Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by FordPerfect »

It is with considerable anticipation and pride that I can start this thread - and I should also apologise in advance as really this should be another one of Mitch's colourful postings. The fact is that his was the first hat to be made by Jason - mine was second but arrived first so on that basis alone I will get the ball rolling here. I'm sure that before long Mitch will offer his insights also!!! :TOH:

As we know, Jason has been showing off his particular brand of obsession here to a captive audience. Fans of the Cairo fedora have been following his progress for some time and caving in to popular demand, he eventually offered a HJ all his own.

Now, personally speaking, as a member of this board for some time I have owned some great hats bought from some charming and professional vendors. These have all been great and have brought me considerable pleasure but most of you will know what I am talking about when we look in the mirror behatted and know some things just aren't right. For me it was always acheiving the swoop and concerns about the crown height. Read any post in this section and you'll see the endless list of concerns, its what makes the hobby fascinating.

What I was always in pursuit of was not neccersarily a great, practical fedora that could withstand the elements and/or the test of time - those are wonderful and have their place. No, what I coveted was the same hat I saw on screen. In other words, a prop replica.

It wasn't until screenused surfaced with that very same prop last year that the possibilities became endless. A few precious photos coupled with more furious debate than ever really gave us another insight into adapting the quirks presented into future hat offerings. Months later in a modest thread, a new member casually modelled what could arguably have been the same set used prop. It was there that, having historically enjoyed all the debate and owned (or at least seen) most of the wares in question here I pointed at the screen and said that's the one.

As this is early days for Jason as a vendor, I think I can speak for him when I say he is very sensitive to how his audience and potential customers percieve him. Although his English is much better than he believes it is I also feel he becomes frustrated trying to put his point across about how he garnered the experience and just how deeply he has researched this prop. With the images and commentary presented in this thread i think you'll he has earned both respect and hopefully a full order book.

To that end, when the package arrives it is completely unpretentious. A simple box with no frills, but inside...







...you'll also find that same prop.

With a refreshing waiting time of merely weeks (I don't know how long this will last) you recieve what is, to my eyes, the closest anybody will get to owning the Ford hat. A bold & sweeping statement given the company here, but I emphasise again - the prop as seen on screen. I can't talk about durability, nor quality of felt or resistance to taper and I almost don't care. Jason can fill in the technical blanks but all you need to know is that love (and painstaking detail) has been poured into this offering. Note the placement of the bleach spots, the dirt 'arches' over the ribbon stitching, the pronounced 'gap' in the ribbon over the right side of the crown. All this plus the unmistakable warmth of the 'sable' colour of Herbert Johnson felt.

inside, the lining is simple with the HJ logo embossed in gold and the sweatband is soft with minimal gold accents. Put it on and everything seems to make sense. It feels light as a feather and the fit is unparalelled. So, off to the mirror for the obligatory two hours rubbing, shaping and generally abusing the brim, right?

Wrong - and this is where the quality customer service kicks in.
Apart from a nice letter thanking you for your purchase, you will find an exclusive CD. On the disc is nothing less than a video user manual to get the best shapes out of your hat. I know, who needs telling how to put a hat on, right?

Wrong again! some of the tips demonstrated by Jason in the vid are invaluable and make all the difference between just wearing it and having it look like the prop even from specific scenes!! Raven bar? You got it. Truck chase? Covered. The difference, of course, being that when you dash to the mirror you can apply these techniques rather than floundering for ages and they work.

I've never been happier with a single piece of gear. It ticks all the boxes for me and marks the end of a very long and sometimes frustrating road. It has been made all the more special by the personal touch of Jason who even confessed in an email his stomach was in knots wondering what I might think, knowing what a tough crowd we are.

He need not have worried.
Last edited by FordPerfect on Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by TheExit148 »

Dude, the hat looks great! You can clearly see that Jason has put a lot of work into the hat. Personally, I don't want a pre-distressed hat. I am waiting for him to offer the clean version of the hat before I make a purchase. Either way, glad to here you had a great experience with Jason, and that the product is even better then you expected it to be. :tup:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by whiskyman »

But what does it look like on your head!!! I love the pics Jason has provided so far and am keen to see whether this hat looks as perfect on another as it does on him.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Digger4Glory »

whiskyman wrote:But what does it look like on your head!!! I love the pics Jason has provided so far and am keen to see whether this hat looks as perfect on another as it does on him.
Agreed, some shots on your head and one from the back would be great.. :TOH:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by DarenHenryW »

A very impressive review! And a BEAUTIFUL hat!

