Though I've handled High-power (it's way cool), but never shot either it or a CZ, I've noticed the siimilarities (I read my gun magazines regligiously-well, used to anyway. When I started crying when I realized that I couldn't swing a Kimber LAPD Custom II, etc!

I'd like a Hi-Power in a 40 cal. Apparently, they were breifly availible in the US, back inthe day. I'm not much of a fan of 9MM's, I like something a little bigger. I'd still love to have one.
Got a story about a hi-power:
This guy I worked and I were talking over lunch at the construction site. We were talking guns. Well, he got into a story about when he used to manage a restaurant. Well, one of the waitresses there had a family tragedy. Her husband died. Well, she was going through stuff. She found some guns. A couple of rifles and a pistol. She wanted to sell them. So, this guy I worked with, figured he'd buy 'em, to help her out. she sold the pistol, a Browning Hi-Power 9MM, with two hi-cap mags (Obviously she didn't know what she was selling) for a measly 250 bucks! First thing he did was turn around the re-sell it! I mean, she could've easily gotten 3 times that!