Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

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Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

The only thing I need now for my TOD mannequin display is the proper jacket, the one I've got now is my 10 year old Wested Raiders, which is too small for my mannequin.

I've decided to go with Wested, as I hear they make one of the best TOD jackets. Since this is for a display, I'd like a jacket with HF's specs, not my own.

Does anybody know the original specs for Harrison Fords TOD Jacket?

Jacket Size?

Sleeve Length?

Back Length?

Skin Type? - I read that the washed goat is really nice?
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Indydawg »

I'm not 100% certain, but you might try a search for this....I'm sure this has already been hashed out and posted somewhere before...you can't be the first guy to want to do this!

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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by whiskyman »

Wested should probably know - they were in possession of the screen used jacket owned by MBA costumes, on which they based their new version of the TOD jacket.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

I must admit that I gave up after sorting through the first 10 pages of threads.

I did find a thread about the choice of skin though viewtopic.php?f=2&t=46033&hilit=tod+jacket

Kt Templar wrote this in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=43954&p=630639&hili ... et#p630639
Kt Templar wrote: The original was quite long, from memory it was a 42 chest with 26 body and 26 sleeves, or thereabouts.
Kt - you wrote 'or thereabouts' ;) can you confirm those specs? :)
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by sithspawn »

I got my Wested TOD in November. I asked for 1/1 exact size as the NH jacket in the comments section. They will know what you mean, but get a clarification from them as well to be sure they are on the same page.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

sithspawn wrote:I got my Wested TOD in November. I asked for 1/1 exact size as the NH jacket in the comments section. They will know what you mean, but get a clarification from them as well to be sure they are on the same page.
Will you post the measurements of it then?
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

sithspawn wrote:I got my Wested TOD in November. I asked for 1/1 exact size as the NH jacket in the comments section. They will know what you mean, but get a clarification from them as well to be sure they are on the same page.
I wrote Wested yesterday asking for the specs, but I havn't heard from them yet. I'd like to know the specs before ordering :) I might need to add a little length to the sleeves for the mannequin to fit it. If you could post your measurements of you jacket it would be most helpful :)
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kt Templar »

Kredepops, that's my best guess based on how the jacket fitted on me. The length of 26 was from Peter.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by sithspawn »

RCSignals wrote:
sithspawn wrote:I got my Wested TOD in November. I asked for 1/1 exact size as the NH jacket in the comments section. They will know what you mean, but get a clarification from them as well to be sure they are on the same page.
Will you post the measurements of it then?

Don't know the measurements off hand and any correspondance with Peter referring to it has been long deleted. Sorry I can't be of more help. Hopefully, you'll hear from Wested and they can confirm some measurements for you.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

You don't have the jacket any more sithspawn?
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by sithspawn »

I do have it,but I don't have a clue how to measure it, nor do I have the time to. All I know is it's a size 40. Hopefully, those that want the measurements will hear from Peter. ;)
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by knibs7 »

sithspawn wrote: Hopefully, those that want the measurements will hear from Peter. ;)

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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by theman »

I think I would go with KT's recollection on the sizing of the jacket since he actually wore the MBA jacket.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

theman wrote:I think I would go with KT's recollection on the sizing of the jacket since he actually wore the MBA jacket.
Kt is right on the back length and sleeve length. The chest was the same as all the HF jackets, more like a 40.

I'd still like to know what the measurements of sithspawn's are though
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

I got an email from Gemma yesterday:

Dear Christian

The jacket for Harrison ford was made in a size 42.

Thanks Gemma

Heheh, yeah well... as always, dealing with Wested can be somewhat of a gamble.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by CM »

Kredepops wrote:I got an email from Gemma yesterday:

Dear Christian

The jacket for Harrison ford was made in a size 42.

Thanks Gemma

Heheh, yeah well... as always, dealing with Wested can be somewhat of a gamble.
Really? Did the jacket have a size 42 tag in it? I doubt that. Or did they measure it (with typical Wested accuracy) and decide it was a 42? Sorry, I am skeptical. :-
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Holt »

42 would make sence.

raiders was 40. he was thinner. in tofd he got buffed up.

