Wanting good LC Jacket

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Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

Hey guys,

I have finally decided (and have the money for) my "perfect" LC jacket. With Tony Novak's passing (RIP), that eliminates a sure winner of a choice, so I am left to decide among the remaining options. My criteria: must be lambskin and it must be fairly screen accurate (though I'm not exactly a stitch nazi). I'm talking correct pocket shape and placement, and correct collar shape and back panel mainly. I see U.S. Wings makes a nice jacket that many love, but I see they don't offer it in lambskin, and I dislike the way they make their back panels - too narrow in relation to the yoke bottom edge. Wested is another option, but with the problems some have had lately with their QC and following requests accurately make me wonder if they are worth the risk. G&B only makes Raiders-style, and I have not found any pictures of Magnoli's LC offering. Does anyone have any? It sounds great and Magnoli's rep is sterling, so that may be my best option but I need to see some (other than the couple dummy-modeled shots on the website) and hear from someone who owns one to know what I'm getting into. Or if there's another option I'm missing.

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Indydawg »

Wait another 90 days, and you'll see a lambskin offering from Wings that, from what I'm hearing, should lay your concerns to rest.

Wings has also altered their pattern just slightly to make it more SA for the LC jacket, too....check out crismans post in the Vendor Annoucement section, to see some good pics.

Never having seen any other makers besides G&B, Wested, and Wings....and knowing you are NOT interested in the G&B, I'd say Wings, at this point in time, is a REALLY exciting option.

Wested CAN make a good jacket, mind you....but I've NEVER seen a Wings jacket that didn't meet the standard....

You still have options!
Indydawg :TOH:
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Wings does make a lambskin option already, and there is another on the way.

That aside, Magnoli is great option. I don't have his LC, and I'm not sure who does. I can only provide modified Raiders pics. However, you could e-mail Magnoli and see if he has on-person photos. Sometimes he has these things, especially if he owns one for himself. Also, do not forget that his standard LC can be modified on request.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

Indydawg wrote:Wait another 90 days, and you'll see a lambskin offering from Wings that, from what I'm hearing, should lay your concerns to rest.

Wings has also altered their pattern just slightly to make it more SA for the LC jacket, too....check out crismans post in the Vendor Annoucement section, to see some good pics.

Never having seen any other makers besides G&B, Wested, and Wings....and knowing you are NOT interested in the G&B, I'd say Wings, at this point in time, is a REALLY exciting option.

Wested CAN make a good jacket, mind you....but I've NEVER seen a Wings jacket that didn't meet the standard....

You still have options!
Indydawg :TOH:
The Wings is very interesting, indeed. But the vendors announcement I read about the new offering said it was cowhide. Is this yet a different offer you are talking about?

Chewbacca, the only lambskin offering I see on U.S. Wings website is a Raiders-style jacket. Looks very nice, but I want an LC style. I guess I'll have to wait to see what this new offering looks like. I will try contacting Magnoli for some photos. I know Holt had one once and I've asked him for pics and what he thought about his.

Thanks for the replies guys. :TOH:
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by crismans »

There is another lambskin Wings on the horizon that's supposed to be awesome. I've not seen pics of it yet, so I'm not sure of the style, but the latest soft cowhide offering from Wings has a very LC look to it so the lambskin may follow that pattern.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I'm really looking forward to seeing what US Wings will be offering. 90 days, huh? Where did you get that estimate? Is that what Wings is saying? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they get it right!
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

jasonalun wrote: Chewbacca, the only lambskin offering I see on U.S. Wings website is a Raiders-style jacket. Looks very nice, but I want an LC style.
Take a closer look. 8-[]
All of the US Wings Indy jackets follow the same pattern right now, and it's not Raiders. They are sort of a general style. The pocket size, collar stand, and collar width on all of them are very LC & CS, the length is ToD & CS. The main stand-out is the vintage cowhide which has the LC snaps on the storm flap. Honestly, there aren't many truly Raiders features on them at the moment. O:)

I expect the new lambskin will be the same pattern, but I'm hoping they have the snaps. More practical, and more likely to seem LC/CS at a quick glance.