I should be receiving my hat within a month or so! I'm very much looking forward to the experience you've just described. It sounds great!

Congratulations and yes, let's see some photos of it on your head!

Daren Henry W :TOH:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Tremolo »

Looks great! Congratulations! Like the others I bet it will look awesome on your head!

The CD sounds very interesting and seems to be a very cool add-on to the hat.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Wow! The box it came in may be "no frills", but it sure looks heavy duty, if a little rusty!

Great looking hat. I'd also love to see it on, and a more front-on so we can see the size of those humps. Great stuff - Congrats to both customer and Vendor!
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Noah »

Awesome SOC hat!!! :clap: :D


I also want to see it on
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Satipo »

Looks great, but I'm in agreement with the others - let's see some headshots!
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by FordPerfect »

Gentlemen -

Thank you for your observations & praise! The review was a pleasure to write and more importantly I think Jason has earned some good press.

As for worn pictures - I know - as frustrating for me as it is for you!!
They are coming!
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

WOW! I'm so impressed with the way you've started this thread.
The pictures you've posted are beautiful but I can't say enough about your words (although I'll eventually try to... even if only to say a few things that agree with them).
You've done a MAN's job, sir.
My beautiful fedoraiders fedora is OFF (for just a moment or two) to you, sir.

I'm incredibly pressed for time today (last day at work for me before I'm off for a few days, so I'm racing to get things where I'll be happy "leaving" them) ... but I just wanted to chime in on a couple of things (I WILL, however, be adding some photos - and words - of my own in another couple of days on the subject of how completely satisfied I am with my fedoraiders Hat!)
Digger4Glory wrote:...some shots on your head and one from the back would be great...
I have one... how's this?
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... C05012.jpg

DarenHenryW wrote:I should be receiving my hat within a month or so! I'm very much looking forward to the experience you've just described. It sounds great!
Daren, I'm very happy to tell you that I'm pretty sure you WILL get the same experience!
I say this because as I read Ford's words I kept thinking "Jason has given Ford & I the SAME excellent customer experience!" (which has been wonderful from start to finish to say the very least!)
With the amount of care, attention to detail and desire to please his customer's, I'm pretty sure you're gonna come out on the other end of your purchase from Jason feeling VERY pleased... I know I sure am!

Tremolo wrote:The CD sounds very interesting and seems to be a very cool add-on to the hat.
The CD is definitely a cool little bonus... it's amazing to see how Jason can get a hat to bend (no pun intended) to his will... moreover, it's great fun to mimic his moves and realize that you're learning to do likewise.

Tundrarider wrote:...I am hestiating to order one is that I am concerned that this hat shape/style won't look as good on me as it does on Jason. :-k Perhaps if I can see this hat working well on other people's melons I will feel more confident about it for mine. :) My last hat was a HJ with a Raiders bash and it never looked right on me. :?
Michael, I'm hoping (BIG TIME hoping) that once I do post some of my own headshots you might feel differently (that is, assuming Ford doesn't beat me to it!) But I want you to know that I kinda' had the same experience with my HJ when I first got it: Like you, I'd asked for a Raiders bash but for whatever reason (likely, my nervous/novice hands) I could never get it quite like I wanted it to look... STILL a REALLY nice hat, mind you... but not quite what I was trying to get out of it.
Tundrarider wrote:I would really appreciate some pics of you wearing the hat, hopefully from different angles and hopefully not at arm's length. :P
Well, for MY part, I can assure you that I am now Officially RETIRING from "arm's length" shots!
My New Policy: If I don't have help from either my wife, my son or a tripod... I ain't available for bookings! ;)
Again, I hope to add some photos of my own - that match these criteria - SOON.