LC was 44. he still was in pretty good shape but he was more adult.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kevin Anderson »

What evidence is there that the Last Crusade jacket was a size 44? Good shape but more adult? Huh? His belly may have gotten bigger as he aged, but his
chest? The measurements for Ford's Crystal Skull jacket (22.5 inches across the chest, I believe, or 22?) put that at what we would call a 40, right? I would have thought the Last Crusade jacket was about the same, but what do I know? :)
And I'm pretty sure the measurements for the TOD jacket made it closer to a size 40....but on that I'm not sure. I might have to check out some old Wested emails..
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

Kevin Anderson wrote:What evidence is there that the Last Crusade jacket was a size 44? Good shape but more adult? Huh? His belly may have gotten bigger as he aged, but his
chest? The measurements for Ford's Crystal Skull jacket (22.5 inches across the chest, I believe, or 22?) put that at what we would call a 40, right? I would have thought the Last Crusade jacket was about the same, but what do I know? :)
And I'm pretty sure the measurements for the TOD jacket made it closer to a size 40....but on that I'm not sure. I might have to check out some old Wested emails..
You are correct. They actually all measure out across the chest about the same, equating to a 40.
Even the CS.
If someone considers them to be a 42 it is a very tight 42.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by theman »

Not to put a wrench in the works but 22.5" measured across the chest may be what most of the jackets measured but that does not make all the fits the same... 22.5" also gives about 5 inches of ease on a 40 sized person so really someone up to a size 42" chest should fit the jacket with plenty of room. Don't forget people's shoulders and back structure also play a lot into how the jacket will fit. I have seen people with the exact same chest size and height fit the same jacket completely differently due to these other factors.
Hopefully everyone taking the measurements is also laying the jacket totally flat and measuring the full pit-to-pit measurement and not to any seams.
Oh and BTW my 44" chest fits into an HF hero spec'd/sized jacket just about right.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

It is also important to make sure the pleats are closed when measuring.

22 to 22.5" measured flat is quite consistent with a size 40, even for WW2 'slim fitting' A-2 jackets.

whether that chest measurement also fits up to 44 a 'real' 44" chest measurement will depend on the jacket having an action back, and just how much 'free space' an individual feels comfortable with.
Yes shoulder fit, arm fit etc will also have an effect, but a chest circumference is just that.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

Kredepops for your purposes the best is probably not to worry about asking for a numerical size, just stress you want a jacket in the exact size of the ToD that was copied.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

Thanks RCSignals, I'll do that :) Also thanks to everyone else who helped. I appreciate your efforts!
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

Just put in my order for the ToD jacket at Wested. I asked for a size 42, Sleeve 26 and back 26. Authentique brown lamb. I asked for it to be an exact copy of the Noel Howard Jacket.

Here's hoping and praying that it will be my first and last ToD jacket.

Does anybody know how long it takes Wested to complete and ship such a jacket?
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

Did you see the photos of the one in oil pull cow? That might be a hide you want to consider for this jacket instead of the lambskin.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

No, I didn't see that? Do you have a link? I don't know if it's too late to specify a different hide.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by RCSignals »

Kt posted a photo of it. You may want to send him a pm.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

Found the post. I think it's too late to change my order though, it's listed as 'processing'.
Oh well... I love my Raiders Lambskin, so I guess it'll be alright.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by SeanSoLowe »

I'm new to the forum, so hi everyone. I have been looking at the Wested jackets for my Indy Jacket. What exactly is the difference between the jackets from the films. Such as the ROLA and TOD jacket? Also everyone has a different build and I would think that one would have to examan pictures of the jacket on HF to see where it hangs on him (back length).
As for as "ageing" the jacket does anyone have a preference in type of leather to work with? I plan on making it looked used and warn like the films, but don't want to order a jacket with leather that would just fall apart scraping up and ageing it.

Thanks for your patience,
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by crismans »

As far as the different jacket specs, there are several threads here that go into detail on the various jackets. If you do a search, it will turn up a wealth of info and is good reading as well. Other sites (such as filmjackets.com) have the specs laid out in a more bullet-style approach. Take everything you read with a grain of salt, however, as it seems the jacket information is ever evolving.

As for leathers, the washed goat seems really good for aging and I think it makes for a nice Wested ToD. The novapelle seems to age nicely as well but it's a bit thicker of a hide. Knibs7 did a great job aging a Wested ToD but I forgot what hide he used (maybe their authentic lamb?). I'd do a search for that thread as well.
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Re: Wested TOD jacket HF Specs

Post by Kredepops »

Welcome to the forum SeanSoLowe :)

As crismans writes, try to do a search on the topics and you'll find plenty of info. If you don't, please open a new thread, this thread is just about the specs of the ToD jacket, thanks.
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