a fedora!"

Now I guess my father overheard me mention that I bought mine from Todd because he told me that to prove it he googled "Indiana Jones Fedora Todd's" and found the Uptowner (which I own).

---Also, a friend (and fellow film student!) that I hadn't seen in awhile approached me today with a "Howdy, Cowboy!" A FILM student of all people. Meh...
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by fenris »

After the new Nightmare on Elm Street film, our hats will probably be called Freddy Krueger's hat...
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by backstagejack »

fenris wrote:After the new Nightmare on Elm Street film, our hats will probably be called Freddy Krueger's hat...
Oh god.....I hadn't even thought of that. Great, now we'll get Cowboy Freddy!!!
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Re: just had my first, "that's not Indiana Jones' hat" moment

Post by fenris »

backstagejack wrote:
fenris wrote:After the new Nightmare on Elm Street film, our hats will probably be called Freddy Krueger's hat...
Oh god.....I hadn't even thought of that. Great, now we'll get Cowboy Freddy!!!
As long as we don't hang around near the movie poster or wear a green and red sweater, we'll probably be safe from the comment.
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