Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Dragonlady Jones »

crismans wrote:Okay, I'm back from #### Town (or Disney World as it's more traditionally known) so let me clarify a bit here...
Many thanks for the explanation and information, although it only serves to get me more excited... =P~
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by theman »

Hey Crismans - How did your hands fit into the ToD pockets on the prototype, were they still usable in actual handwarmer fashion?
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by crismans »

theman wrote:Hey Crismans - How did your hands fit into the ToD pockets on the prototype, were they still usable in actual handwarmer fashion?

They were a little tighter than I was used to (Raiders and especially an LC can spoil you) but they were usable as actual handwarmers. Which is good as, while I know a lot of us don't actually use the handwarmers, I'm in the camp that does. :D
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by JC1972 »

I take it no longs for either the striated or antique lamb?
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Hollowpond »

I really plan on scooping one of these up, but just a quick question. I have a todd's standard. Can someone compare the cut and fit of a Todd's to a US wings? I don't mean if the sizes jive. It just seems like the Wings is a little longer and fuller cut, both of which I like. Is this the case? Again, this is as compared to the Todd's standard.

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by theman »

I doubt anyone can give a comparison on the wings ToD, but as for their standard raiders jacket I found the Todd's a much better true raiders fit with correct sleeve to torso ratios and slimmer sleeves/body. The wings needed to be one size smaller w/ L sleeves only, sadly not an option.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by BwanaJohn »

Just starting to work on my Indy Archives, but that ToD, for that price , may be worth the wait. If it's close to how the photo looks, that Distressed/Finish- look has sold me! =P~
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by knibs7 »

Any chance they will change the pockets to be SA? [-o<

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Zach R. »

I had one of the US Wings in Antique lamb...the look was good but I didn't quite like how heavy it was compared to other lambskins (of my Wested or other lambskin jackets I have handled). But, I can't wait to see how this project turns out. 8)
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Hollowpond »

I gotta admit, the more research I do the more I may be on the fence on this one. It seems these jackets run extraordinarily long. Is that the case? :-k I've heard and read in excess of 27" :o Is that correct? Starting to lean away from this one. Somebody convince me otherwise...

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by JC1972 »

Hollowpond wrote:I gotta admit, the more research I do the more I may be on the fence on this one. It seems these jackets run extraordinarily long. Is that the case? :-k I've heard and read in excess of 27" :o Is that correct? Starting to lean away from this one. Somebody convince me otherwise...

If that's the case (27"), that would be perfect for me. I won't have to worry about getting a long.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by BwanaJohn »

Received an Email today stating when they have a Production Date for these, they will let us know. Hopefully, it'll be before weather here hits The 90's.... :)
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by jamesdell »

Hollowpond wrote:I gotta admit, the more research I do the more I may be on the fence on this one. It seems these jackets run extraordinarily long. Is that the case? :-k I've heard and read in excess of 27" :o Is that correct? Starting to lean away from this one. Somebody convince me otherwise...

I've been in touch with them about their sizing. I've received and excel chart that shows the back length of 27 1/4" in XS, S, M, L, XL. It's 28 1/4" in the 2XL and 3XL sizes (all + or - 1/2" tolerance).

Now this is for the current styles only, I can't vouch for how the TOD will differ, but I agree with you. At 5'6" I'm not winning any height contests, and these jacket would be huge on me.

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Texan Scott »

It would be cool if they could use the vintage, Indiana Jones airplane logo for the label, IF it was possible?
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by theman »

Hey crismans - can you give us anything more solid on how the sizing on these will be? From the looks of the proto there is no way it has an incorrect 27+ inch back length.
If IRCC one of the ToD screen used has a back length of almost 26" but the sleeves were over 25" anyway, so as long as proportions are kept in that range starting at around a 42R the jacket shouldn't be too off on most sizes.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by crismans »

To be honest, I'm not sure of the sizing myself. I know that the jacket cut is more tapered (I'm referring to the ToD jacket here) than normal Wings offerings but I'm assuming that the lengths of these will be comparable to other Wings Indy jackets.

The Temple jacket appeared longer anyway so this shouldn't be much of a problem (and Wings' longer jackets actually make sense if you consider that Cooper was responsible for the original Temple jackets). Not saying that's why. Just seems a nice bit of synchronicity.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Texan Scott »

So the USW-ToD jacket will be introduced with certain specs. tweaked with yours and Holt's input. The other USW Indy jackets will for the most part be the same?
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by crismans »

Texan Scott wrote:So the USW-ToD jacket will be introduced with certain specs. tweaked with yours and Holt's input. The other USW Indy jackets will for the most part be the same?
I don't want to say for sure as I don't know for sure, but this is my understanding.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Indyzane »

Texan Scott wrote:It would be cool if they could use the vintage, Indiana Jones airplane logo for the label, IF it was possible?
I agree that label is very cool!
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Michaelson »

Agreed, but the thing is, they don't OWN the design to that label, so more than likely that won't occur. ;)

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by theman »

Well they could just use a label with an airplane on it that is very "similar" to that other label. ;)
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Led Zeppelin time

Post by crismans »

As the post title suggests, I talked with Sgt. Hack today and it's a little of Good Times, Bad Times.