Tundrarider wrote:Finally, FP, what I want to say most is THANK YOU for your outstanding review of this prop replica...Your review was a pleasure to read from the first word to the last... it is easily one of the finest written threads I have ever read. I am so happy you were the one to open this long anticipated thread, as you have given Jason the credit (very eloquently and in no uncertain terms) which he most assuredly deserves and has earned.
with this.

Yojimbo Jones wrote:I'd also love to see it on, and a more front-on so we can see the size of those humps.
As I said, I'm hoping to add a few headshots here, too (MAN, Ford... they're REALLY breathin' down our NECKS for the HEAD Shots, aren't they?)... but I thanks to the magic of that crazy "Piknik" Photo Site I'm able to offer a few ON TABLE (sorry!) shots... but they DO show what kind of interesting things happen with different angles and different kinds of lighting (including some "hump" sightings that I'm hoping match what Yojimbo is looking for.)

All the Best, Ladies & Gents... hope you like this little sampling.
JASON, you are AMAZING!!!
(And Ford... THANKS again!)



Oh yeah... and there are also some glimpses of this same hat in my "JONESIN'" Thread over in the Scrapbook Section... but those are just some of those (never again) "at arm's length" photos.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Michaelson »

As this is early days for Jason as a vendor, I think I can speak for him when I say he is very sensitive to how his audience and potential customers percieve him....
Let's clear something up, Fedoraiders is not a recognized vendor here. =;

Ok, you can continue the discussion.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by maboot38 »

What a gorgeous hat!

However, I think it is crooked.

Imagine seeing the hat from above, holding the brim so that
the front of it points to 12 O'clock. However, the crown -- center crease,
side creases and that crisp ridge down the front -- all point to just before
11 O'clock. About 1 1/2" off to the left.


Seriously though, great look he's achieved!
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Hollowpond »

Awesome hats!!!!!
maboot38 wrote:What a gorgeous hat!

However, I think it is crooked.

Imagine seeing the hat from above, holding the brim so that
the front of it points to 12 O'clock. However, the crown -- center crease,
side creases and that crisp ridge down the front -- all point to just before
11 O'clock. About 1 1/2" off to the left.


Seriously though, great look he's achieved!
And before anybody chimes in and looks like a tool, MABOOT IS JUST JOKING!!!!!! Not everyone catches on to that twisted sense of humor like I do, boot... :lol:

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by maboot38 »

I'm glad you got it, Travis!!! I was afraid someone would think I was serious, but then I figured who HASN'T read the thread about the AB fedora customer who said that for real!
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by FordPerfect »

Michaelson wrote:
As this is early days for Jason as a vendor, I think I can speak for him when I say he is very sensitive to how his audience and potential customers percieve him....
Let's clear something up, Fedoraiders is not a recognized vendor here. =;

Ok, you can continue the discussion.

Regards! Michaelson

Forgive my oversight- I wasn't aware of this. None of my business but doesn't the fact the board was integral to facilitating the offering qualify somehow for that status? I don't represent Jason in any way but as this is usually a welcoming place I find the statement curious....
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by DarenHenryW »

FordPerfect wrote:
Michaelson wrote:
As this is early days for Jason as a vendor, I think I can speak for him when I say he is very sensitive to how his audience and potential customers percieve him....
Let's clear something up, Fedoraiders is not a recognized vendor here. =;

Ok, you can continue the discussion.

Regards! Michaelson

Forgive my oversight- I wasn't aware of this. None of my business but doesn't the fact the board was integral to facilitating the offering qualify somehow for that status? I don't represent Jason in any way but as this is usually a welcoming place I find the statement curious....

I'm not a vendor, so I don't know the rules, but I assume that there are certain rules, and apparently Jason has not followed, dare I say, even broken some. No matter. He is a vendor of a product, and he is a member of COW, though he is apparently not a bona fide "COW vendor". I hope this is remedied in the future, but if it isn't, I hope he is still able to utilize the threads to make people aware of his products.