I'm guessing that the new soft cowhide looks so LC because the of choice of hide. There has been whisperings and suggestions that the film jacket was a soft cowhide, not lambskin. Seeing the early pics of this new offering, I can believe that easily.

What I'd really like to see is a close-up of the cowhide to see the texture and coloring better. :-k
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by CM »

Wings do a fantastic job. But the pockets are HUGE. For an LC, go Magnoli. M's LC is based on an actual film used jacket.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Hollowpond »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:
jasonalun wrote: What I'd really like to see is a close-up of the cowhide to see the texture and coloring better. :-k
Me too Chewie! I think I'm gonna dive on the new cowhide. I get everything from "This is not an Indy Jacket" to "This is a perfect LC jacket" when I ask about Wings. Seems everyone has a different opinion on these things (which is perfectly natural and OK...I'm not trying to stir anything up =; ) I think I'm just gonna have to see one and form my own opinion, and this new deal seems to be the perfectly opportune time. :TOH:

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by crismans »

In addition to a couple of other styles, I've owned a CE Indy from Wings. It carried a definite LC/CS vibe to my eye (more CS because of the pockets), more so that Raiders or Temple. If you like the jacket from either of those movies (which I do), then Wings should be right down your alley. Plus with the new pricing and hides coming out, it will be a great time to take the plunge.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

Chewbacca Jones wrote: Take a closer look. 8-[]
All of the US Wings Indy jackets follow the same pattern right now, and it's not Raiders.

Unless I'm totally missing something or going blind, the only lambskin Indy jacket on their site is this one:

which doesn't have storm flap snaps, so I wouldn't call it an LC jacket. Only Raiders has the flap with no snaps.

If you can post a link to what you are seeing, I'll check it out. I may just hop on this new lambskin offering, but I would really like to see some close-up pics of a Magnoli on someone's back (not just a headless store dummy as on Mags' site). If it was copied from a screen-used jacket, that's even better!
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Indydawg »

The lambskin that is 90 days out is an offering that Sarge gave us a heads up on several weeks ago that crismans posted on.

See his post in the vendor announcement section about it...

The cowhide I posted on will be available in 6 - 8 weeks and looks extremely LC...

The pics are just dripping LC/CS... It is such a great look!

I'll have one in hand as soon as you guys do, and
then we'll see for sure!
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Texan Scott »

Todd makes a good, SA jacket and his lambskin is a really nice hide. With a few tweaks, you could have an accurate copy of the LC jacket.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by BendingOak »

Are we sure that Tony's biz is over?????
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jnicktem »

BendingOak wrote:Are we sure that Tony's biz is over?????
That is true... there are a few people there that know how to make the jackets... they probably have all of Tony's patterns. Perhaps the Nowak Original name will live on!
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Indydawg »

We do not know the status on Tony's work, and it is still really too early to discuss....it's been asked that, out of respect for the family, we just kind of let things "come to us" when it's the right time.

I think it's only respectful to honor the family by refraining from this discussion for now....

We'll leave the two above comments for now, but let's keep these threads free from that kind of thing, ok, folks?

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

jasonalun wrote: Unless I'm totally missing something or going blind, the only lambskin Indy jacket on their site is this one:

which doesn't have storm flap snaps, so I wouldn't call it an LC jacket. Only Raiders has the flap with no snaps.
That's the one. What I'm saying is that except for the lack of snaps, it's pretty much an LC design. The snaps are, by far, not the only difference on the LC... just the most obvious. And the easiest to add after-market.

A Raiders jacket needs to have an extended collar stand (and also narrower), a smaller collar, different pockets, a slimmer cut, and few other details. It just resembles LC more than any other film jacket. Not a "true" LC, but even less-so a Raiders.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

Can I reiterate my request that anyone with a Magnoli Last Crusade-style jacket post pictures, please? Holt, you had one at one time but the pic is gone from the post you made about it. Anyone else? Anyone...Anyone...?
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Photoss »

Did you do much of a search? I found this in about 45 seconds....