We'll start with the Bad Times first so we can end on a high note.

It doesn't look like the Temple of Doom jacket is going to be a reality after all. Sgt. Hack said that he had sent the prototype around to various people who make these decisions and the consensus was that the design (while durable enough for a movie) just couldn't meet Wings specs for durability for everyday wear. This isn't anything against the specs that Holt came up with, but a comment on the original specs of the movie jacket. Specifically mentioned were concerns that the small pockets would lead to the handwarmers blowing out. There were some additional concerns as well and Sgt. Hack just didn't feel comfortable putting out a jacket that he was afraid would have durability issues inherent in the design.

Needless to say, I'm disappointed here. Holt and I put in a lot of work on this--Holt with the lion's share of the spec work and myself helping in that department where I could and putting together the spec 'bible'. But, while I am disappointed (if you watch Supernatural, Bobby's line about "She's the love of my life. How many times do I have to kill her?" comes to mind ;) ), I fully understand the Sgt.'s position. While many of us are SA nuts and things like the small pockets add to the ToD jacket's charm, to the normal consumer, it might very well be a detriment, not a bonus. While I sometimes insulate myself and believe we are the center of the Indy universe, as Michaelson has stated several times, the vast majority of Wings' Indy jacket customers come from outside our community. It's a testament to Hack's fondness for our little group that so much effort was put into trying to make this jacket a reality (like I said, he was the one who brought it back up and tried to make a go of it). But Sgt. Hack and Wings put a lot of emphasis on their jacket's durability and construction and that was the deciding factor here.

Now for the Good Times.

I've been told that the $195.95 jackets have an eta of around 90 days so that is good news. Also, Hack has said that Wings is going to unveil a lambskin Indy jacket in about 90 days that will blow everyone's mind. He said that it is a true lambskin (not sheep) and is one of the best jackets he's worn. From my brief time of talking with him on these projects, he's never been one to "gush" but he was very excited about how nice this jacket was. From the description, it sounds like a jacket that will really carry the Raiders vibe in terms of the leather. Hollowpond, I immediately thought of you when he told me that the jacket will weigh a mere two pounds. So we're talking a perfect 3 season jacket. Hack said that it wasn't designed to go out in the woods (we're talking true lambskin, here), but if you went "out on the town", you'd definitely have the finest jacket there.

So, a little downer on the Temple jacket, but plenty of great news to get frothing about. ;)
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Weston »

I a wallowing in ambivalence. I had high hopes for the ToD jacket. Thanks for taking a swing at it though guys. An accurate ToD from the original maker for under 200 bucks might have been too much to hope for.

On the other hand, this new offering you're talking about takes the edge off the dissapointment a bit.

Again, thanks for the effort!

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

That is a shame about the "Temple of Doom" jacket. VERY disappointed. :( :cry: But, I completely understand U.S. Wings and Sgt. Hack's position.

I thank both you COW member "Crismans" and "Holt" for your energy, time, and passion concerning trying to bring the U.S. Wings "Temple Of Doom" jacket to production. :notworthy:

Guess a "TOD" jacket and/or a "Last Crusade" jacket from Tony Nowak or Magnoli's is in consideration for the near future.

But, I am SO looking forward to the new "Indy-Style" jackets that U.S. Wings will be offering in the near future. =P~ \:D/ But......90 days or so? ](*,)

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by BwanaJohn »

I was on their "Waiting List" for it, but since I put an offer on a house tonight, maybe it's a Good Thing, but if it doesn't go through, I'm not waiting 90 Days for my First Indy Jacket, I'll be researching them, again this weekend and buying one (My First "Official" One)... :shock:
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Re: Led Zeppelin time

Post by Hollowpond »

crismans wrote: Hollowpond, I immediately thought of you when he told me that the jacket will weigh a mere two pounds. So we're talking a perfect 3 season jacket. Hack said that it wasn't designed to go out in the woods, but if you went "out on the town", you'd definitely have the finest jacket there.

So, a little downer on the Temple jacket, but plenty of great news to get frothing about. ;)
Can't wait to see it! :TOH: Shame about that ToD though.

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Mitch LaRue »


The ToD: :(
The New U.S. Wings Indy Jacket: \:D/

But maybe MOST importantly...
crismans & Holt: :notworthy: :TOH:
Highest respect for all your hard work, gentlemen.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by crismans »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Agreed.