BTW I would just like to point out that this is my 400th posting. It's a big one for me. Luckily, it being St. Patrick's day, I can drink a beer and everyone will think I'm celebrating that, but really, I'll be celebrating THIS. ;)

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Mike »

Well, first vendor status isn't just given out. We require potential vendors to ask for status. Most in the business see the value and usually do. Second we require some feedback from folks who have ordered and received goods from said prospects. If those are met, generally vendor status is granted.

We do require that vendors not bash other vendors on the boards, especially of like products. Some have been suspended in the past for this and fedoraiders just got off a suspension for doing so…even without status.

We set the requirements up to protect members of the boards who may be potential buyers so that they may know if someone posting wares for sale is a trusted seller with positive feedback.

So as you can see, the process is pretty easy and (mostly) accepting. Nothing too 'curious' about it, IMO.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Thanks, Mike.

Appreciate the clarification.

That all sounds legit to me. :TOH:

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Digger4Glory »

Thanks for the backshot Mitch! :TOH: I am really looking forward to getting my own! This is really great work by Jason! :clap: I look forward to more pics on this fine lid in the meantime.... hint hint! :roll:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Mitch . . . man, I don't even know what to say . . . but, WOW.

=P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~

Other than this: thank the maker that I'm getting mine soon.

Excellent job, Jason. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

When I get mine, you know I'm gonna do a whole round of photos! :P :P :P :P

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Digger4Glory wrote:Thanks for the backshot Mitch!
A pleasure, D4G...

...but grab a copy (if you'd like) to keep for yourself while you can...
I'm gonna add as several MORE shots tomorrow and in order to keep my numbers low I'll have to edit my post above with the Link to that shot.
(But I am glad it helped you... and I do hope you like the stuff you'll see tomorrow as well.)
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Digger4Glory »

Mitch LaRue wrote:
Digger4Glory wrote:Thanks for the backshot Mitch!
A pleasure, D4G...

...but grab a copy (if you'd like) to keep for yourself while you can...
I'm gonna add as several MORE shots tomorrow and in order to keep my numbers low I'll have to edit my post above with the Link to that shot.
(But I am glad it helped you... and I do hope you like the stuff you'll see tomorrow as well.)
Got it! Thanks Mitch! :H:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by crismans »

These are terrific examples of the SOC fedora. It just screams it to me. Although I'm not in the market for one right now, I wish fedoraraiders all success in his enterprise. With hats like these in the offering, I can't imagine that success won't become a reality.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Digger4Glory »

crismans wrote:These are terrific examples of the SOC fedora. It just screams it to me. Although I'm not in the market for one right now, I wish fedoraraiders all success in his enterprise. With hats like these in the offering, I can't imagine that success won't become a reality.
I agree, success is headed Jason's way! He has a very keen eye for what the SOC should look like. I can't wait to see more pics and what is in store for his plans for the peruvian temple version! =P~
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by fedoraiders »


Thank you very much Ford and I am very relieved to see that you like your hat.

Since more one month, I finished your hat and that of Mitch but I was too nervous to ship your hats. This caused me some personal problems at home but now I feel fine and i'm relax.

Thank you very much Mitch for your good words, I appriate this very much.

Thank you very much for encouraging me in this project and thanks everyone for your good words.

I will be discreet on the forum because I have another hats to make and I work on the another version of the Raiders hat, it will be Peruvian Temple and now, my drawing logo is finish but i'm not ready, maybe this summer or this fall. Also, I would like to have a little web site, maybe.

Thank you very much everyone and if you have any questions, contact me.

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Digger4Glory wrote:I can't wait to see more pics...
And I can't wait to post these "Hat on Head" shots I just had taken... UNfortunately, that doesn't appear destined to be just yet. :x