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

Photoss wrote:Did you do much of a search? I found this in about 45 seconds....

No need to be obnoxious. I searched on "Magnoli Last Crusade LC jacket" and for whatever reason this post did not come up for me. Thanks.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Hollowpond »

Yeah...that search function is a little testy. It all depends on what you put in. I got yer back on that one Jason!

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Texan Scott »

The search function doesn't always function like it should function. :P

Computers do what you tell them to do, not necessarily what you want them to do! ;)

I would like to see a vendor develop a great copy of the LC jacket with distressed, vintage lamb that is thicker that the normal cut of lamb.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Photoss »

jasonalun wrote:No need to be obnoxious. I searched on "Magnoli Last Crusade LC jacket" and for whatever reason this post did not come up for me. Thanks.
Sorry I came off that way, my fault, long day at work... :oops:

Anyways, there were some other pics too, haven't seen them around though, i forgot who posted them.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

Photoss wrote:Sorry I came off that way, my fault, long day at work...
All's forgiven. :tup: I've been there, done that, too.

Holt's pics are great. I wish I could see what the lamb version looks like, but I would imagine it looks pretty similar to the soft goat Holt has.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Jasonalun, I am in the same boat as you are, looking for an LC as well. I was thinking about the US Wings jacket myself but have decided to hold off and see what the jackets actually look like in people's hands. I was too going to order a Nowak, but who knows what the future of the business will be now. Wested makes pretty good LC's, you could try also an Expedition. Really a lot of choice when it comes to LC. Mine right now is to wait and see.

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by crismans »

IndianaChris711 wrote:Jasonalun, I am in the same boat as you are, looking for an LC as well. I was thinking about the US Wings jacket myself but have decided to hold off and see what the jackets actually look like in people's hands. I was too going to order a Nowak, but who knows what the future of the business will be now. Wested makes pretty good LC's, you could try also an Expedition. Really a lot of choice when it comes to LC. Mine right now is to wait and see.

I know you have posted some concerns about the look of the Wings pockets and such (am I remembering correctly here?). Just to emphasize a point, if you order a Wested straight, and by this I mean OTR or just give sizes for a custom, you are not going to get a jacket that looks like the LC. Holt assures us that the diamond is there in the pattern but it's going to take some polishing to bring it out. For example, Wested's standard LC pockets don't look like the LC pockets.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

I wouldn't say there are "really a lot" of choices when it comes to LC. Seems a bit limited to me, at least if you are concerned about screen accuracy. Magnoli or Wested (if you are fortunate) seem to be the only choices for SA LC jackets. Wings if you want a great quality jacket with an LC-Indy-vibe but not necessarily SA. G&B doesn't make LC-style jackets, only Raiders (Expedition). Lots of Raiders choices out there, but not really LC ones, or TOD for that matter.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Holt »

go for Magnoli. I would ask for a thin warm brown cowhide. really. its the best choice to replicate the LC look.

I assure you, you wont get dissapointed. :tup:

Magnolis LC pattern is polished since I got one. you dont have to provide a bunch of specs.

and the the construction is top shelf.

you will have this jacket forever baby!
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

Indiana Holt wrote:go for Magnoli. I would ask for a thin warm brown cowhide. really. its the best choice to replicate the LC look.

I assure you, you wont get dissapointed. :tup:

Magnolis LC pattern is polished since I got one. you dont have to provide a bunch of specs.

and the the construction is top shelf.

you will have this jacket forever baby!

I'm really leaning that direction, Holt! The only catch for me is the cost. But I'm working on that. I believe it would be a jacket I'd wear for life!
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by crismans »

Again, I don't want to come across as an arrogant jerk here (something I can do with amazing ease sometimes). Like I've said before, I'm a history teacher here in the good old KY. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination. But I've noticed (and Jasonlaun, this isn't a shot at you AT ALL, it's just something I've noticed before and your comment reminded me) that price is mentioned a lot with these jackets. It especially came up when Tony's jackets were mentioned and when Magnoli is mentioned.