The ToD: :(
The New U.S. Wings Indy Jacket: \:D/

But maybe MOST importantly...
crismans & Holt: :notworthy: :TOH:
Highest respect for all your hard work, gentlemen.
Thanks very much, Sir. But, in all honesty, I feel like I just along for the ride. It's certainly been a fun one, though. :TOH:
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Hollowpond »

Is the new Raiders offering in the $195 range?

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by knibs7 »

So basically we are NEVER going to get a SA ToD jacket?

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Hollowpond »

knibs7 wrote:So basically we are NEVER going to get a SA ToD jacket?

not looking to good now :cry:

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Maybe Sgt. Hack would be willing to pass the ToD prototype on to Todds Costumes, or Magnoli? I mean, I fully understand & respect why US Wings won't produce it, but that's no reason for us to give up on finding a vendor that's willing.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Hollowpond »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Maybe Sgt. Hack would be willing to pass the ToD prototype on to Todds Costumes, or Magnoli? I mean, I fully understand & respect why US Wings won't produce it, but that's no reason for us to give up on finding a vendor that's willing.
GREAT idea Chewie! :TOH:

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by crismans »

Hollowpond wrote:Is the new Raiders offering in the $195 range?

The new lambskin that Hack was raving about to me is going to run for $195 (same as the goat and vintage cowhide being made overseas), I believe. I'm almost positive that there won't be a more ToD oriented pattern from Wings due to the issues I mentioned above. While that news really disappoints me as I would have loved to get a more SA jacket from the original manufacturer (the whole reason I "fell" into this), I fully understand the reasons behind it.

As far as Magnoli and Todd, Magnoli already offers a pretty SA version from what I've heard (not seen one yet, however, though I'm thinking it may be my next jacket purchase). And I've often wondered about Todd making other movie versions after the bang-up job he did with the Raiders jacket.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Michaelson »

News today is, the jacket will eventually retail for $499.00.

Introductory sale price $195.00. Wings can take pre-orders now. It will be 6
-8 weeks before they finish in production.

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by crismans »

Michaelson wrote:News today is, the jacket will eventually retail for $499.00.

Introductory sale price $195.00. Wings can take pre-orders now. It will be 6
-8 weeks before they finish in production.

Regards! Michaelson
This is the new cowskin jacket that IndyDawg posted about right? I wonder if the new lambskin (I'm assuming that's still a go as well?) will eventually come at a higher price point? From what I hear, it's a truly luxurious lambskin he's got coming out.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Yeah, I'm interested in the new lambskin above all else. But I might want to see pics before ordering one. The hide sounds great, but sometimes the images in my head don't match reality.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by JC1972 »

I too am interested in the lambskin and was wondering about the price and pics.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Indydawg »

Haven't seen the lamb in person...nor the cowhide, either...yet!

The lamb is, I believe, another few months out.

The cowhide looks fabulous from the pics....can't wait to see it in person. From what Sarge says about it, it's top-notch!

But yes, Chewie...the lamb is on the way, and it is supposed to be drool-worthy. =P~
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Michaelson »

We just received the sizing chart on these jackets from Wings a few minutes ago. Once we figure out how to compile the chart to this format, we'll post them.

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Indydawg »

Chart posted.

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Michaelson »

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

OK, this chart just confuses me. There are measurements that I've never heard of, and it conflicts with what we were discussing about the high-end/low-end stuff. I think. #-o
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Texan Scott »

Just do what I do...print out the chart, tack it on the wall, then blindfolded, throw your dart.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Band Director Jones »

Well, that chart makes everything as clear as mud. What the heck is a sweep? If it involves chores, I'm out-a-here.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Indydawg »

The chart shows the measurements, in inches, of the various parts of the jacket. We figured that's what you guys were after....

And Kevin posted earlier today that he talked with someone at Wings and they confirmed that there is no "high" or "low" end sizing....although, that's sure what the size chart on their website SEEMS to show...they said that the chart just shows the range of sizes for each designation...

Go figure...

At any rate-this chart here shows the actual measurements, in inches, of the various parts of the jacket....
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Mountaineer »

When I asked my question in the other thread about where the back length measurement started, I wanted to follow it up with a thanks to you two, Indydawg and Michaelson, for answering that question. Unfortunately it had been locked as I had typed away on my cell.

Anyway, thanks.

I agree that this measurement probably goes from the top of the collar to the hem of the jacket. If so, that makes this jacket a very strong possibility.

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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by crismans »

Hmm, I know that in Westeds, G and Bs, etc., I normally wear a 50. I can wear a 2XL in the Wings and the fit is great.
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Re: Some big US Wings Indy jacket news

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I've seen this chart before, and I really think a Small would fit me better. 24 inches across the chest for a Medium seems really excessive. That would equate to a size 44 (44 chest plus 4 inches of room), yet their sizing guide suggests a Medium for size 38 through 40 :-k . Thoughts?