Let me explain:
- Yesterday I headed straight home from work so that I could get a few outdoor shots wearing the hat WHILE the sun was still (a little bit) up in the sky... (they weren't "High Noon in Cairo"-style lighting... but still alright.)
- Mission accomplished. :tup: My wife snapped a bunch of shots.
- Cut to: After supper I begin making a few collages in Piknik so that my many photos amount to what will be 4 more Photos and 5 more Links for this Thread.
- Again, mission accomplished (and in between all of this, I even manage to get my little Review/Feedback/write-up thing done to post here as well.)
- Now it's getting late, though... and what happens? I upload these collages to my Photobucket account (confirmed: they loaded just fine)... now I just need to Edit their size so that they're no larger than 640 in either direction and then I can post them here in this Thread and go to bed... no problem, right?
Well, apparently it's a very major problem that STILL hasn't been fixed even as I write this on Thursday morning:
When I click on one of these pictures to try to edit it's size, the message reads "Image no longer available from owner" and only gives me the option to click on "OK"
I've deleted the files and started fresh, re-loaded them, Signed Out, Signed In, emptied caches, removed cookies, turned off the computer, run Norton Security Checks... everything seems fine.
So, now I'm gonna write a detailed message to Photobuckets "Help" Team and I'll see where that gets me... but I think there'll be a delay.

My only other option is to ask this question:
Is there someone here who'd be willing to PM me their e-mail address so I can send these photos to you? It'd mean asking you not only to be the person to post these, but you'd also have a little bit of work:
As I said, there are 9 photos in all (4 to be posted as photos, 5 as Links) they ALL need to be Re-Sized before posting them here so that they're no larger than 640 pixels on any one side.

MODs, is this acceptable? Am I able to have a little bit of assistance on this one?
If it's given the "go ahead" I can assure you I won't be posting any additional photos (or Links) in This Thread (Heck, I'm thinking of retiring from posting photos anyway!) but I realize we need to run this by you folks first.

So, big "if" I know...but... IF the MODs say it's okay (and PLEASE, let's wait until we hear from them)... would there be anyone who'd volunteer?
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

That should be fine, Mitch. Combining your images into correctly-sized collages like you did with the two above works well for consolidating images while still keeping things within the proper picture posting count, and as you said "4 to be posted as photos, 5 as links." If someone else hosts your images, we'd still consider it part of your regular posting, but there's no issue with asking someone for help. Others have done that before. I'd also consider looking into Flickr. I host all my images there and have never had any problems. Thanks for asking. :TOH:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review!

Post by FordPerfect »

Mike wrote:Well, first vendor status isn't just given out. We require potential vendors to ask for status. Most in the business see the value and usually do. Second we require some feedback from folks who have ordered and received goods from said prospects. If those are met, generally vendor status is granted.
Thanks Mike - Understood.

Moving on and as requested and promised - check out the first post for the pics!!!
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Excellent bink, thank you!
(Now all I need is a volunteer who had no plans to otherwise post in this Thread)

I didn't think that hat of yours could look MORE "right" than it already did... but it looks even better on your noggin, my friend! You must've had a HARD time lookin' serious (and not smiling) in those photos!
Whether you meant to or not, I think you did a pretty great job copying some Cairo-ish poses, too. In my rush, I didn't think to try that for my shots... just some left/right/back/three-quarter stuff...
And that hat looks SO great! Since you've had your hat for about a week more than me I'm really happy to see that it looks better and better the longer it's in it's owner's hands (and ON it's owners HEAD!)
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Just got word from jnicktem... he's kindly agreed to post a few more collages and Links on my behalf.
(Thank you, Nick! I'm much obliged.)
The photos show as many different angles as I could manage and a few different kinds of lighting (though, usually a little darker than what you see in FordP's photos at the start of this Thread... but that just makes for good variety.)

So, now that this is being looked after... I'd like to add my voice to FordPerfect's in laying a little bit of very deserved praise and congratulations onto the shoulders of fedoraiders for what I think is an exceptional Raiders "Streets of Cairo" fedora!

First, however... I should probably repeat how impressed I was with the job FordPerfect did in perfectly summing up his (and my) feelings from dealing with Jason (fedoraiders)... I say this, because FP really took the words right out of my mouth again & again with his very well-worded Review (far, far better than I ever could have, by the way - I'm FAR too much of a rambler - AND notorious for overusing bold type, italics and underlining!) In this Thread's introductory post FP said "this should be another one of Mitch's colourful postings" but really, the only way the 'message' of our posts would've been any different is that I would've had a little more of THIS on it! ;) Other than that, our Reviews sing the SAME praises for this hat and the newest "Mad Hatter" in town who brought them to life.