Really, neither one of those jackets are out of bounds when it comes to the price of good leather jackets. Aero's go for about $800 + now. You get into the "vintage" flight jackets and you are looking at $1000 +. $500 is a heckuva lot of money to invest in a disposable clothing item. But, if you get a top leather jacket that fits, you are looking at a friend for probably the duration of your life. Looking at it that way, $500 is a drop in the bucket.

For my LC money, if you're wanting an old friend with a definite LC "vibe" then I would go for the Wings. If you are wanting SA as possible, then take Holt's advice and go for the Magnoli.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Kt Templar »

£165. Custom. Wested.Image

This is my CS Proto style. Just a step away from an LC. It is a beautifully made jacket.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by jasonalun »

crismans wrote:Again, I don't want to come across as an arrogant jerk here (something I can do with amazing ease sometimes). .

You arrogant jerk!

:lol: :rolling:

Seriously, crismans, I hear and I'm in complete agreement. When I say "the only catch is cost," what I mean is "I don't know if I can scrape together the dough right at the moment," not, "I don't know if it's worth spending X on this jacket." I admit it, I'm Scottish and I generally hate to spend money, but I'm also a quality fiend. So when I want something like a coat, or shoes, a hat, or something else that I want to last a while and look nice, I am willing to spend some money.

KT, that is a very nice jacket, thanks for posting that. I would have no qualms purchasing a Wested for this jacket, indeed would prefer to in one respect as they were the makers of the screen used LC jackets (at least some of them anyway), if I could be assured that when I told them "place the pocket 2" from the bottom edge, and make the pocket X high with a pocket flap X long," they would do it exactly as I specified. Right now I have no confidence I would get exactly what I asked for from Wested. If someone could give me some assurance I could, that might factor into my decision, given their cost and the quality you can get (I have one very good Raiders Wested) from Wested. The problem is it seems you can't always count on it, sad to say. Please don't anyone take this as bashing Wested. I have nothing against them personally and indeed my current favorite jacket I own is one of their custom made ones. I just don't know if I can trust their QA or customer service right now with some of the things that have happened to some on the board here in regards to them.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by crismans »

You arrogant jerk!

:lol: :rolling:
Hey now! [-X I might just resemble that remark! :lol:
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by Indydawg »

Must be something about being a teacher that turns us that way ;) 8)

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by IndianaChris711 »

crismans wrote:I know you have posted some concerns about the look of the Wings pockets and such (am I remembering correctly here?). Just to emphasize a point, if you order a Wested straight, and by this I mean OTR or just give sizes for a custom, you are not going to get a jacket that looks like the LC. Holt assures us that the diamond is there in the pattern but it's going to take some polishing to bring it out. For example, Wested's standard LC pockets don't look like the LC pockets.

I guess as far as the wings pockets go I was looking something a bit more SA, but you are remembering correctly. As far as Wested goes I definately agree with what you have said above, while they have a good pattern, the pockets can be hit or miss on size or other things.

Jasonalun, I guess there really is not that many LC choices if you are looking for SA. I would say if your looking for SA as much as possible I would go with Magnoli IMO. Its really up to you and what jacket you are looking for and how much your willing to spend on the jacket as well. Just my opinion.

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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by CM »

Kt Templar wrote:£165. Custom. Wested.Image

This is my CS Proto style. Just a step away from an LC. It is a beautifully made jacket.
Nice. While it's not accurate for CS or LC, it's a nice generic Indy jacket with particularly good looking pockets.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by St. Dumas »

Actually, it is pretty accurate to the CS as they were both based on the same prototype. Same collar and cut. Same double stitching on shoulders.
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Re: Wanting good LC Jacket

Post by damian della morte »

heres a wings, i think it has a last crusade feel to it (single stitching on the shoulders, collar a tad rounder, pockets larger and rounder at the bottom)) more then CS, even though they used a CS leather, its the Signature Series Indy-style Vintage Adventurer Jacket

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