It's been a couple of days since I started this Thread but I haven't had a lot of time (until now) to respond to some of what's been said... although, I have been reading everything.
Anyway, a few things I wanted to respond to:
TheExit148 wrote:All the same hangers for your shirts in your closet, very nice

Makes a closet look very organized.
Canyon wrote:you have a very neat and organised wardrobe. It kinda reminds me of Chewbacca Jones' closet.
Long John Tinfoil wrote:Does anyone besides me think that having a closet that organized is a bit... OC?
maboot38 wrote:Have you SEEN any of Mitch's other threads? The ones with 40 different pictures of his face? I would say he passed OC about 5 Fedoras ago!
Perhaps I should make a confession, here:
You see, our complete wardrobe's usually consist of
3 kinds of clothing:
- stuff that's been washed, ironed and made it into the closet
- stuff that's been washed and then placed in a clean laundry basket WAITING to be ironed and/or hung up in the closet (there's usually a LOT of this kind of thing
- stuff that's been worn and is in the hamper waiting to be washed
On the day I took that photo, my wife and I had been looking after a long-delayed project: Getting a lot of stuff
OUT of the clean laundry basket,
ONTO hangers and
INTO the closet.
YES, I own all of these shirts... but under normal circumstances, only HALF of them would be hanging up while the REST were sitting in the "clean stuff" basket. Even when stuff would be pulled out of that basket, it would usually be just prior to being ironed (or not) and worn.
When I had hung up EVERY one of the Indy-Style shirts I own, I was sincerely struck and surprised to realize that I'd been so repetitive in my shopping habits!
So, here's Part 2 of the confession:
Once I'd made this realization, I went and got the camera
(maboot, the poor little thing hadn't been used in almost an HOUR
) and was about to take a photo when I heard my wife say
"Uhhh... WHAT are you doing?"
"I... uh, well... I though some people at COW might find it funny to... uh. see how many... uh...Heh, heh..." I stammered.
She looked in my closet to see what I thought was so very photo-worthy.
"Oh, I get it... all the same kind of shirts... Good grief, Fox..."
I lifted the camera to take the shot when she said
"No wait... everything's a mess in here... Out! Out!" (she brushed me away)...
"Just give me me TWO minutes!"
When I returned, my closet had become a testament to
Organized Jonesiness... but in truth, it was my wife's need to "pretty things up" and not any OC on my part
(maboot, I'm sorry to tell you, that my love of multiple photos are usually either about offering up multiple angles of the HAT rather than my face OR... simply because I love taking pictures with our camera.)
TenuredProfessor wrote:I went to Macy's last week to get some work shirts...over half of their selection had epulets and similar long strip things down either side of the fronts. Guess this style is making a comeback! Which is your favorite one?
You're definitely right about seeing this style a
lot more lately... seems like I'm seeing some sort of variation of it most everywhere I go.
As for one being my favorite... that's a tougher call for me.
First, I'll identify them (from left to right):
- The first 6 (in khaki/tan & dark grey) are the
RETREAT Line from Sears. They're definitely a lighter-weight shirt that's good for the summer months... but pretty sturdy, too. Got 'em on Sale for 10 bucks apiece.
- The next 2 are also both from Sears... this time the
NEVADA Line. Both are a light cream color but much heavier, sturdier material.
- Next are 2 Cabela's
SAFARI SERIES Shirts in Stone Color. Heavy havey, tough, well-made shirts.
- Then it's my Magnoli's
ADVENTURE Shirt in Stone color. Very well-made shirt... and maybe the "dressiest" of the bunch.
- Next is my
"COYLE'S" Indy shirt from Todd's Costumes... a great, everyday wear shirt, in my opinion.
-Last one over on the far right is my latest acquisition: my
WHAT PRICE GLORY Indiana Jones Shirt. At first, I didn't know quite
WHAT to make out of this shirt... I liked the accurate details and GREAT color... but the material confused me. Very "flag-like" feel to it... yet 100% cotton. I've really grown to like this shirt though... it's gonna be great for the warm summer months... very lightweight feel, but a really nice look to it.
So, as for favorite?
I'm not sure I could say... several have different a different weight to their fabric, so it makes a difference depending on the temperature outdoors.
And it's probably also worth reminding anyone who reads this that I'm not the lucky owner of either a
Noel Howard OR Adventurebilt Shirt (should I say "yet"?)
Satipo wrote:Didn't Albert Einstein have the same approach to his wardrobe - having only identical sets of clothes so as to free his mind from having to decide what to wear? You're in good company, Mitch!
Thanks, Satipo... I try to keep all my early morning (pre-coffee) thinking down to
"so if I'm wearing dark pants I'll go with a light shirt & if I'm wearing lighter pants I'll go with a darker shirt" ... anything else is just making it complicated.
Zach R. wrote:What kind of shirts are the grey ones? They seem pretty substantial fabric-wise.
As I said above (but if you missed it I'll repeat it here): That's the
RETREAT Line from Sears. The lighter-weight shirt that I mentioned being "good for the summer months"... but were also "pretty sturdy".
I'm not sure if you'll have any luck finding them anymore however... when I found the they were hanging unclaimed on the discount rack for $10 dollars each (and that was September of
last year.)
DarenHenryW wrote:Ahh, Mitch . . . I love you, man.
Thanks, Daren! The... uh... sentiment is returned, I assure you.
And the not-so subtle irony of you expressing these feelings for me right after I give everyone a peek inside my
(well-organized) CLOSET is
not lost on me...
what will we tell my wife and your fiancee?
jnicktem wrote:I used to see a similiar pattern in my closet... but am now down to only 2. I see no reason to have multiples of what is basically the same shirt. But that's just me.
This is an easy one for me, Nick... the key words there is when you say "But that's just me"... That's just it... that's
you... this is
I've worn a LOT of shirt over the years and I find I keep drifting back to preferring / feeling comfortable in THIS style of shirt (and maybe most impotantly: MANY of the little
"variations on it's theme" ... some have longer epaulettes... some shorter... some have flap pockets... some don't... some are a darker tan, or seem almost white... and some are dark grey)
It's just become My Style... Just a personal choice (and one that my immediate friends & family have said most flatters me - and the look they've grown used to, I guess)
Yeah, I've tried different (more current or trendy) looks... and I end up looking almost like an undercover cop... like I'm in diguise... lying to everyone for the sake of fitting in.
The look I prefer has been
IN (and fallen
OUT ) of "fashion" a number of times since I discovered what I thought worked on me...
So, to keep it simple, I'm just gonna
stick with works for me.
Oh... but as for why so many
multiple versions of the same shirt? (I
do realize that this was your point, my friend) ...
Dude, I just HATE doing laundry & ironing!
(Besides... more times than not, it just ends up in the "cleaned but not ironed basket" anyway... as mentioned earlier in this same, bloated post...)
Have a great weekend folks.