As has been mentioned, fedoraiders first started showing pictures to people here at C.O.W. about a year ago and received some very good feedback right from the start... It seemed like this very gifted (and obsessively attentive) Indy fan could almost magically get his fedoras to mimic the SoC Raiders Hat from practically every angle. He made it clear early on to those who asked him publicly (about whether he'd be selling any hats) that he was just a guy working on his own hats and not in the business of selling his fedoras... at least, not YET.

I wrote him back in April of last year: "(I) began writing a letter to you to ask you about the price of ordering one of your hats when I read where you posted 'I cannot sell now the hat because I don't have good felt' I'll be honest, it broke my heart to read that. If you EVER decide to make and sell any of your wonderful hats ... Please contact me. I would love to own one of your great "SoC" Custom Hats... It looks beautiful."
Jason responded with a polite letter thanking me for my kind words, but repeating that he wasn't set up to take on a venture like this at THAT time.
Later, once I realized his hat size was the SAME as mine, I sent along another e-mail: "I know you aren't presently set up to take money from people and make a hat in their size... but since you and I have the same Hat Size, I HAVE to ask you: Would you ever consider selling me one of your old hats?"

I was just shameless.

Jason was very polite and although he declined this arrangement, it was clear he appreciated where my hunger for this hat was stemming from:
Same as FordPerfect, I was a BIG Fan of the Cairo fedora AND (despite already owning some great hats bought from some of the same charming and professional vendors that FP makes reference to) I STILL coveted the same hat I was seeing ON screen IN Raiders...
To MY eyes, Jason seemed to be the man who could deliver this prize.
In exchanging e-mails back and forth with Jason (and in witnessing some of his conversational adventures - and misadventures) in some of the Forums here, I can whole-heartedly agree with Ford when he says that Jason is very sensitive to how he is perceived AND that he becomes frustrated when... well, Ford said it better than I could.
As Ford also mentioned, Jason's English IS better than maybe he himself thinks... but the tricky, subtle nuances that sometimes present themselves when there is a language barrier involved has (to my mind at least) made for challenging exchanges of ideas at times.

On to the hat that I received:

Like FP, I was the recipient of a simple (but sturdy), unpretentious box... within was a CD (with the same Video Hat Owner's Guide that Ford mentioned above), a brief letter from Jason giving a little bit of information and a heartfelt thanks for the business and, of course, a Hat that I can only say - with all sincerity - that I hope YOU, the reader, have the pleasure of owning one day.
Again, I am in FordPerfect's good company here, because (like him) I could see love & care, the craftsmanship & artistry and the painstaking detail to which this hat is a testament.
This hat pulls off (or rather, JASON pulls off) some amazing little tricks, too:
When I first laid eyes on it, the hat looked SO Screen Accurate that as I reached for it I thought it might feel flimsy, tired and weather-beaten to the touch... NOT SO: this thing feels strong, sturdy, durable and tough!
Another neat trick taking place with the fedoraiders fedora is this:
The has looks SO "right" in it's details that when I first saw it and held it, for a moment I thought "Well, that's IT... I own it. Nobody's EVER getting a SoC fedora that looks THIS right. Jason's given me something really special here and there'll never be ANOTHER one like it!"
Then I saw Ford's hat and realized I was - of course - seeing it's TWIN.
The bleach spots, dirt 'arches' over the ribbon stitching, pronounced 'gap' in the ribbon and warmth of the 'sable' color of the HJ felt that Ford mentioned? ALL present and accounted for on MY hat, too!
After seeing FordPerfect's Hat I've come to realize that making this hat look like "one in a million" is EXACTLY what fedoraiders is accomplishing here!

Do you like the way our hats look?
Well, if you do... that's really nice news for you because you can have the VERY SAME HAT for yourself! Jason HAS given us both something "very special"... but YOU can have it, too!
Cuz THAT'S the hat he's selling.

