Thank you, old friend. My point exactly._ wrote:Yeah, gents... It sounds "wrong" but my old friend, Michaelson, is right. Dean-to-nuts.
You work on "my" (LFL/Amblin/or just about any corporation) project, and all workproduct - including thoughts related to that project are the property of the project. You no longer have any ability to act as an individual or have a thought that belongs to yourself if it is related in any way to my intellectual property or a related project.
Likewise with fan creations. Associate it with Indy and you may as well put a bow on it. You've given your work and any real rights to LFL. George owns anything "Indy."
George owns ALL of this. Period. We operate out here strictly at his whim. All content - including what I am writing now and every dotted-i and crossed-t on the forum or elsewhere is the property of George. Really.
We learned this a long time before CS. If the thought moved him he could shut this and every other site like it down tomorrow. If the thought moved him he can get access to any and all information that passes through this site without notifying the "owners" of the site. This is because he owns anything Indy. Anything. Period.
It's why it is so amusing to hear Peter Botwright say he owns the jacket design. Even if he did what he says (which he didn't) he owns nothing.

HIGH regard! Michaelson