More points worth mentioning - or, since FP's already said them... points worth repeating:
- The gorgeous, simple liner with the ebossed gold Herbert Johnson logo... so understated and low-key yet elegant.
- The weight of it and the pefect fit... BOTH just right.
- The AMAZING surface of this felt... EVERY time I pick up this hat to pop it onto my head I have to take a moment and just enjoy the soft, silky texture of this felt... just fantastic.
- The COLOR of this hat... just perfect. Beautiful. You HAVE to see this in person. I'm still not sure I've seen any of our photos capture it quite correctly... it's really something.

I'm as thrilled as Ford is with this piece of Gear... just blown away by it, really. And like my fellow fedoraiders Hat owner, I'm closing the book, so-to-speak, on my search for this particular piece of Gear.

My Quest for the Perfect Streets of Cairo fedora has come to a very happy END.

Mitch's SoC Raiders Fedora: FOUND.

Sincerest THANKS, Jason!
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thre

Post by jnicktem »

Here are Mitch's pictures!

All gone! :Dietrich:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks again, amigo.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by jnicktem »

De nada! ;)
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Wow. That's all I can say. Seeing these pics, the Raiders hat has a new master.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Ford, Mitch . . .

Again, I'm drooling . . . but I don't have to for long, since Jason sent me an email today saying that my hat is ready!

Super impressed guys, and super happy for you, and I'm about to be super happy for myself!

Well done, Jason! Well done.

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks very much, guys... glad you like what you're seeing.

Daren, I greatly look forward to you adding your photos to this Thread once you have your hat.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Chris_King »

I was lucky enough to see FP's SOC Fedora on the day that it arrived. There's really nothing else I can say that hasn't already been said. Just look at the photos if you want to know what this hat is like. In all the years I have collected Indy gear, I can honestly say that I've NEVER seen a Fedora that captures the Raiders SOC as perfectly as this amazing hat. Jason - you are a master of this particular style! I'm looking forward to receiving my hat!

(Great new pics BTW FP).

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by DarenHenryW »


Received this yesterday from Jason. The picture, that is; not the hat. It should be arriving in a few =P~ =P~ =P~

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Garrett »

The link doesn't work on that one, DHW :-k
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Thanks, Garrett

I will fix it when I get home!

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Restless Dreamer »

I might have said this once already, but then you'll hear it again :lol: fedoraiders: you make THE MOST SA SOC HAT :tup:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by DarenHenryW »

On a totally side note, Mitch: What shirt are you wearing?

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Fixed the link above!

Probably a photo that every customer receives with the confirmation email!

I can't wait!

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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Digger4Glory »

WOW! FordPerfect, thanks for adding the head shots! That hat is off the hook! This looks like a film used hat! I can't wait to get mine! Jason says he will work on it soon! \:D/
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

DarenHenryW wrote:On a totally side note, Mitch: What shirt are you wearing?
That's my new WPG, Daren (got it just a day or two before the Hat!)
I did get a few specific pictures taken that show off the shirt (intending to post them in that Thread over in General Gear) ...but I've been so distracted by posting my Hat shots here in this Thread - AND dealing with this little Photobucket complication - that I simply haven't been able to get it done.
Hopefully soon, though.
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

By the way, Daren... I can't tell you how STOKED I am to see some shots of you in a hat like this!

You're having a pretty good couple of weeks, my friend:
Your fedoraiders on the way, just got your AB and now a HatMASTER like Steve Delk telling you "Sit tight... you're NEXT AB goes on the block tomorrow"... !

All this AND a couple of NOWAK Jackets?

It must be good to be YOU, Daren!
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by ANJALI »

Thanks Mitch and Fordperfect for the pictures
The best hat I have ever seen here
Congratulations Jason, you've found the secret !
stand firm !
Jason the "Perfectionist"

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Anjali :TOH:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Satipo »

Wow! After seeing all these excellent pics, I think we finally have the most perfect SA Raiders fedora available to us. Or, in the words of Indy - That's it! :clap:
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Re: Fedoraiders SOC Herbert Johnson - Showcase & Review thread!

Post by Indy35 »

That is a great SOC hat, and a wonderful costume hat, but i personally couldn't wear that everyday. But the attention to detail is awesome, and I have have to agree with the masses here, that very few hats can look as SA SOC as this one. The brims reaction to the turn is darn near perfection, and to me is the best part of this hat. :TOH:
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